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单词 intuition
释义 intuition nounadjective | ... of intuition | verb + intuition | intuition + verb | preposition adjective➤female, feminine, woman's, women's女性的直觉;女人的直觉◆her feminine intuition told her that he was unhappy.女性的直觉告诉她他不快乐。➤moral (philosophy哲学) 道德直觉◆there is a moral intuition that the better-off should give to the worse-off.道德直觉认为富人应当对穷人有所给予。➤pure纯粹的直觉◆most business decisions are guided by pure intuition.绝大多数商业决策纯粹都是根据直觉作出的。... of intuition➤flash直觉闪现◆it came upon him in a flash of intuition.他忽然有种直觉,然后就想到了一个主意。verb + intuition➤have有直觉◆she had an intuition that her mother wasn't very well.她有种直觉,觉得母亲身体不太好。➤rely on, trust, use依赖/相信/运用直觉◆she learned to trust her intuitions about other people's motives.她学会了相信自己对于他人动机的直觉。intuition + verb➤suggest sth, tell sb sth直觉暗示⋯/告诉某人⋯◆intuition told me we were going in the wrong direction.直觉告诉我,我们走错方向了。preposition➤by intuition凭直觉◆by intuition, he sensed what was wrong.他凭直觉发现了问题所在。➤intuition about关于⋯的直觉◆an intuition about where to find wild strawberries到哪里能找到野生草莓的直觉➤intuition behind⋯背后的直觉◆the intuition behind her theory她的理论背后的直觉intuition /ɪntjuɪʃn; name ɪntuɪʃn/ [countable] an idea or strong feeling that sth is true even though you cannot explain why直觉◆i had an intuition that something awful was about to happen.我直觉,要出乱子了。 ➡ see also intuitive → natural intuition /ɪntjuɪʃn; name ɪntuɪʃn/ [uncountable] the ability to know sth by using your feelings rather than by considering the facts直觉◆intuition told her that he was telling the truth.直觉告诉她他说的是实话。◆call it women's intuition if you like, but i knew he was up to something.就当是女人的直觉吧,但我肯定他在捣鬼。 ➡ see also intuitive → natural intuition/ˌɪntjuˈɪʃn; us -tu- ||; ˌɪntυˈɪʃən/noun [c,u] the feeling or understanding that makes you believe or know that sth is true without being able to explain why 直觉: ◇she knew, by intuition, about his illness, although he never mentioned it. 虽然他没有说,可是她凭直觉知道他患了病。 ➔intuitive /ɪnˈtju:ɪtɪv; us -tu:- ||; ɪnˈtuɪtɪv/ adj ➔intuitively adv ◇intuitively, she knew that he was lying. 她凭直觉知道他在撒谎。 intuitionsee ⇨ instinct 1 in·tu·i·tion /ˏɪntj`ɪʃən; ˌɪntjuˈɪʃən/n [c,u]an ability to know or understand something that is based on your feelings rather than on facts 直觉(力):◇you should learn to trust your intuition. 你应该学会相信自己的直觉。




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