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单词 mow
释义 mow /məʊ; name moʊ/ (mowed, mown or mowed, mowed) [transitive] to cut grass, etc. using a machine or tool that has a special blade or blades刈;割,修剪(草等)◆the lawn needs mowing every week in summer.夏天每周都要修剪草坪。mow/məʊ ||; mo/verb [i,t] (past tense mowed;past participle mown /məʊn ||; mon/or mowed) to cut grass using a machine (a mower) (用机器)割草 [t] ◇to mow the lawn (用割草机)修剪草坪 mow sb down to kill sb with a gun or a car (用枪炮)杀死;(用汽车)撞死mowsee ⇨ cut 6 mow /mo; məʊ/v mowed, mowed or mown /mon; məʊn/ , mowing [i,t]to cut grass or crops with a machine [用机器]割[草]; 收割[庄稼]:◇when are you going to mow the lawn? 你打算什么时候修剪草坪?mow sb ↔ downto deliberately kill a person or a lot of people with a gun, car etc, especially without caring who they are or whether they have done anything wrong 射杀; 扫杀; 残杀:◇hundreds of protesters were mown down by the police. 数以百计的抗议者被警方射杀了。




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