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单词 deep/not deep
释义 deep/not deep1 water/hole/snow/sand2 a long distance below the surface3 how deep something is4 not deeprelated wordsa deep colour 深暗的颜色 colour,a deep sound or voice 低沉的声音或嗓音 low,see alsothick,1. water/hole/snow/sand 水/洞/雪/沙 deep /diːp/ [adjective] use this about water, holes, snow etc where the bottom is a long distance from the top [水、洞、雪等]深的;厚的 be careful. the water's quite deep here. 小心,这里水很深。 the hole was deeper than they thought. 这个洞比他们想的要深。 larry had a deep cut on his left leg. 拉里的左腿上有一条很深的刀伤。get deeper the pond gets much deeper in the middle. 水塘的中间要深得多。 bottomless /ˈbɒtəmləsǁˈbɑː-/ [adjective] extremely deep and seeming to have no bottom 深不见底的 to the child the hole seemed like a bottomless pit. 在这孩子看来,这个洞就像个深不见底的坑。 in the dream, i was falling and falling in a bottomless abyss. 在梦中我掉啊掉啊,一直落入无底的深渊。 the depths /ðə ˈdepθs/ [plural noun] the depths of the sea, a lake, the earth etc are the very deepest parts of the sea, a large lake, or the earth [海洋、湖泊、地球等的]最深处 who knows what creatures live in the depths of the ocean? 谁知道海洋深处生活着什么样的生物? as i hiked around the volcano, clouds of steam rose up from the depths of the earth. 我在火山周围远足时,大团大团的蒸汽从地底深处冒出来。2. a long distance below the surface 表面以下很深处 deep /diːp/ [adverb] as we dug deeper, we uncovered a large wooden chest. 我们掘至更深处时发现了一个大木箱。deep in/down/below etc something turtles lay their eggs deep in the sand and leave them there until they hatch. 海龟把蛋深深地产在沙里,并把它们留在那里直到孵化。 earthquakes are caused by movements deep below the earth's surface. 地震是由地表深处的运动引起的。deep underground crews are working deep underground to build the tunnel. 数队工作人员在地下深处建造隧道。 deeply /ˈdiːpli/ [adverb] deeply buried/submerged/embedded etc a long way down from the surface 深深地埋藏/淹没/嵌入等 they found rock with gold in it deeply buried beneath the earth's surface. 他们发现有含金的岩石深埋在地底下。 it is said that there is an ancient city deeply submerged in this part of the ocean. 据说有一座古城深深地淹没在这片海洋里。 the road followed the deeply cut river valley. 这条路沿着深开的河谷一直下去。3. how deep something is 某物有多深 how deep /haʊ ˈdiːp/ how deep was the snow? 雪有多深? i wasn't sure how deep the water was and i didn't want to swim out too far. 我不清楚这水有多深,我也不想游出去太远。 40 metres/100 feet etc deep /ˌfɔːʳti miːtəʳz ˈdiːp/ [adjective phrase] use this to say exactly how deep something is 40米深/100英尺深等 the pool is only five feet deep. 这水池才5英尺深。 the snow is over two metres deep. 这积雪有两米多厚。ankle-deep/knee-deep etc deep enough to reach your ankles, knees, etc 齐脚踝深/齐膝深等 after the floods, the streets had become ankle-deep streams. 洪水之后,街道都成了齐脚踝深的小溪了。 depth /depθ/ [countable/uncountable noun] the distance from the surface to the bottom of a hole, river, sea etc [洞、河流、海洋等从表面到底部的]深,深度 depth of the depth of the pond varies with the rainfall. 这水塘的深浅随降雨量多少而有变化。 the plants need sand with a depth of at least 10 to 15 cm to grow. 这些植物需要至少10至15厘米深的沙土才能生长。4. not deep 不深的 shallow /ˈʃæləʊ/ [adjective] not very deep - use this especially about the water in a river, lake, swimming pool etc 浅的[尤指河流、湖泊、游泳池的水深] the babies splashed around at the shallow end of the pool. 小宝宝们在水池浅的那一端戏水。 the river is too shallow for our boat. 这河太浅,我们的船通不过。 not very deep /nɒt veri ˈdiːp/ [adjective] if a river, lake, hole, etc is not very deep, the distance from the surface to the bottom is not very large 不深的 come on in - the water isn't very deep. 下来吧,水不深。 the wound isn't very deep so it shouldn't take long to heal. 伤口不是很深,所以应该很快就会愈合。




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