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单词 afternoon
释义 afternoon nounadjective | verb + afternoon | afternoon + verb | afternoon + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤this, tomorrow, yesterday今天/明天/昨天下午▸➤friday, saturday, etc.星期五、星期六等下午▸➤early, late下午早些时候/晚些时候▸➤april, may, etc. * 4 月、5 月等的下午▸➤spring, summer, etc.春天、夏天等的午后▸➤long漫长的下午◆the long sunny afternoons一个个漫长的阳光灿烂的下午➤golden, hot, sunny, warm灿烂的午后时光;炎热的下午;阳光明媚的下午;温暖的下午➤grey/gray, rainy, wet阴暗的下午;飘着雨的下午verb + afternoon➤spend度过下午时光◆we spent the afternoon sitting by the pool.我们在游泳池边坐了一下午。afternoon + verb➤progress, wear on下午慢慢过去;午后的时光缓慢流逝◆as the afternoon wore on he began to look unhappy.随着午后的时光一点点地流逝,他开始显得忧郁。afternoon + noun➤snack, tea下午吃的点心;下午茶◆afternoon tea is served on the terrace.下午茶在阳台上喝。➤heat, light, sun, sunlight, sunshine午后的热气;下午的光线;午后的阳光◆the afternoon sun shone full on her.她沐浴在午后的阳光中。➤nap午觉preposition➤by afternoon, during the afternoon, in the afternoon, on monday, etc. afternoon到下午时;在午后这段时间内;在周一等下午phrases➤an/the afternoon off一个下午不工作◆you deserve an afternoon off.你应该休息一个下午。 afternoon [uncountable, countable] the part of the day from 12 midday until about 6 o'clock下午;午后◆in the afternoon they went shopping.下午他们购物去了。◆come over on sunday afternoon.星期天下午过来吧。◆she studies art two afternoons a week.她每周花两个下午学习艺术。◆we spent a long lazy afternoon by the river.我们在河边懒洋洋地待了一下午。opp morning afternoon/ˌɑ:ftəˈnu:n; us ˌæf- ||; ˌæftɚˈnun/noun [c,u] the part of a day between midday and about six o'clock 下午: ◇i'll see you tomorrow afternoon. 我明天下午见你。◇what are you doing this afternoon? 你今天下午干什么?◇i studied all afternoon. 我整个下午都在学习。◇i usually go for a walk in the afternoon. 下午我通常去散一会儿步。◇he goes swimming every afternoon. 他每天下午都去游泳。◇she arrived at four o'clock in the afternoon. 她下午四点钟到达。◇tom works two afternoons a week. 汤姆每星期工作两个下午。◇are you busy on friday afternoon ? 你星期五下午忙吗? when we are talking about a particular afternoon we say on monday, tuesday, wednesday, etc afternoon, but when we are talking generally about doing sth at the time of day we say in the afternoon. 某个特定的下午可以说on monday afternoon、on tuesday afternoon、on wednesday afternoon等,一般的下午时间可以说in the afternoon。 good afternoon used when you see sb for the first time in the afternoon (午后打招呼用语)下午好 ☞often we just say afternoon ‘good afternoon, mrs davies.’ ‘afternoon, jack.’ look at the note at morning. 往往只说 afternoon:“good afternoon, mrs davies.”“下午好,戴维斯太太。”“afternoon, jack.”“下午好,杰克。”参看 morning 的注释。afternoon• ⇨ good morning/afternoon/evening• ⇨ morning/afternoon/evening• ⇨ one day/morning/afternoon af·ter·noon /ˏæftə`nun; ˌɑːftəˈnuːn◄/n [c,u]the period of time between 12 o'clock and the evening 下午,午后:◇we should get there at about three in the afternoon. 我们应该在下午三点到达那里。◇there are no afternoon classes today. 今天下午没课。◇this afternoon (=today in the afternoon) 今天下午: can you go swimming this afternoon? 今天下午你能去游泳吗? ☞ afternoon




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