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单词 sensible
释义 sensible adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤appear, be, seem, sound看似合理;合乎情理;好像有道理;听起来明智◆this approach seems very sensible to me.在我看来,这个方法似乎很明智。➤become变得合乎情理adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/颇为/非常明智◆ben's usually very sensible.本做事通常很理智。➤eminently (especially bre) 极其理智▸➤entirely, perfectly (both especially bre) 完全/十分合理◆in the state i was in, this seemed a perfectly sensible remark.根据我当时的情况,这么说似乎完全合乎情理。➤hardly很难说明智◆are you going out to search for it at this time of night? it seems hardly sensible.你打算夜里这个时候出去找吗?这好像不那么明智。➤enough足够明智◆that advice sounds sensible enough.那个建议听起来相当合理。sensible (especially spoken) based on good judgement and reason rather than feelings; practical and likely to be a good thing to do or a good way of doing sth明智的;合理的;切合实际的◆that wasn't a very sensible thing to do!那么做可不太明智!◆the sensible thing would be to take a taxi home.还是坐出租车回家比较好。◆i think it's a very sensible idea.我看这个主意很妥当。◆choose a sensible diet and stick to it.选择合理的饮食,并且坚持下去。opp stupid → crazy ▸ sensibly adverb◆try to drive carefully, courteously and sensibly.开车尽量要小心、礼让、稳妥。sensibleable to make good decisions based on reason and experience rather than emotion明智的;理智的;合理的◆i wish you'd be sensible for once!我希望你能理智点,哪怕就一次!◆she was a pleasant, sensible woman.她是个和蔼可亲、通情达理的女人。opp stupid → crazy  ➡ see also mature → adult ▸ sensibly adverb◆sensibly they decided not to oppose the case.他们很明智,决定不针对此辩词提出反对意见。note 辨析 wise or sensible? wise is often used to describe older people who are respected for the knowledge that they have gained through experience, and which they use to do good. sensible can describe people of any age who make the right decisions in everyday, practical matters. being sensible is a good quality but it is sometimes seen as rather boring. * wise 常形容因见多识广、明察善断而受人尊敬的年纪较大的人,sensible 可形容日常实际事务中作出明智决定的任何年龄的人,sensible 是一种良好品质,但有时显得平淡无味。sensible/ˈsensəbl ||; ˈsɛnsəbḷ/adj (used about people and their behaviour) able to make good judgements based on reason and experience; practical (指人及其行为)理智的,合理的,明智的: ◇a sensible person/decision/precaution 理智的人;明智的决定;合理的预防措施◇stop joking and give me a sensible answer. 别再开玩笑,给我一个合理的答复。◇i think it would be sensible to leave early, in case there's a lot of traffic. 我认为还是早点离开比较好,以防交通拥挤。 [opp] silly or foolish 反义词为silly或foolish➔sensibly /-əbli ||; -əblɪ/ adv ◇let's sit down and discuss the matter sensibly. 让我们坐下来理智地讨论这个问题。 compare sensible and sensitive. sensible is connected with common sense, reasonable action and good judgement. sensitive is connected with feelings and emotions and with the five senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. 比较sensible及sensitive。sensible与常识、合理的行动和良好的判断有关。sensitive与感觉、情绪及视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉、味觉五种官能有关。sensible1 people2 decisions/plans/ideas/actions3 to start behaving sensibly after not being sensible4 to try to persuade someone to behave sensibly5 the ability to make sensible decisionsrelated wordsoppositestupid/silly,crazy,see alsological,calm,1. people 人 sensible /ˈsensɪbəl, ˈsensəbəl/ [adjective] someone who is sensible is unlikely to do anything stupid, because they judge situations well and make good decisions 明智的,明白事理的 laura's a pretty sensible girl. i don't think she'd talk to strangers. 劳拉是个十分懂事的女孩,我想她不会跟陌生人说话。 he's one of the few sensible people on the council. 他是政务会里少数明白事理的人之一。be sensible spoken be sensible - you can't go out without a coat in this weather. 明智一点,这种天气不穿外套是不能出去的。sensible about people are far more sensible about what and how much they drink these days. 现在的人对喝什么、喝多少都讲究多了。 reasonable /ˈriːzənəbəl/ [adjective] someone who is reasonable makes sensible decisions that are fair to everyone 讲道理的,合情理的 she's usually very reasonable as a boss, but now and again her temper flares up. 她作为老板通常都很讲道理,不过偶尔也会发发脾气。 let's try and discuss this in a calm and reasonable way. 我们试着心平气和地来讨论这个问题吧。be reasonable spoken be reasonable, paul - i'm only trying to help. 讲点道理,保罗,我只是想帮忙而已。 responsible /rɪˈspɒnsɪbəl, rɪˈspɒnsəbəlǁrɪˈspɑːn-/ [adjective] someone who is responsible can be trusted to do what they should do and to think about the results of their actions 有责任心的 we aim to educate our children to become socially responsible citizens. 我们的目的是要把孩子培养成有社会责任心的公民。 i'm a responsible adult. i can make my own choices. 我是一个负责的成年人,我自己的事情可以自己做选择。 responsibly [adverb] people should have their driving licences taken away if they can't drive responsibly. 人们如果开车不能认真负责,就应该没收他们的驾驶执照。 mature /məˈtʃʊəʳ/ [adjective] a child or young person who is mature behaves in a sensible way, as you would expect an older person to behave [孩子或年轻人]成熟的;明白事理的 she's very mature for her age. 她在她这个年龄来说是很成熟的。 after two years of college, the students have a much more mature attitude. 读了两年大学以后,学生的处世态度成熟多了。 maturity [uncountable noun] ask yourself if you have the maturity and stability to raise a baby. 自问一下,你心理是否成熟,生活是否稳定得可以养育孩子了。 rational /ˈræʃənəl/ [adjective] if someone is rational, their actions are based on a clear understanding of the facts of a situation, and are not influenced by their feelings or imagination 理智的,理性的 taking action to defend yourself is a completely rational reaction if you're being attacked. 在遭受袭击的情况下采取行动自卫完全是理性的反应。 many of the patients have long histories of drug abuse, and they're not always rational. 许多病人有长期吸毒的前科,他们并不能始终保持行为理智。 rationally [adverb] do people behave completely rationally when they vote in elections? 人们在选举投票的时候,行为是完全理性的吗? practical/realistic/pragmatic /ˈpræktɪkəl, ˌrɪəˈlɪstɪk◂, prægˈmætɪk/ [adjective] having the ability to understand situations and to know what is or is not possible 务实的,讲究实际的 she's a practical manager who realizes that a happy workforce is also a productive one. 她是个讲究实际的经理,她知道员工开心,工作效率就会高。 the people of this country need to be more realistic - you can't have lower taxes as well as higher spending on health and pensions. 这个国家的人需要务实一些—又要少交税,又要在卫生保健和养老金方面多支出,这是不可能的。 she is a tough, pragmatic, intuitive leader. 她是一个强硬务实、有直觉力的领导。 no-nonsense /nəʊ ˈnɒnsənsǁ-ˈnɑːnsens/ [] direct and dealing with things in a practical way, without wasting time on things that do not matter 实事求是的,直截了当的 mathews is a no-nonsense veteran of the police department. 马修斯是警局里实事求是的老将。 jason, with his no-nonsense approach, has been an asset to the project. 贾森办事干脆利落,对这个项目来说是个人才。 down-to-earth /ˌdaʊn tʊ ˈɜːʳθ◂/ [adjective] someone who is down-to-earth is practical and honest, and does not think they are more important, more intelligent etc than other people 实在的,务实的,踏实的 she's sophisticated, but also practical and down-to-earth. 她为人精明,但同时也很实际,脚踏实地。 people are surprised by what an unpretentious, down-to-earth guy he really is. 他实际上是一个谦逊务实的人,这令人们都很惊讶。 talk sense /ˌtɔːk ˈsens/ [verb phrase] especially spoken if someone talks sense, they express sensible ideas or opinions that you agree with 【尤口】说得有道理 someone who could talk sense would get my vote, but most politicians don't. 讲话有道理的人可以得到我的选票,可是大多数政客都讲不出有道理的话来。 have your head screwed on british /have your head screwed on right american /hæv jɔːʳ ˈhed skruːd ɒn, hæv jɔːʳ ˈhed skruːd ɒn ˌraɪt/ [verb phrase not in progressive] use this about someone who will always behave sensibly in a difficult or confusing situation [指在棘手或混乱的情况下]有头脑 don't worry about sheila. she's got her head screwed on. 别担心希拉,她是个有头脑的人。 anyone who can raise three such normal kids in hollywood must have their head screwed on right. 谁能在好莱坞培养出三个这么正常的孩子来,一定是个聪明人。 sane /seɪn/ [adjective] able to think clearly and likely to behave in a sensible way, especially when other people are not being sensible 清醒理智的[尤指其他人不是如此时] i don't think any sane person would take his threats seriously. 我觉得任何一个头脑清醒的人都不会拿他的威胁当真。 it was a relief to hear one sane voice among all the shouting and hysteria. 在这歇斯底里的叫嚣声中能听到一个清醒的声音,这是令人欣慰的。keep somebody sane exercise keeps me sane. if i didn't exercise, the stress would get to me. 体育锻炼让我保持清醒,如果不锻炼我就会感到有压力。2. decisions/plans/ideas/actions 决定/计划/想法/行为 sensible /ˈsensɪbəl, ˈsensəbəl/ [adjective] a sensible decision, idea, plan etc is likely to have good results because it is based on good, practical reasons 明智的,合理的 he gave me some very sensible advice. 他给我提了几个非常明智的建议。 if anyone has any sensible suggestions as to how to deal with this, please let me know. 这件事情如何处理,谁如有任何高见,请告诉我。it is sensible to do something it would have been more sensible to save the money than to spend it all on clothes. 把钱存起来总要比全部花在衣服上明智。the sensible thing to do used to give advice 最好是,应该 the sensible thing to do would be to rest until you feel better. 最好还是休息到身体情况好转。 sensibly [adverb] she had sensibly decided to leave the car at home. 她明智地决定把车留在家里。 make sense /ˌmeɪk ˈsens/ [verb phrase] especially spoken if something makes sense, it seems a very sensible thing to do 【尤口】是明智的,合乎情理 there are parts of the plan that simply don't make sense. 计划中的有些内容根本不合情理。it makes sense (for somebody) to do something it made sense for sam to live nearer the college. 萨姆住到离学校近的地方是有道理的。 it may not make sense to rebuild the houses damaged by the floods. 重建水灾中遭到破坏的房子也许并不明智。 be a good idea /biː ə ˌgʊd aɪˈdɪə/ [verb phrase] especially spoken to seem to be the right and sensible thing to do 【尤口】是个好主意 yes, i think a short meeting this afternoon would be a good idea. 好,我觉得今天下午开个简短的会议是个不错的主意。 ‘should i phone him?’ ‘i don't think that's a good idea.’ “我应该打电话给他吗?”“我觉得这样不好。”it's a good idea to do something it's a good idea to tell a friend if you are going on a date with someone you don't know well. 你如果要和一个不是很熟悉的人出去约会,最好告诉一位朋友。 reasonable /ˈriːzənəbəl/ [adjective] a reasonable idea, request, action etc seems sensible and fair, and you can understand the reasons for it [想法、要求、行动等]合情理的 i thought her request for more information was reasonable, but it was refused. 我觉得她要求提供更多信息是合情合理的,但却遭到了拒绝。 i'll go along with any reasonable plan. 任何合理的计划我都会同意。it is reasonable to assume/believe/suppose it's reasonable to assume that most prices will go up again. 认为大多数商品价格会再上涨是有道理的。 rational /ˈræʃənəl/ [adjective] based on facts and intelligent thinking, and not influenced by feelings or the imagination 合理的;理智的,理性的 education helps us to make rational decisions. 教育帮助我们作出明智的决定。 people's behaviour isn't always purely rational. 人的行为并不总是完全理智的。 rationally [adverb] we must consider the problem rationally. 我们必须理智地考虑这个问题。 practical/realistic /ˈpræktɪkəl, ˌrɪəˈlɪstɪk◂/ [adjective] based on a good understanding of what is or is not possible 实际可行的 the city authorities are trying to work out a practical solution to the problem of homelessness. 市政府正在设法制定一个切实可行的办法,以解决无家可归者的问题。 starting my own business isn't a very realistic idea at the moment. 目前自己开公司还不是一个很实际的想法。 if you want to sell your home, be realistic about the price. 如果你想把房子卖出去,那么价格方面你要实际一点。 pragmatic /prægˈmætɪk/ [adjective] based on facts and what is likely to really succeed, but not always considering other things such as people's feelings, or attempting anything more exciting or risky 实际可行的,务实的 pragmatic considerations led the government to abandon pure marxist policies. 现实的考虑使政府放弃了纯粹的福利主义原则。 we need a pragmatic approach to sex education in schools. 我们在学校的性教育上需要一个有实效的方法。 logical /ˈlɒdʒɪkəlǁˈlɑː-/ [adjective] a logical action or decision seems to be clearly the right thing to do, because it is based on thinking intelligently about all the facts of a situation, and not based on feelings or emotions [行动或决定符合逻辑的,合理的 as i wanted to travel to other countries, studying languages was the logical choice. 我想出国旅游,所以学习多种语言是理所当然的选择。 this is the logical place to build a new airport. 在这个地方兴建新机场是合理的。 it seemed logical to start by visiting the scene of the crime. 先查访犯罪现场看来是合情合理的。 wise /waɪz/ [adjective] a wise decision or action is based on good judgement and on your experience of life [决定或行动]明智的 ‘i've decided to apply for that job.’ ‘i think that's a very wise decision.’ “我决定要去申请那个职位。”“我觉得这是个很明智的决定。” a wise investment 明智的投资it is wise (for somebody) to do something he thought it might be wise not to tell her what had happened. 他想,这发生的一切,还是不要告诉她的好。 do you think it's wise for him to travel alone? 你认为他独自出游明智吗? within reason /wɪðɪn ˈriːzən/ [adverb] according to what is generally accepted as being sensible and reasonable and no more 在合理的范围内 children should, within reason, be able to experiment with many different activities. 应该让儿童在合理的范围内尝试各种不同的活动。 within reason, the city does what it can to prevent traffic accidents. 这城市在合理的范围内尽其所能预防交通事故。3. to start behaving sensibly after not being sensible 行为在不理智后开始理智起来 come to your senses /ˌkʌm tə jɔːʳ ˈsensə̇z/ [verb phrase] he'd be crazy to leave liza - it's about time he came to his senses. 他一定是疯了才离开莉莎的—他该清醒清醒了。 her parents finally came to their senses and realized they couldn't force her to marry someone she didn't like. 她父母终于明白过来,知道不能强迫她嫁给一个她不喜欢的人。 see reason /siː ˈriːzən/ [verb phrase] to start behaving sensibly after listening to advice or arguments from other people [接受劝告后]明白事理 i wish he'd see reason and stop putting so much pressure on me. 我希望他能明白事理一点,不要再给我加这么大的压力了。 get real /get ˈrɪəl/ [verb phrase] spoken use this to tell someone that they are not being sensible or practical, for example if they think that a difficult problem will be easy to deal with 【口】现实些 get real. it's pretty hard for a young woman on her first job to take a case of sexual harassment to court. 现实一点,对于一个才在做她的第一份工作的年轻女孩来说,把遭受性骚扰之事告到法院是很艰难的。 ‘we could always ask dad for more money.’ ‘get real! we'd be grounded for a month!’ “我们再问爸爸要点钱总是可以的嘛。”“现实一点!他会罚我们一个月不准出去的。”4. to try to persuade someone to behave sensibly 试图劝某人理智起来 talk some sense into /ˌtɔːk səm ˈsens ɪntuː/ [verb phrase] it took some time to calm him down and talk some sense into him. 经过一段时间的劝说他才冷静下来,也听进了一些话。 will you try and talk some sense into him - he says he's going to drop out of school. 你能不能去劝劝他一他说要退学。 get somebody to see reason /ˌget somebody tə ˌsiː ˈriːzən/ [verb phrase] to manage, with some difficulty, to persuade someone to behave sensibly by talking to them about the situation 说服某人明白事理,使某人接受劝告 i just can't get her to see reason. 我根本劝不动她。 eventually we managed to get the border guards to see reason. 最后我们终于说服了边防哨兵。 bring somebody to their senses /ˌbrɪŋ somebody tə ðeəʳ ˈsensə̇z/ [verb phrase] if something that has happened, especially an unpleasant surprise, brings someone to their senses, it makes them stop behaving in a stupid way and start behaving sensibly [尤指令人吃惊的不快之事]使某人醒悟过来 seeing so many friends dying of drug-related illnesses was what brought me to my senses. 看到这么多朋友死于和吸毒有关的疾病,终于使我醒悟了。 it took a lawsuit to bring them to their senses. 经过一场官司他们才醒悟过来。5. the ability to make sensible decisions 作出明智决定的能力 common sense /ˌkɒmən ˈsens◂ǁˌkɑː-/ [uncountable noun] the ability to make intelligent, practical decision based on your experience or on what is generally accepted as being true - use this about something that is clearly true, so it is sensible to believe it 常识,常理 obviously people are going to respond better to praise than to criticism - that's just common sense. 人们对赞扬的回应显然比对批评的回应更加积极,这本是人之常情。common sense tells you ... common sense tells you to keep candles away from small children and pets. 有常识的都知道,蜡烛要远离幼儿和宠物。have common sense she's highly intelligent and intellectual, but she's got no practical common sense. 她非常聪明,也很有学识,但是缺少实用的常识。use your common sense it's not difficult to work out the answer - you just have to use your common sense. 找出答案并不难,只需用用你的常识。 common-sense [adjective only before noun] she has written a common-sense guide to diet and exercise. 她写了一本常识性的节食健身手册。 sense/good sense /sens, ˌgʊd ˈsens/ [uncountable noun] the ability to behave in an intelligent and sensible way, and to avoid doing anything stupid 理智 i sometimes wish you'd show more sense. 我有时候希望你能更理智些。 no-one in the group seemed to have charlie's good sense. 组里的人好像都缺少查利的理智。have the (good) sense to do something luckily, sheena had the good sense to call the police before baxter left the building. 所幸的是,希娜在巴克斯特离开大楼之前明智地报了警。 i'm sure she has too much sense to give him her address. 我相信她这么有头脑,是不会把自己的地址给他的。 sen·si·ble /`sɛnsəbḷ; ˈsensɪbəl/adj 1. showing good judgement 明智的,有判断力的,合理的:◇a sensible decision 明智的决定 2. suitable for a particular purpose, especially a practical one 适当的,实用的:◇sensible clothes 适当的衣着 ☞ sensible




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