单词 | look after |
释义 | look after1 to look after someone2 to look after a child until he or she has grown up3 to look after a child who is not your own for a long time4 someone who is paid to look after children5 to look after someone by helping them6 to not look after someone properly7 to look after somethingrelated wordssee alsochild,baby,defend,protect,safe,1. to look after someone 照顾某人 look after/take care of especially british /ˌlʊk ˈɑːftəʳǁ-ˈæf-, ˌteɪk ˈkeər əv/ [transitive phrasal verb/verb phrase] to spend time with a child or with someone who is old or sick, and make sure they are safe and have the things they need 照顾,看护[小孩、老人或病人] can you look after the kids for me this afternoon? 下午你帮我照看一下孩子好吗? i've told you, i can't come. there's no one to look after frieda. 我告诉过你了,我不能来,没有人照顾弗里达。 jonathon has no idea what it means to take care of a baby all day long. 乔纳森根本不知道,整天看护一个婴儿意味着什么。 we specialize in helping caregivers who take care of relatives in their own homes. 我们专门帮助在家照顾亲人的人。 care for somebody /ˈkeəʳ fəʳ somebody/ [transitive verb] to look after someone who is very ill or very old by doing everything for them 照顾,照料[患重病或年纪很大的人] elsie had to leave her job to care for her sick father. 埃尔茜只得辞去工作照顾生病的父亲。 st helen's hospice, which cares for the terminally ill, is holding a special fund-raising week. 专门照顾晚期病人的圣海伦安养院正在举办一个特别募捐周。 it is one of the only charities to care for aids patients and ex-prisoners. 这是为艾滋病人和刑满释放者提供服务的少数几家慈善机构之一。 mind /maɪnd/ [transitive verb] british to look after children for a short time while their parents are out doing something else 【英】[短时间地]照顾,照看[父母不在家的小孩] the woman who minds pip and emma collects them from school and gives them an evening meal. 那个照看皮普和埃玛的女人把他们从学校接回家,然后给他们做晚饭。 mothers who work part-time are able to mind other people's children when they are not working. 兼职工作的母亲能够在不上班的时候照看别人的孩子。 babysit also sit american /ˈbeɪbisɪt, sɪt/ [intransitive verb] to look after children in the evening while their parents go out somewhere, especially when they pay you a small amount of money for doing this [在晚上]代人临时照看小孩,当临时保姆[尤指有少量酬金的] i'll ask jane to babysit on wednesday night. 我想请简星期三晚上来照看孩子。 ask alex and joan next time you're babysitting. 下次代他们看孩子时问问亚历克斯和琼。babysit for he used to babysit for mary when she worked nights. 过去玛丽上夜班时,他就替她看孩子。 jenny sat for us last friday evening when we went to the movies. 上星期五晚上我们去看电影时,珍妮替我们照看孩子。 keep an eye on /ˌkiːp ən ˈaɪ ɒn/ [verb phrase] to stay with a child and watch them to see that they are safe, especially for a short time [尤指短时间地]照看 benjy, i want you to stay in the yard where i can keep an eye on you. 本杰,我要你留在院子里,这样我能看着你。 would you mind keeping an eye on stacey while i go for a cigarette? 我去抽根烟,请你帮我照看一下斯泰西,好吗?keep a close/careful/watchful eye on somebody he warned parents to continue to keep a close eye on their children. 他告诫家长要继续看好孩子。 nurse /nɜːʳs/ [transitive verb] to look after someone who is ill and to make them well again or to make them comfortable 护理,照料[病人] tony nursed his wife through her long illness without ever complaining. 托尼在其妻子久病期间一直照料着她,从无怨言。 irina had wanted to nurse him, but the doctors had sent her away. 艾琳娜想照料他,但是医生叫她走。nurse somebody back to health look after a sick person until they are well again 照料某人直至其康复 the monks tended his wounds and nursed him back to health. 那些僧侣给他处理伤口,照料他恢复健康。 carer british /caregiver american /ˈkeərəʳ, ˈkeəʳˌgɪvəʳ/ [countable noun] someone who looks after another person who is too young or ill to look after himself or herself - used especially on official forms, in official letters, in newspapers etc 护理人员;照顾者[尤用于正式的表格、公函、报纸等] hospital staff can provide additional home support for carers. 医院员工可为照顾者提供家庭护理方面的额外帮助。 we have a high number of volunteer carers at the day centre. 我们这个日间托儿所有许多志愿保育员。 like many caregivers, marian gave up her job to provide 24-hour care for an elderly relative. 和许多家庭护理员一样,玛丽安放弃工作,为家里的一位老人提供24小时的看护。2. to look after a child until he or she has grown up 养育孩子成人 bring up/raise /ˌbrɪŋ ˈʌp, reɪz/ [] to look after children until they have grown up and to teach them to develop particular beliefs and ways of behaving 养育,抚养 bring somebody up/raise somebody she had brought him up as if he were her own son. 她把他当成自己的亲生儿子抚养成人。bring up somebody/raise somebody i don't need you to tell me how to bring up my son. 我不需要你来教我怎样教育儿子。 for five years we were neighbors, and we raised our kids together. 我们做了五年的邻居,一起把孩子抚养长大。be brought up (by somebody)/be raised (by somebody) his father died when he was seven, and he was brought up by his mother. 他7岁时父亲去世,由母亲抚养长大。 i was born and raised in alabama. 我生于亚拉巴马,长于亚拉巴马。brought up to do something taught to believe, think, or act in a particular way 接受教育要做某事 i was brought up to trust people. 我从小被教育要信任别人。 my parents brought me up to be truthful. 父母从小教育我要诚实。brought up a catholic/christian etc brought up to believe in the catholic/christian religion 教养成天主教徒/基督教徒等 i was raised a catholic, but i don't go to church anymore. 我从小就被培养成一名天主教徒,但是现在我已不再去做礼拜了。raise a family/children etc grandpa raised a family of ten on seven dollars a week. 爷爷那时每周赚7美元抚养一家十口人。 we should raise our daughters to be as confident as our menfolk. 我们应该把自己的女儿培养成像我们男人一样自信。 well-brought-up /ˌwel brɔːt ˈʌp◂/ [adjective] i was a very well-brought up young lady. 我那时是一位很有教养的年轻女士。 upbringing /ˈʌpbrɪŋɪŋ/ [singular noun] your accent depends on where you live, your upbringing, that kind of thing. 你的口音受到你生活的地方、你的家庭教育等方面的因素影响。have a strict/conventional/literary etc upbringing i had a strict religious upbringing. 我自小受到严格的宗教教育。 child-rearing /ˈtʃaɪld rɪərɪŋ/ [uncountable noun] the care of children while they are growing and developing - used especially in medical or educational contexts 养育子女,抚养子女[尤用于医学或教育方面的文章] men, in general, are as good at child-rearing as women. 一般来说,男人养育孩子不比女人差。 have you discussed child-rearing methods with your future husband? 你与未来的丈夫讨论过养育子女的方法吗? custody /ˈkʌstədi/ [uncountable noun] the legal right to have your child living with you after your marriage has officially ended [夫妇离婚后对子女的]监护权 have/get/gain custody (of somebody) the father has custody in only 10% of cases. 这些案例中,只有10%的父亲获得了对孩子的监护权。 fearing her uncle would gain custody of the child, she went into hiding. 她担心叔叔会取得那孩子的监护权,于是躲了起来。 if you leave me, i'll get custody of the kids, because everyone knows you're sick. 如果你离开,我会得到孩子的监护权,因为大家都知道你有病。award/grant somebody custody (of somebody) waltman's wife had been granted temporary custody of their child after her husband's arrest. 沃尔特曼的妻子在丈夫被捕后,获得了对孩子的临时监护权。lose custody (of somebody) i loved my three girls, and losing custody was the most traumatic thing that has ever happened to me. 我爱我的三个女儿,失去监护权是我所经历的最痛苦的一件事。joint custody where both parents have equal rights to see and look after their child 共同监护权 tony insists he will seek joint custody of joshua. 托尼坚持要争取对乔舒亚的共同监护权。 residency /ˈrezɪdənsi, ˈrezədənsi/ [uncountable noun] the legal right and responsibility to look after a child in your own home after you are divorced [离婚后对子女的]监护权 the courts awarded residency to trisha's father. 法院把监护权判给了特里沙的父亲。 the parent who has residency often loses touch with the other partner's parents, meaning that the children lose one set of grandparents. 获得监护权的一方多数会和另一方的父母失去联系,这就意味着孩子失去了其中的两个祖父母。3. to look after a child who is not your own for a long time 长期照顾非亲生的孩子 adopt /əˈdɒptǁəˈdɑːpt/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to legally and permanently take someone else's child into your family and treat them as one of your own children 收养,领养 chinese babies are the favorite choice of americans adopting children from abroad. 中国的婴儿是美国人领养海外儿童的首选。 she had hoped to get pregnant, but when she failed, she and her husband decided to adopt. 她希望自己能怀个孩子,但是希望落空以后,她和丈夫便决定去领养。 he discovered that his guardian, aunt mimi, had not legally adopted him. 他发现自己的监护人美美姨妈并没有依法领养他。 teenagers who discover they were adopted often search for their biological parents when they are old enough. 有的十几岁的青少年在发现自己是领养的孩子之后,往往会在长大以后去寻找自己的亲生父母。 adopted [adjective] their two adopted daughters were the only asians in the town. 他们的两个养女是镇上仅有的亚洲人。 foster /ˈfɒstəʳǁˈfɔː-, ˈfɑː-/ [transitive verb] to take another person's child into your own family and look after them for a period of several weeks, months, or years, but without becoming their legal parent 收养[一段时期] fostering a teenager is obviously different from fostering a small child. 收养十几岁的孩子显然不同于收养一个幼童。 during my mother's long illness i was fostered by a middle-aged couple on the other side of town. 在母亲长期患病期间,我被寄养在小镇另一边的一对中年夫妇家里。 foster [adjective only before noun] foster care half a million american children are in foster care at any given time. 在任何一个时候都有50万的美国儿童被寄养在别人家里。foster home steve went to live in a series of foster homes. 史蒂夫住过好几个寄养家庭。foster-parents a husband and wife who foster children 养父母 it is sometimes difficult to find suitable foster-parents for a lively ten-year-old. 有时候很难替一个好动的10岁孩子找到合适的养父母。foster mother/father he ran away after his foster-mother accused him of stealing. 养母说他偷东西,他就离家出走了。foster-child children who are fostered 收养的孩子 she added to her regular income by taking in foster-children. 她接受寄养的儿童,在固定收入之外增加一些收入。 she finally adopted her foster-child, six-year old shania. 她最后领养了人家寄养的孩子一六岁的沙妮娅。foster-brother/foster-sister a child who has been fostered by people who also have other children 义兄弟/义姐妹 two new york subway cops who are also foster brothers 同时又是义兄弟的两名纽约地铁警察 guardian /ˈgɑːʳdiən/ [countable noun] a person who has been legally appointed to look after a child whose parents are away or dead, or to look after someone who is too ill to be responsible for themselves [孩子或病人的]监护人 the court must obtain the consent of the child's parent or guardian. 法院必须征得孩子父母中的一方或监护人的同意。 children under 17 will only be admitted in the company of a parent or adult guardian. 17岁以下的儿童须由一名家长或成年监护人陪同才可入内。 could you contact mrs smith's guardians and tell them she's been admitted to hospital? 你能否联系上史密斯太太的监护人,告诉他们她已被送进医院?legal guardian when sara was 7, aunt maggie became her legal guardian. 萨拉7岁的时候,玛吉姨妈成了她的法定监护人。 in care /ɪn ˈkeəʳ/ [adverb] british a child who is in care does not live with his or her parents but is looked after in a special home paid for by the local council, for example because their own parents are dead or could not look after them properly 【英】被收养院收养[因父母过世或不能很好地照顾他们] many youngsters who've been brought up in care are often incapable of looking after themselves. 许多在收养所长大的青少年往往都没有自理能力。 the number of children in care in oxfordshire is falling. 牛津郡受监护儿童的数量正在下降。4. someone who is paid to look after children 受雇照看孩子的人 babysitter also sitter american /ˈbeɪbisɪtəʳ, ˈsɪtəʳ/ [countable noun] someone who is paid to look after children when their parents go out for the evening [受雇在晚上]代人照看孩子的人,临时保姆 i'll come with you if i can get a babysitter for friday. 星期五我要是找到人看孩子的话,就和你一起去。 i guess we should have some snacks around for the sitter. 我想我们应该给临时保姆预备些零食。 childminder british /babysitter or sitter american /ˈtʃaɪldmaɪndəʳ, ˈbeɪbisɪtəʳ, ˈsɪtəʳ/ [countable noun] someone who is paid to look after children while their parents are at work [孩子父母工作时]照看孩子的人 sheila's setting up in business as a registered childminder on a special list of childminders that have been approved by the authorities. 希拉以注册保育员的身份做起了生意。 i asked my childminder to do what i do when laura is naughty. 我要求给我看小孩的人在劳拉淘气的时候也像我那样去做。 nanny /ˈnæni/ [countable noun] a woman who is paid to look after someone else's children, and who sometimes lives in the house with the family [照顾小孩的]保姆 he turned and flung himself into his nanny's arms. 他转身投入保姆的怀抱。 i can't afford a nanny. 我请不起保姆照看孩子。 au pair /əʊ ˈpeəʳ/ [countable noun] someone, usually a young person from a foreign country, who lives with a family and helps with work around the house and with looking after the children. au pairs often do this kind of work in order to learn about another country and its language 换工[指住在一户人家家里帮助做家务看小孩的年轻的外国人,他们往往是为了了解当地的文化,学习那里的语言] working as an au pair, i spend most of my time with young children, so i dress casually. 我是做换工的,大部分时间和小孩子在一起,所以穿得很随便。 don't worry, the au pair will clean it up. 别担心,换工会来打扫的。 childcare/child care also day care american /ˈtʃaɪldkeəʳ, ˈdeɪ keəʳ/ [uncountable noun] an arrangement in which young children are looked after during the day while their parents are at work 儿童保育,儿童托管 even women in well-paid jobs, who can afford childcare, are faced with managing the home and a career. 即使是拿高薪、付得起托管费的妇女,也要面临家庭和事业两头兼顾的困难。 after-school childcare is an area of particular importance to many working mothers. 儿童课外托管对于许多上班的妈妈来说尤为重要。 how much does it cost an employer to provide daycare facilities? 一个雇主为员工提供日托设施需要花多少钱?childcare/daycare center she works in a daycare center. 她在一家日托中心工作。in daycare jordan's been in daycare since he was six months old. 乔丹自六个月大就放在日托中心了。5. to look after someone by helping them 照顾并帮助某人 look after especially british also take care of /ˌlʊk ˈɑːftəʳǁ-ˈæf-, ˌteɪk ˈkeər əv/ [transitive phrasal verb] to make sure someone has everything they need and is safe and happy 照顾,照料 we had a lovely time in dorset. susan looked after us very nicely. she's a wonderful cook. 我们在多塞特度过了一段美好的时光。苏珊把我们照顾得很好,她的菜做得好极了。 paul's old enough to look after himself. 保罗已经长大,能照顾自己了。 don't worry about me. i can take care of myself. 别担心我,我能照顾自己。be well looked after always given everything you need 被好好照顾 alex could see the horse had been well looked after. 亚历克斯看得出,这匹马被照顾得很好。 don't look so worried -- she's being well looked after by the nurses. 别这么担心——护士把她照顾得很好。take good care of somebody be very careful in order to keep somebody healthy, happy, or safe 好好照顾某人 take good care of yourself while you're away. 你外出的时候要好好照顾自己。 they took very good care of me. 他们把我照顾得很好。 the firm is getting a reputation for taking better care of its customers than in the past. 该公司名声渐长,比以前更能满足客户的需求了。 attend to /əˈtend tuː/ [transitive phrasal verb] to give someone the care and help that you regularly give them, especially as part of your job 照料,看护[尤指作为工作的一部分] dr gresham is busy at the moment attending to one of his patients. 格雷沙姆医生现在正忙着照顾一位病人。 the cabin crew will attend to the passengers’ needs. 客舱服务员会照料乘客的需要。 they worked happily together, feeding and attending to the livestock. 他们喂养和照料牲口,一起工作得很开心。 take somebody under your wing /ˌteɪk somebody ʌndəʳ jɔːʳ ˈwɪŋ/ [verb phrase] to start to look after a younger or less experienced person in a friendly way with the intention of helping them or protecting them while they gain experience 把某人放在自己的卵翼之下,庇护[年轻或经验不足的人] adrienne, eleven years older, had taken the 19-year-old singer under her wing. 年长11岁的阿德里安娜承担起了照顾这名19岁歌手的责任。 he had sized me up, he said, and had decided to take me under his wing. 他说他估量过我了,决定照顾我。6. to not look after someone properly 没有好好地照顾某人 neglect /nɪˈglekt/ [transitive verb] to not look after someone properly, especially a child, although it is your responsibility to look after them 忽略;忽视;疏忽[尤指未尽责任照料好儿童] he was neglected by his parents when he was very young. 他很小的时候被父母忽视。 staff at the hostel were accused of neglecting and abusing children in their care. 收容所里的工作人员被指责忽视并虐待他们看管的孩子。 some teachers devote too much time to helping their slower students and neglect the brighter ones. 有些教师在迟钝的学生身上花了太多时间,忽视了聪明的学生。 neglect [] increases in homelessness, child abuse and neglect 无家可归的现象、虐待和忽视儿童的现象的增加 he alleges that the orphanages have allowed children to die from medical neglect. 他指控孤儿院不让儿童就医,任由他们生病死亡。7. to look after something 照看某物 look after /ˌlʊk ˈɑːftəʳǁ-ˈæf-/ [transitive phrasal verb] to keep something in good condition and make sure that it does not get broken, damaged, or stolen 照管,保养 you can have a new bike for christmas if you promise to look after it. 如果你答应用心爱护的话,圣诞节可以送你一辆新的自行车。 you could see someone had been looking after the garden, even though the house had been empty for years. 虽然这房子已经空置多年,但是看得出有人在照料这个花园。 the miniature railway is looked after by local volunteers. 这微型铁路由当地的义工负责看管。look after something for somebody you don't mind looking after the place for me while i'm away, do you? 我不在的时候,你帮我照看一下这地方,好吗? keep an eye on /ˌkiːp ən ˈaɪ ɒn/ [verb phrase] especially spoken to look after something that belongs to someone else for a short time, by watching it to make sure that it does not get stolen or damaged 【尤口】[短时间地]照看,看管 tom went into the library while i kept an eye on the bikes. 汤姆进图书馆了,我则看管自行车。 does a neighbor keep an eye on your house while you are away? 你不在的时候有邻居帮你看房子吗? can you keep an eye on my bags while i go to the toilet? 我去一下洗手间,你帮我看一下手提包好吗? maintain /meɪnˈteɪn, mən-/ [transitive verb] to make sure that a car, machine, place, or building is in good condition by checking it and repairing it when necessary 保养;维修,维护[汽车、机器、地方或建筑物] residents work in the downstairs shop, and also help to maintain the building. 居民在楼下的商店上班,同时还负责大楼的维护。 his role is to maintain the society's fleet of vans, ready to respond in any emergency. 他的工作是保养协会的车队,随时应付紧急情况。 an attempt was being made to maintain the grounds, but weeds were starting to grow in the driveway. 庭园正在做养护工作,但是车道上也开始长杂草了。 maintenance /ˈmeɪntənəns/ [uncountable noun] the job of maintaining a car, building, place, or machine [汽车、建筑物、地方或机器的]保养;养护;维修,维护 a car is quite a big expense, especially when you consider maintenance. 汽车是一笔很大的开销,尤其是考虑到保养的时候。 because there had been no maintenance, the college buildings were in a poor state. 学校里的建筑因为年久失修,已很破败了。 the maintenance of public roads 公共道路的养护routine maintenance simple maintenance that must be done regularly 例行保养 most gas appliances require routine maintenance once a year to ensure safety. 多数煤气用具需要一年一次的定期保养,以确保安全。maintenance costs the amount of money it costs to maintain something 维修费 the city is paying $30,000 in annual maintenance costs. 该市每年要支付30,000美元的维修费。 care /keəʳ/ [uncountable noun] the work or process of looking after something in order to keep it in good condition 保护,养护 care of she has become a leading expert on the care and maintenance of renaissance paintings. 在护理和保养文艺复兴时期的绘画作品方面,她已成为最优秀的专家。 care of the environment has become a priority in government thinking. 保护环境已成了政府所考虑的头等大事。 these photocopiers require a little extra care to keep them running right. 这些复印机再稍微保养一下就可以正常使用。hair-care/skin-care etc hair-care products 护发产品 i'd advise you to follow a new skin care routine. 我建议你用一种新的护肤方法。 upkeep /ˈʌpkiːp/ [uncountable noun] the continuous process and cost involved in keeping something in good condition, especially a building or garden [尤指对建筑物或花园的]保养,维修;维护费 the upkeep of something the trustees are responsible for the upkeep of the bridge. 受托人负责大桥的养护。 the council's contribution towards the upkeep of the church is very much appreciated. 非常感谢市议会对于教堂的保养所作的贡献。 you get more for your money if you buy an old house, but upkeep costs will be higher 买旧房子合算一些,但是维修费要高一些。 |
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