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单词 faint
释义 faint verbadverb | verb + faint | preposition adverb➤almost, nearly几乎/差点儿昏厥verb + faint➤be about to, be going to就要/将要昏厥◆he was so pale she thought he was going to faint.他脸色惨白,她以为他马上就要昏倒了。preposition➤at因⋯而昏厥◆he would faint at the sight of blood.一见到血,他就会昏过去。➤from由于⋯昏倒◆she fainted from lack of air.她因为缺氧昏倒了。➤with由于⋯昏倒◆she almost fainted with shock.她震惊得几乎昏了过去。faint adjective¹ 1not strong or clear微弱;不清楚verbs | adverb verbs➤be, sound不清楚;听起来不清楚◆his voice sounded faint and far away.他的声音听上去模糊而遥远。➤become, grow变得不清楚;变得微弱◆the whispers grew fainter and fainter, then stopped altogether.耳语声越来越模糊,最后完全停了下来。adverb➤extremely, very极不/很不清楚◆i can't make out the number-it's very faint.我看不清楚这个数字 - 太模糊了。➤rather相当模糊faint adjective² 2near to losing consciousness几乎昏厥verbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, feel, look即将昏厥;感到快要昏厥;看上去即将昏厥adverb➤extremely, very非常晕;特别晕▸➤almost几乎失去知觉▸➤a bit, a little, quite有点儿/有些/相当晕◆i was beginning to feel a little faint.我开始觉得有点儿晕了。preposition➤with由于⋯而晕倒◆i was faint with hunger.我饿晕了。 faint [intransitive] to become unconscious when not enough blood is going to your brain, usually because of the heat, a shock, etc.(通常因高温、震惊等导致)昏厥◆she thought she would faint from sheer happiness.她想她会因极度的高兴晕过去。◆ (informal, especially spoken) i almost fainted (= i was very surprised) when she told me.她告诉我时我吃惊得差点昏过去。▸ faint noun [singular] ◆he fell to the ground in a dead faint.他跌倒在地,昏死过去。 faint(of light or an object) not easily seen(光线)微弱的,暗淡的;(物体)朦胧的,不清楚的◆there was a faint glimmer of light from her window.她的窗口闪烁着微弱的灯光。◆we saw the faint outline of the mountain through the mist.我们透过薄雾看见了朦胧的山峦轮廓。opp bright → bright ▸ faintly adverb◆a streetlight glowed faintly through the frosted glass.一盏路灯透过结了霜的玻璃发出微弱的光亮。 faint [not before noun] feeling weak and tired and likely to lose consciousness虚弱无力;昏眩;快要昏厥◆she suddenly felt faint.她突然感觉虚弱无力。◆the walkers were faint from hunger.那些步行者饿得头昏眼花。 faint(of sounds) that you cannot hear clearly, especially because they come from things or people in the distance(声音)微弱的,不清楚的(尤指因为距离远)◆we could hear their voices growing fainter as they walked down the road.他们沿路走远时,我们听见他们的说话声逐渐模糊。▸ faintly adverb◆'does it matter?' she said faintly.“要紧吗?”她微声问道。faintnoun [singular] ◆he fell to the ground in a dead faint.他跌倒在地,昏死过去。faintnoun [singular] ◆he fell to the ground in a dead faint.他跌倒在地,昏死过去。faint¹/feɪnt ||; fent/adj1. (used about things that you can see, hear, feel, etc) not strong or clear (指景物、声音、感觉等)模糊的,微弱的: ◇a faint light/sound 朦胧的光;微弱的声音◇there is still a faint hope that they will find more people alive. 人们仍然抱一线希望,可能找到更多生还者。 2. (used about people) almost losing consciousness; very weak (指人)失去知觉,眩晕,软弱无力: ◇i feel faint -- i'd better sit down. 我有点头晕,我最好坐下。 3. (used about actions, etc) done without much effort (指行动等)不卖力的,不带劲的: ◇he made a faint protest. 他提出有气无力的抗议。 ➔faintly adv not have the faintest/foggiest (idea) to not know at all 完全不知道;毫无概念: ◇i haven't the faintest idea where they've gone. 我根本不知道他们去了哪儿。 faint²/feɪnt ||; fent/verb [i] to lose consciousness 失去知觉;昏倒 faintsee ⇨ clear/not clear 8 ⇨ quiet 3 ⇨ unconscious 2     • • •• ⇨ feel faint faintn [c] ☞ faint¹☞ faint²




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