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单词 deepseated
释义 deep-seated adjectivedeep-seated ♦︎ deep-rooted ♦︎ entrenched ♦︎ rigid ♦︎ set ♦︎ ingrained ♦︎ inflexible ♦︎ fixedthese words all describe an idea or behaviour that is difficult to change.这些词均形容观点根深蒂固的、行为不易改变的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆deep-seated / deep-rooted / entrenched / ingrained prejudices◆deep-seated / entrenched / rigid / ingrained / fixed beliefs◆deep-seated / entrenched / ingrained / inflexible attitudes◆entrenched / rigid / ingrained / fixed habits◆deep-seated / deep-rooted / entrenched problems◆a deep-seated / deep-rooted fear / hatred (of sb / sth)◆entrenched / rigid / set / fixed views / ideas◆deeply / firmly entrenched / set / ingrained■ deep-seated [usually before noun](of feelings, beliefs and problems) very fixed and strong; difficult to change, destroy or solve(感情、信念和问题)根深蒂固的,强烈的,坚定的◆jealousy usually stems from a deep-seated fear of being rejected.忌妒源自一种根深蒂固的害怕受到排斥的心理。◆she had a deep-seated desire to be different from everybody else.她强烈希望自己能够与众不同。■ deep-rooted [usually before noun] deep-seated(感情、信念和问题)根深蒂固的,强烈的,坚定的◆discrimination is a deep-rooted problem in our society.歧视在我们这个社会是个根深蒂固的问题。◆the country's political divisions are deep-rooted.这个国家的政治分歧根深蒂固。note 辨析 deep-seated or deep-rooted?these words are very close in meaning and range. deep-seated is often used to describe negative feelings or beliefs that may be difficult to examine because they are held so deeply.这两个词的含义和使用范围非常接近。deep-seated 常形容因植根于内心深处而不易察觉的负面情绪或信念◆they have a deep-seated hatred of the modern world.他们对当今世界怀有强烈的仇恨。 deep-rooted is slightly more positive and is often used for describing principles or practices that have become established in some way over time. * deep-rooted 含义稍微正面一些,常形容长期以来形成的既定原则或做法◆the custom of sending a greeting in a card had become a deep-rooted tradition.寄贺卡的习俗已成为一种根深蒂固的传统。■ entrenched /ɪntrentʃt/ (of attitudes or habits) established very firmly so that they are very difficult to change(态度或习惯)顽固的,固有的◆the challenge of combating and changing deeply entrenched attitudes is enormous.迎战和改变顽固的态度,这可是巨大的挑战。■ rigid /rɪdʒɪd/ (disapproving) (of attitudes or habits) that sb is not willing to change, especially when this is unreasonable(态度或习惯)固执的,僵化的,一成不变的◆her rigid ideas and stern manner had frightened the children.她那固执的想法和严厉的态度把孩子们吓坏了。■ set (of attitudes or habits) not likely to change(态度或习惯)顽固的,固定的◆he had very set ideas of what he wanted.他对于想要的东西非常固执。◆as people get older, they get set in their ways.随着年龄的增长,人会变得积习成性。■ ingrained /ɪngreɪnd/ (of attitudes or habits) that sb has had for a long time and that are therefore difficult to change(态度或习惯)根深蒂固的,日久难改的◆i have reached that age where i have started to question some of my ingrained prejudices.我已经到了开始会反省自己根深蒂固的成见的年龄。◆the belief that we should do our duty is deeply ingrained in most of us.尽职尽责的观念深深积淀于我们大多数人心中。note 辨析 entrenched or ingrained? entrenched is used more to talk about the attitudes of a society or whole class of people; ingrained is used more to talk about the attitudes or habits of an individual person. * entrenched 多形容一个社会或整个阶层的态度,ingrained 多形容个人的心态或习惯。■ inflexible /ɪnfleksəbl/ (disapproving) (of attitudes or systems) that cannot be changed or made more suitable for a particular situation(态度或体制)顽固的,死板的,僵化的◆the government has shown an increasingly inflexible attitude to dealing with the problem.政府对这个问题的处理态度越来越死硬。◆the rules are too inflexible to allow for human error.这些规定过于死板,不允许出现人为的失误。 opp flexible → flexible 1 ■ fixed (of ideas and wishes) held very firmly; not easily changed(想法或愿望)执着的,不易改变的◆my parents had fixed ideas about what i should become.父母对我应该成为怎样的人已有定见。




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