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单词 chute
释义 chute nounadjective | preposition adjective➤garbage, laundry, rubbish, water垃圾槽;待洗衣物滑落槽;滑水槽◆a swimming pool with a long water chute有长滑水槽的游泳池preposition➤down a/the chute顺着滑道◆he tossed the discarded wrapping down the chute.他将丢弃的包装材料扔下垃圾槽。chute/ʃu:t ||; ʃut/noun [c] a passage down which you can drop or slide things, so that you do not have to carry them 滑道;斜道;滑槽: ◇a laundry/rubbish chute (from the upper floors of a high building) 送洗衣物╱垃圾的滑道(从大楼的上层)◇a water chute(at a swimming pool) (游泳池的)滑水道 chute /ʃut; ʃuːt/n [c] 1. a long narrow structure that slopes down, so that things or people can slide down it 斜槽; 滑道:◇a water chute 滑水道 2. informal a parachute 【非正式】 降落伞




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