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单词 pea
释义 pea nounadjective | verb + pea | pea + noun adjective➤canned, dried, fresh, frozen, tinned (bre) 罐装豌豆;干豌豆;新鲜豌豆;冷冻豌豆▸➤green嫩豌豆➤snow, sugar snap糖荚豌豆▸➤mushy (bre) 豌豆糊➤black-eyed (name) 豇豆▸➤split剥豌豆瓣verb + pea➤eat, have吃豌豆▸➤shell剥豌豆▸➤cook烧豌豆➤grow, plant, sow种豌豆pea + noun➤soup豌豆汤➤pod, shoot豌豆荚;豌豆苗  ➡ topic at food pea/pi: ||; pi/noun [c] a small round green seed that is eaten as a vegetable. a number of peas grow together in a long thin case (a pod). 豌豆 ☞picture on page c3 见c3页插图 pea /pi; piː/n [c]a round green seed that is cooked and eaten as a vegetable 豌豆:◇pie and peas 馅饼和豌豆 ☞ pea




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