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单词 deep²
释义 deep²adv 1. far into something 深深地:◇leopards live deep in the jungle. 豹生活在密林深处。 2. deep down a) if you feel or know something deep down, you are sure about it 内心,心底:◇deep down, i knew she was right. 我确信她是对的。 b) if someone is kind, cruel etc deep down, that is what they are really like, even though they seem not to be 本质上[即使表面上并非如此] 3. run/go deep if a feeling runs deep or goes deep, people feel it very strongly 深切的:◇resentment against the police in this area runs deep. 在这一地区,大家对警察恨之入骨。 4. two/three etc deep rows or layers of two, three etc people or things 两排/三排等人; 两层/三层等东西




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