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单词 foil
释义 foil noun¹ 1metal in a thin sheet金属薄片adjective | ... of foil | verb + foil adjective➤aluminium, aluminum, gold, silver, tin铝箔;金箔;银箔;锡箔▸➤kitchen (bre) 厨用箔... of foil➤piece, sheet一片箔;一张箔▸➤roll一卷箔verb + foil➤cover sth with, wrap sth in用箔覆盖⋯;用箔包裹⋯◆i wrapped the sandwiches in foil.我用箔纸把三明治包起来。foil noun² 2sth that shows off the qualities of sth else衬托物adjective | verb + foil | preposition adjective➤good, ideal, perfect不错的/理想的/完美的陪衬verb + foil➤be, provide成为衬托物preposition➤as a foil作为衬托物◆she has used mosses as a foil for the bright red flowers in the bed.她用苔藓来衬托花坛中红艳艳的花。➤foil for, foil to⋯的陪衬◆the couple provided the perfect foil for one another.这对夫妇非常般配。foil [transitive] (especially journalism尤用于新闻) to prevent sth that sb is planning to do, especially sth illegal挫败,阻止,制止(尤指非法活动)◆customs officials foiled an attempt to smuggle priceless paintings out of the country.海关官员制止了一次把珍贵画作走私出国的阴谋。foil¹/fɔɪl ||; fɔɪl/noun1. [u] (also tinfoil) metal that has been made into very thin sheets, used for putting around food 箔: ◇aluminium foil 铝箔 2. [c] a long, thin, pointed weapon used in a type of fighting sport (fencing) 花剑,钝头剑(用于击剑运动的) foil²/fɔɪl ||; fɔɪl/verb [t] to prevent sb from succeeding, especially with a plan; to prevent a plan from succeeding 阻挠,阻碍(尤指计划): ◇the prisoners were foiled in their attempt to escape. 那些囚犯设法越狱,但未能得逞。 foilsee ⇨ stop 26☞ foil¹☞ foil²




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