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单词 gush
释义 gush/gʌʃ ||; gʌʃ/verb1. [i] gush (out of/from/into sth);gush out/in (used about a liquid) to flow out suddenly and in great quantities (指液体)突然大量涌出: ◇blood gushed from the wound. 血从伤口涌出。◇i turned the tap on and water gushed out. 我拧开水龙头,水哗哗直流。 2. [t] (used about a container or vehicle, etc) to produce large amounts of a liquid (指容器或车辆等)喷出大量液体: ◇the broken pipe was gushing water all over the road. 破裂的水管喷得马路上满地是水。 3. [i,t] to express pleasure or admiration too much so that it does not sound sincere 非真心诚意地表达喜悦或仰慕之情 gush noun [c] ◇a sudden gush of water 突然喷出的水 gushsee ⇨ flow 1☞ gush¹☞ gush²




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