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单词 passion
释义 passion nounadjective | ... of passion | verb + passion | passion + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤grand, great如火的激情;挚爱◆she didn't believe in grand passion or love at first sight.她不相信如火的激情或一见钟情。◆she was his first great passion.她是他第一个深爱的人。◆a woman of great passion一位有激情的女性➤all-consuming, burning, consuming, deep, fierce, fiery, intense强烈的激情;火热的爱;热烈的爱;深厚的爱;炽热的情感➤animal (old-fashioned) , physical, romantic, sexual兽欲;浪漫的激情;性欲➤secret秘密的激情◆he had a secret passion for poetry.他对诗歌有一种不为人知的钟爱。➤considerable, deep, real, strong相当强烈的激情;深情;真正的热情;高昂的情绪◆there were moments of real passion in the game.这场比赛有几次令观众情绪激昂。➤unbridled, violent奔放的/暴烈的激情➤renewed重新产生的激情◆the team has been playing with renewed passion this season.这个赛季该队在比赛中重新燃起了斗志。◆his renewed passion for the game他对这场比赛再次燃起的激情➤abiding, genuine, lifelong持久的热爱;真正的喜爱;一生的热爱◆his lifelong passion for flying他一生对飞行的酷爱➤personal个人的激情➤shared共同的热情◆elliot and nina discovered a shared passion for poetry.埃利奥特和尼娜发现了彼此都热爱诗歌。➤human人类的激情➤youthful青春激情➤intellectual, moral, political, religious知识/道德/政治/宗教热情... of passion➤surge, wave激情涌动verb + passion➤arouse, awaken, ignite, inflame唤起激情;激起情欲;引发强烈的情感◆no one had ever aroused his passion as much as sandra.从来没有人像桑德拉那样唤起他的激情。➤rekindle重新点燃激情➤be filled with, feel充满/感到激情◆the great passion he felt for her他对她的极大热情➤develop, have产生热爱;有激情◆a writer should have passion.作家应该有激情。➤fuel, rouse, stir燃起激情;使迸发激情◆this issue always rouses passion.这个话题总能唤起大家的热情。➤discover发现激情➤share有同样的爱好◆they shared a passion for food.他们都酷爱食物。➤express表达热情➤feel感觉到热情➤lack缺乏激情➤indulge, pursue投入热衷的爱好;满足兴趣◆she had very little time to indulge her passion for painting.她很少有时间享受自己酷爱的绘画。passion + verb➤cool, wane热情冷却/消退◆as time went by the passion cooled.随着时间的推移,激情冷却了。➤drive sb激情驱使某人◆that passion drove me to get to the top.那种激情推动着我到达顶峰。preposition➤with passion充满激情地◆they kissed with passion.他们热烈地接吻。◆he argued his case with great passion.他很激动地据理力争。➤passion between⋯之间的激情◆the passion between them had cooled.他们之间的激情已经冷却下来了。➤passion for对⋯的激情◆his all-consuming passion for her他对她痴狂的激情◆he developed a real passion for acting.他对表演产生了真正的热情。phrases➤a crime of passion激情犯罪◆she killed her husband's lover in a crime of passion.她杀死了丈夫的情人,构成激情犯罪。➤full of passion充满激情◆a speech full of passion热情洋溢的演讲➤a night of passion一夜情◆they spent a night of passion in a hotel.他们在旅馆里发生了一夜情。➤the object of sb's passion某人热恋的目标◆the young girl who was the object of his passion他痴恋的那个女孩passion [countable, uncountable] a very strong feeling of love, hatred, anger, enthusiasm, etc.强烈情感;激情◆he's a man of violent passions.他性情暴烈。◆she argued her case with considerable passion.她情绪激动地为自己的情况争辩。◆she killed her husband's lover in a crime of passion.她因妒成恨,杀了丈夫的情人。 ➡ see also passionate → intense passion [uncountable] a very strong feeling of sexual love(尤指两性间)强烈的爱◆his passion for her made him blind to everything else.他钟情于她,到了不顾一切的地步。◆they kissed with passion.他们狂热地亲吻。▸ passionate adjective◆passionate love / feelings狂热的爱;热切的感情◆a passionate kiss / embrace / affair / lover狂热的吻/拥抱/私情/情侣note 辨析 love, desire or passion? love is a very general word and can be used in any context. it can sometimes refer to sex. * love 含义很宽泛,可用于任何语境,有时可指性行为◆physical / sexual love性爱◆to make love (= to have sex) 做爱but it is more often to do with feelings and the way these make you behave.但它更多指爱的情感和爱的表达◆romantic love浪漫爱情 desire and passion are stronger words, and are much more to do with physical love and sex. * desire 和 passion 语气较强,且更多指性爱与性行为◆to burn with / be filled with desire / passion欲火攻心both desire and passion can mean the feeling of wanting to have sex, but only passion can refer to the act of having sex. * desire 和 passion 都可表示性欲,但只有 passion 可指性行为◆a night of passion激情之夜passion [countable] (approving) a very strong feeling of liking sth; a hobby, activity, etc. that you like very much酷爱;热衷的事物◆the english have a passion for gardens.英国人酷爱花园。◆music is a passion with him.他对音乐情有独钟。 ➡ see also passionate → intense  ➡ see also the entry for interest noun 2另见 interest 名词词条第 2 义note 辨析 love or passion? passion is stronger than love, and suggests that your interests may affect the way you live your life or the career you choose. * passion 比 love 更强烈,意味着该兴趣可能会影响生活方式或职业选择◆the royal family had a passion for art, it seems, for the palace was full of paintings and sculptures.王室家族似乎对艺术情有独钟,因为王宫里到处都是绘画和雕塑。◆he knew he was going to be a musician and eventually stopped attending high school. music was the only thing he ever had a passion for.他知道自己将成为音乐家,因而最终没有读高中。音乐是他唯一热衷的事。passion/ˈpæʃn ||; ˈpæʃən/noun1. [c,u] (a) very strong feeling, especially of love, hate or anger 强烈的情感,激情(尤指爱、恨或愤怒): ◇he was a violent man, controlled by his passions. 他性情暴烈,感情用事。 2. [sing] a passion (for sb) very strong sexual love or attraction 强烈的情欲或吸引力: ◇he longed to tell sashi of his passion for her. 他渴望告诉萨希他对她的爱慕。 3. [sing] a passion for sth a very strong liking for or interest in sth 酷爱;热爱: ◇he has a passion for history. 他酷爱历史。 passionsee ⇨ feel 7 ⇨ love 4     • • •• ⇨ have a passion for• ⇨ sb's passion/sb's love pas·sion /`pæʃən; ˈpæʃən/n 1. [c,u] a very strong feeling of love or sexual desire 强烈的爱情; 情欲:◇a story of passion and revenge 一个讲述激烈爱情和复仇的故事 2. a strong belief in something, or when you have very strong feelings about something 激情:◇he spoke with great passion about his country. 他满怀激情地讲到自己的祖国。 3. a passion for sth a strong liking for something 酷爱,热爱:◇a passion for music 对音乐的热爱




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