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单词 conformity
释义 conformity nounadjective | ... of conformity | verb + conformity | preposition adjective➤absolute, complete完全一致➤mindless, unthinking盲目的/不加考虑的遵从◆they act in unthinking conformity to customs.他们总是一味地按风俗习惯行事。➤rigid, strict刻板的/严格的一致◆they do not observe rigid conformity to the doctrines of the church.他们不是刻板地遵守教会的教义。➤outward表面一致◆a society of outward religious conformity表面上宗教信仰一致的社会➤cultural, ideological, political, religious, social文化一律;意识形态一律;政治一律;宗教从众;社会一律... of conformity➤degree一致的程度verb + conformity➤achieve, bring sth into, ensure达成共识;使得⋯一致;确保一致◆to bring national laws into conformity with international conventions使国家法律与国际惯例一致➤demand, enforce, impose要求/强制/强迫一致◆governments often invoke patriotism to enforce conformity.政府往往利用爱国主义来实现步调一致。preposition➤in conformity with和⋯一致◆the procedure is in strict conformity with standard international practices.这一程序同标准的国际惯例完全一致。➤conformity between⋯之间的一致◆to achieve conformity between all the plans实现所有计划协调一致➤conformity to依照⋯◆conformity to the accepted standards依照公认的标准➤conformity with与⋯的一致◆we work to ensure conformity with the customer's wishes.我们努力确保满足顾客的愿望。 conformityn [u]




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