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单词 pot
释义 pot noun¹ 1for cooking烹饪adjective | verb + pot | pot + verb | pot + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤cooking烹饪用锅verb + pot➤cover盖住锅◆cook gently in a covered pot for 3-4 hours.盖上锅盖,用文火煮 3 到 4 个钟头。➤stir搅拌锅里的东西pot + verb➤boil, bubble锅沸腾;锅冒泡◆he could hear the pot bubbling on the stove.他可以听到炉子上水壶沸腾的声音。pot + noun➤pie (name) 菜肉馅饼➤roast罐炖肉preposition➤for the pot (especially bre) 待下锅◆local people kill these animals for the pot (= to eat).当地人把这些动物杀来吃。➤in a/the pot, into a/the pot在锅里;放进锅里◆put all the ingredients in a large pot.把所有的配料放进一口大锅里。➤pot of一锅⋯◆a pot of soup一锅汤phrases➤pots and pans锅碗瓢盆◆i sat in the kitchen, among the dirty pots and pans.我在厨房里坐着,四周满是脏兮兮的锅碗瓢盆。pot noun² 2for tea/coffee茶;咖啡adjective | verb + pot | preposition adjective➤steaming热气腾腾的壶▸➤fresh新的一壶▸➤coffee, tea (usually teapot) 咖啡壶;茶壶verb + pot➤brew, make, put on沏一壶◆i'll make a fresh pot of tea.我会沏一壶新茶。➤fill往茶壶里灌水◆she filled the pot with boiling water.她给茶壶倒满了开水。preposition➤in a/the pot在壶里◆is there any more tea in the pot?茶壶里还有茶吗?➤pot of一壶⋯pot noun³ 3container for storing things, growing plants, etc.用于存放或种植的器皿adjective | verb + pot | pot + verb | pot + noun | preposition adjective➤ceramic, clay, earthenware, iron, plastic, terracotta陶瓷罐;陶罐;铁罐;塑料罐;赤陶罐▸➤flower, plant花盆▸➤paint, pepper (especially bre) (usually pepper shaker in name) 油漆罐;胡椒粉瓶▸➤chamber夜壶▸➤chimney烟囱管帽▸➤lobster诱捕龙虾的笼verb + pot➤grow sth in, plant sth in在罐里栽种某物▸➤fill把罐子装满pot + verb➤be filled with sth, be full of sth, contain sth罐里装满某物;罐里装有某物◆a clay pot full of oil装满油的陶土罐pot + noun➤plant (bre) 室内盆栽植物preposition➤in a/the pot, into a/the pot在盆里;放进盆里◆plants in pots require more water than you might think.盆栽植物所需水分比你想像的要多。➤pot of一罐⋯◆a pot of glue (bre) 一罐胶水◆a pot of geraniums一盆天竺葵pot [countable] (especially in compounds尤用于构成复合词) a container of various kinds, made for a particular purpose; a bowl or other round object that is made by a potter (= a person who makes clay pots by hand) (某种用途的)容器;陶盆;陶罐;碗◆a teapot茶壶◆a coffee pot咖啡壶◆a flower pot (= a round container for growing plants in) 花盆◆is there any more tea in the pot?茶壶里还有茶吗?◆she made a pot of strong coffee.她煮了一壶浓咖啡。◆the newly made pots are glazed when they are completely dry.刚做好的陶罐在干透后上釉。ⓘ pot has a very wide range and can describe many different kinds of container. pots are usually round, and many kinds of pot are made of clay. * pot 的使用范围很广,可指各式各样的容器,通常是圆的,很多是陶制的。pot [countable] (especially bre) a small round container made of glass, clay or plastic, used for storing food in(盛食品的玻璃、陶土或塑料)罐,瓶,壶◆a pot of jam / honey / yogurt一罐果酱/蜂蜜/酸奶◆an empty yogurt pot空酸奶罐pot [countable] (often used in compounds常用于复合词) (especially name) a deep round metal container, usually with two short handles, used for cooking or heating food on top of a cooker深煮锅(通常有双耳)◆a large stock pot was simmering on the stove.一只大大的汤锅在炉子上慢火煨着。◆a soup / fondue pot汤锅;奶酪火锅◆a pot of stew一锅炖肉pot¹/pɒt ||; pɑt/noun[c] 1. a round container that is used for cooking food in (用于煮食的)锅 2. a container that you use for a particular purpose 罐;壶;盆;瓶: ◇a flowerpot 花盆◇a pot of paint 一罐油漆 3. the amount that a pot contains 一罐,一壶(的量): ◇we drank two pots of tea. 我们喝了两壶茶。 pot²/pɒt ||; pɑt/verb [t] (potting;potted) 1. to put a plant into a pot filled with soil 把(植物)栽种于花盆内 2. to hit a ball into one of the pockets in the table in the game of pool, billiards or snooker (玩落袋台球时)击(球)入袋: ◇he potted the black ball into the corner pocket. 他把黑球击入角上的袋中。 pot• ⇨ kitty/pot☞ pot¹☞ pot²




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