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单词 know/not know
释义 know/not knowto know something1 to know a fact or piece of information2 to know a place, a film, a book etc3 to know a lot about something4 someone who knows a lot about something5 knowing a lot about something6 to know something so well you can repeat it from memory7 to know a little about something8 to know something that most people do not know9 when most people know something10 facts and information that you know11 to feel sure something is true even though you have no proofto not know something12 to not know a fact or piece of information13 to not know a place, film or book etc14 to not realize what is happening15 to not know anything about a subject16 to not know about something that other people know17 to not know the most recent information about something18 ways of saying that no one knows something19 not knowing about something20 something that people know nothing or very little about21 a person or place that not many people know or know aboutto know a person22 to know someone23 to start to know someone24 someone you know, but not very well25 someone you do not knowrelated wordsknow how to do something 知道如何做某事 can/can't,see alsoinstinct,realize,understand/not understand,predict,1. to know a fact or piece of information 知道某一事实或信息 know /nəʊ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to know a fact or piece of information 知道;了解 i love this painting - do you know the name of the artist? 我很喜欢这幅画,你知道那位画家的名字吗? jack's leaving. didn't you know? 杰克要走了,你不知道吗?know (that) i knew he was ill, but i didn't realize he had cancer. 我知道他生病了,但不知道他患的是癌症。know how/what/where etc do you know where andy is? 你知道安迪在哪儿吗?know about how much do you know about the moore case? 穆尔一案你了解多少?know of i know of one company where members of staff get their meals free. 我知道有一家公司员工午餐是免费的。know a lot about he knew a lot about baseball, and about how to pick great players. 他对棒球懂得很多,也知道怎样挑选优秀的选手。 realize also realise british /ˈrɪəlaɪz/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to know that a situation exists, and especially to know how important or serious it is 知道;明白;意识到[某事物的重要性或严重性] none of us realized the danger we were in. 我们全都没有意识到我们所处的危险。 ‘she's been promoted to chief executive.’ ‘oh, really? i didn't realize.’ “她被提升为行政主管了。”“哦,是吗?我可不知道。”realize (that) i realize that you are very busy, but could i talk to you for a few minutes? 我知道你很忙,但我和你谈几分钟行吗?realize how/what/why even horton's family hadn't realized how sick he was, both physically and emotionally. 即使霍顿的家人也不了解他生理上和心理上病得有多严重。 be/become aware /biː, bɪˌkʌm əˈweəʳ/ [verb phrase] formal to know or begin to realize that a situation exists, often a serious one 【正式】知道;意识到[情况的严重性] be/become aware of i am aware of the risks involved in the project, but i am willing to take them. 我知道这计划所涉及的风险,但我愿意冒险。 children become aware of rules during this stage of development. 儿童在这个成长阶段开始意识到规矩了。be/become aware (that) the question is, was the chief of police aware that so much corruption existed within the police department? 问题是,警察局长是否知道警察局内部有这么多贪污腐败的行为?well/acutely/keenly aware used to emphasize that someone definitely knows something 十分/完全/肯定知道[用于强调 there were signs everywhere - the two men must have been well aware that they were hunting out of season. 到处都有标牌——这两个人当时肯定知道自己不在规定的季节内打猎。painfully aware aware of something that upsets you 痛苦地意识到 abbey was always painfully aware that she was not as pretty as her sister. 阿比一直痛苦地意识到自己不如姐姐那么漂亮。 can tell /kən ˈtel/ [verb phrase] especially spoken to know that something is true because you can see signs that show this 【尤口】看出;知道 she's going to have a baby - couldn't you tell? 她要生孩子了—你看不出来吗?can tell (that) i could tell he worked outdoors, because he had a deep tan. 我看得出他是在户外工作的,因为他晒得很黑。can tell by/from you can tell by the look on her face that she's hiding something. 你可以从她的脸上看出她在隐瞒着什么。can tell whether/what/how etc you can tell when kids aren't feeling well. 小孩子身体不舒服是看得出的。 i couldn't tell exactly how old he was. 我看不准确他究竟有多大。from what i can tell... don't worry. from what i can tell, you'll make a great father. 别担心,我看得出你会成为一个好父亲的。 appreciate /əˈpriːʃieɪt/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to understand how serious a situation or problem is 意识到;领会;理解;明白[事态或问题的严重性] i wonder if he really appreciates the seriousness of the situation. 我不知道他是否真的意识到事态的严重性。appreciate how/what/why changes were taking place, though at the time no one fully appreciated how far-reaching these changes were to be. 变化正在发生,可是当时没有人充分意识到这些变化的意义有多深远。appreciate (that) i appreciate that some of you have had to wait all night, and i thank you for your patience. 我知道你们中有些人得彻夜等候,我谢谢你们的耐心。 be conscious /biː ˈkɒnʃəsǁ-ˈkɑːn-/ [verb phrase] to know that a particular situation exists and to have it in your mind continuously 意识到;注意到[某一情形的存在] be conscious of i was very conscious of the fact that this was an important meeting and that i had to make a good impression. 我很清楚这次会面很重要,我得给人留下一个好印象。 as oil prices rose, countries in the west suddenly became conscious of fuel efficiency. 随着油价上涨,西方各国突然意识到充分利用燃料的重要性。be conscious (that) he was conscious that she was staring at him as he spoke. 他注意到当他在讲话时,她在盯着他看。 know perfectly well /nəʊ ˌpɜːʳfɪktli ˈwel/ [verb phrase not in progressive] spoken use this to say that someone knows something, although they behave as if they do not 【口】清楚知道;完全明白[尽管表现得好像不知道] know perfectly well (that) he knows perfectly well, he's not allowed to park outside the main door. 他非常清楚,他不可以在大门外停车。 i knew perfectly well that i had anorexia, but i wouldn't admit that it was a problem. 我清楚地知道自己患有厌食症,但我不愿承认这是个问题。know perfectly well what/why/who etc you know perfectly well what i mean, so stop pretending you don't. 我的意思你很清楚,所以别再假装不知道了。 know/learn from experience /ˌnəʊ, ˌlɜːʳn frəm ɪkˈspɪəriəns/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to know what is likely to happen in a particular situation, because you have learned from your own experiences 从经验中得知 know/learn from experience (that) he knew from experience that most ship's captains were not adequately covered with life insurance. 他从经验中得知大多数船长买的人寿保险都不够。know from past/personal/first-hand etc experience kelly knew from personal experience that education is a ticket out of minimum-wage work. 凯莉从自己的经历得知受教育是摆脱低工资工作的途径。know from bitter experience know something because of a bad experience of something similar 从惨痛的经验中得知 sue learned from bitter experience not to rely on martin in times of crisis. 惨痛的教训告诉休,危难时候不要依靠马丁。2. to know a place, a film, a book etc 知道一个地方、一部电影、一本书等 know /nəʊ/ [transitive verb not in progressive] if you know a place, you have been there before and spent time there; if you know a book, song, film etc, you have read it or seen it or heard it before 知道;认识;熟悉 ‘do you know boston at all?’ ‘yes, i went to college there.’ “你熟不熟悉波士顿?”“熟悉,我在那儿上过大学。” i didn't know any of the songs they were singing. 他们唱的歌我一首都不知道。 do you know that hitchcock movie about a man who is being chased? 你知道那部讲述一个男人被追杀的希区柯克电影吗?know something by heart know every word of a song, poem etc without having to read it 把某事物熟记于心 the congregation seemed to know all the hymns by heart. 会众似乎对每一首圣歌都很熟悉。know somewhere like the back of your hand informal know a place very well 【非正式】对某地非常熟悉 tony had spent a lot of time in tokyo and knew the place like the back of his hand. 托尼在东京待过很长时间,对那里非常熟悉。 be familiar with /biː fəˈmɪliəʳ wɪð/ [verb phrase] to know a thing or place well because you have seen it, read it, used it, or been there 熟悉,熟知 are you familiar with this type of software? 你熟悉这种软件吗? i grew up near lake george, so i'm very familiar with the towns around there. 我在乔治湖附近长大,所以对那一带的城镇很熟悉。 are you familiar with the works of george eliot? 你熟悉乔治·艾略特的作品吗? be acquainted with /biː əˈkweɪntə̇d wɪð/ [verb phrase] formal to know something 【正式】认识;了解;熟悉 i was not acquainted with the north-western part of the island. 我不熟悉该岛的西北面。 through art, children become acquainted with cultures other than their own. 通过艺术,孩子们能认识到自己国家以外的文化。be fully acquainted with all our employees are fully acquainted with the safety procedures. 我们所有的雇员都充分了解安全程序。3. to know a lot about something 在某方面知道很多 know (all) about /ˌnəʊ (ɔːl) əˈbaʊt/ [transitive verb not in progressive] my brother knows about cars. i'm sure he could fix it for you. 我哥哥对汽车很在行,我相信他能帮你修。 you can't become an architect unless you know all about building regulations. 你只有掌握了建筑法规才可以当建筑师。know a lot about something the old man knew a lot about the history of the village. 那老人对这村子的历史知之甚多。know all there is to know about something to know everything about a particular subject 对某事物十分了解 i thought i knew all there was to know about men, until i met jason. 在遇到贾森之前,我还以为自己对男人已十分了解呢。 knowledgeable /ˈnɒlɪdʒəbəlǁˈnɑː-/ [adjective] knowing a lot of facts about a particular subject, especially about something that not many people know about 对…很在行的[尤指对许多人不了解的事] the sales staff are all knowledgeable, helpful, and cheerful. 销售员全都知识丰富、乐于助人、性格开朗。knowledgeable about/in we are looking for people who are knowledgeable about the oil and banking industries. 我们正在寻找对石油业和银行业很熟悉的人。 earley is a diligent reporter, knowledgeable in the field of espionage. 厄利是个勤奋的记者,对间谍活动这一范畴很在行。 be well versed in /biː ˌwel ˈvɜːʳst ɪn/ [verb phrase] to know a lot about a particular subject because you have had a lot of experience of it 熟悉;精通 the new prime minister is well versed in economic policy. 新任首相精通经济政策。 victor amadeus was reputed to be well versed in poisons and their antidotes. 据说维克托·阿马迪厄斯对各种毒物和解毒剂非常熟悉。 know something inside (and) out /ˌnəʊ something ˌɪnsaɪd (ənd) ˈaʊt/ [verb phrase not in progressive] informal to know a particular subject very thoroughly 【非正式】对某事物了解得很全面,熟知某事 she's very experienced -- she knows the advertising business inside out. 她很有经验一广告行业的方方面面她都了如指掌。 you need to know your specialized subject inside and out. 你要对自己的专业学科了解得很透彻。 be clued up /biː ˌkluːd ˈʌp/ [verb phrase] british informal to know all the facts that you need to know about a subject, especially because you have found it out before you start doing something 【英,非正式】所知甚多,了解…的详细情况[尤因已事先进行了解] be clued up on are you clued up on what points to look for when buying a used car? 买旧车要注意哪些事项你清楚吗?be clued up about we'd better get clued up about this new computer system before we start using it. 我们在使用这种新的电脑系统之前最好先全面了解。 specialize in also specialise british /ˈspeʃəlaɪz ɪn/ [transitive verb] to know a lot about one particular subject or activity because you study it or do it more than any other 是[某学科或活动]的专家;专攻 my history professor specialized in russian history. 我的历史学教授专门研究俄国历史。 the chef specializes in hunan and szechuan cuisine, but all the dishes we tried were delicious. 这位厨师精通湖南菜和四川菜,但我们尝过的所有菜肴都很好吃。 know what you are talking about /ˌnəʊ wɒt juː ɑːʳ ˈtɔːkɪŋ əbaʊt/ [verb phrase not in progressive] informal to know a lot about a particular subject so that your judgement can be trusted, especially because you have had a lot of experience 【非正式】很在行;很熟悉[尤因经验丰富] pilger knows what he is talking about, having spent several years as a reporter in vietnam. 皮尔杰在越南当过几年记者,对此很在行。· rolim seemed to know what he was talking about, but his theories raised some questions for me. 罗林姆似乎很在行,但他的理论使我产生了一些疑问。 know your stuff /ˌnəʊ jɔːʳ ˈstʌf/ [verb phrase not in progressive or passive] informal to know a lot about something, especially about how to do your job, in a way that other people think is impressive 【非正式】[尤指对自己的工作]非常了解,很在行 to pass that test the kids really have to know their stuff. 要通过那次考试,孩子们真的得学习透彻。 the doctor who came in looked very young. i was just hoping she knew her stuff. 进来的那位医生看上去很年轻,我只希望她是个在行的医生。4. someone who knows a lot about something 在某方面知道很多的人 expert /ˈekspɜːʳt/ [countable noun] someone who know a lot about a subject 专家 the team of experts includes psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers. 这个专家小组包括精神病学家、心理学家和社会工作者。expert in/on an expert in french history 一位法国史专家 a draft of the document was reviewed by experts on hospital infection control. 这份文件的草稿由医院传染病控制专家审核。medical/legal/financial etc expert legal experts are saying that the man's conviction was unlawful. 法律专家说对那名男子的定罪不合法。 specialist /ˈspeʃəlɪst, ˈspeʃələst/ [countable noun] someone who has studied a particular subject for a long time and knows much more about it than other people 专家 you really need a specialist for this job. 你真的需要一个专家来干这项工作。specialist in professor williams teaches english literature and is a specialist in the novels of george orwell. 威廉斯教授教英国文学,是乔治:奥韦尔小说的专家。computer/marketing/engine etc specialist the health department is seeking the advice of a team of tropical disease specialists. 卫生部正在征询一组热带疾病专家的意见。 authority /ɔːˈθɒrɪti, ɔːˈθɒrəti, ə-ǁəˈθɑː-, əˈθɔː-/ [countable noun usually singular] someone whose knowledge and opinions on a particular subject are greatly respected 权威 authority on reischauer became an authority on japanese-american relations. 赖肖尔成了日美关系问题的权威。 she was widely regarded as the country's leading authority on plant diseases. 许多人都认为她是本国研究植物疾病的权威。 pundit /ˈpʌndɪt, ˈpʌndət/ [countable noun] someone who knows a lot about a subject, especially politics or economics, and who is asked to give their opinion about it on television, in newspapers etc 专家,权威[尤指在政治或经济方面的专家,被邀请在电视或报纸上发表意见] if the pundits are right, the economic situation may become worse before the end of the year. 如果专家说得对,那么经济形势可能会在年底前恶化。 hollywood pundits predicted the movie would grab the top spot in the ratings, but they were wrong. 好莱坞的专家预测这部电影能够荣登榜首,可是他们判断错了。 buff /bʌf/ [countable noun] someone who knows a lot about a particular activity or subject because they are very interested in it 迷;行家 film/jazz/computer etc buff ‘how many films did hitchcock make?’ ‘ask paul, -- he's a great film buff.’ “希区柯克拍了多少部电影?”“问保罗吧—他是个超级电影迷”。 the market for magazines for computer buffs is growing all the time. 面向电脑迷的杂志市场一直在增长。 connoisseur /ˌkɒnəˈsɜːʳǁˌkɑː-/ [countable noun] someone who has great knowledge and experience of something such as art, furniture, food, or wine so that they can recognize what is the best [艺术、家具、食品、酒等的]鉴赏家,行家 the golden chanterelle, as it is commonly known, is a favorite among mushroom connoisseurs. 一般人所称的鸡油菌是爱吃蘑菇的食家眼中的珍品。connoisseur of lord burlington was a great collector and connoisseur of paintings. 伯林顿勋爵是位了不起的绘画收藏家和鉴定家。 boffin /ˈbɒfɪn, ˈbɒfənǁˈbɑː-/ [countable noun] informal british someone who knows a lot about a particular subject, especially a scientific or technical subject 【非正式,英】[尤指科学或技术方面的]专家;科学家 a few science boffins were asked for their opinions, but otherwise the article gave very little information. 文中征询了一些科学家的意见,但除此以外这篇文章提供的信息非常少。5. knowing a lot about something 对某事知道很多的 knowledgeable /ˈnɒlɪdʒəbəlǁˈnɑː-/ [adjective] someone who is knowledgeable knows a lot of different facts, especially about a particular subject or activity [尤对某学科或活动]见识广的;知识渊博的;博学的 visitors should use reputable travel firms with knowledgeable guides, and avoid camping alone. 游客应该选择聘有知识丰富的导游的而且信誉良好的旅行社,并要避免单独露营。knowledgeable about/in gradually the band became more knowledgeable about the business dealings in the music industry. 这个乐队渐渐对音乐界的商业运作更加在行了。 well-informed /ˌwel ɪnˈfɔːʳmd◂/ [adjective] knowing a lot about what is happening, especially about what is happening in the world [尤对世事]消息灵通的;见多识广的 "le monde' is a newspaper designed for well-informed readers. 《世界报》是专供见多识广的读者看的。 according to one well-informed source, the two sides are very near to reaching an agreement. 根据消息灵通人士说,双方很快就要达成协议了。well-informed about abdul karim was particularly well- informed about american politics. 阿卜杜勒·卡里姆对美国政界的消息特别灵通。 be a mine of information /biː ə ˌmaɪn əv ɪnfəʳˈmeɪʃən/ [verb phrase] to know a lot about a particular subject or about various subjects, so that you are usually able to answer anything that people ask you 是个知识库 the british ambassador proved to be a mine of information on the subject of the royal family. 这位英国大使在有关英国王室的课题上已证明是个知识渊博的人。 be well up on british /be up on american /biː ˌwel ˈʌp ɒn, biː ˈʌp ɒn/ [verb phrase] spoken to know a lot about something, including the most recent information 【口】非常熟悉[某事,包括其最新信息] how well up are you on men's fashion? 你对男性时装了解得怎么样? don't ask me - i'm not really up on current events in that part of the world. 别问我,我对那个地方的时事不很熟悉。 have your finger on the pulse /hæv jɔːʳ ˌfɪŋgər ɒn ðə ˈpʌls/ [verb phrase not in progressive or passive] to always know what changes and developments are happening in a particular situation or organization 掌握[某形势或机构的]最新动态[发展] have your finger on the pulse of as a manager of a bookshop, i have to have my finger on the pulse of the publishing industry. 作为书店经理,我必须掌握出版行业的脉搏。 keep abreast of/keep up to date with /kiːp əˈbrest ɒv, ˌkiːp ʌp tə ˈdeɪt wɪð/ [verb phrase] to make sure that you know all the most recent news about what is happening somewhere or about new developments in a particular subject 了解[某事件或学科的]最新情况 when we lived abroad, we always kept abreast of what was happening at home. 我们在国外居住时,一直留意着家乡所发生的事。 it's very important for students to keep up to date with developments in their own field of study. 学生要掌握自己研究领域中的最新发展,这是非常重要的。6. to know something so well you can repeat it from memory 非常熟悉某事以至于能够背诵 know something by heart also know something off by heart british /ˌnəʊ something baɪ ˈhɑːʳt, ˌnəʊ something ɒf baɪ ˈhɑːʳt/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to know every word of a poem, story, song etc, that you have learned so that you can say it or sing it without making any mistakes 能把[诗歌、故事、歌曲等]背诵出来 eleanor had heard the story so many times that she knew every word of it by heart. 这个故事埃莉诺听过许多次了,一词一句她都能背出来。 i studied the poem until i knew it off by heart. 我一直研读这首诗,直到能把它背诵出来为止。 have something off pat british /have something down pat american /ˌhæv something ɒf ˈpæt, ˌhæv something daʊn ˈpæt/ [verb phrase not in progressive or passive] to be able to give a speech or an answer immediately and easily because you have learned it thoroughly or because you have said the same thing a lot of times before [因掌握透彻或之前说过许多遍而]对某事熟悉得可随口说出 she only had to repeat the lines once or twice, and she'd have them down pat. 她只要把台词重复一两遍就能背下来了。 like most politicians he had all his answers off pat, but he didn't have anything particularly new or interesting to say. 跟多数政客一样,所有答案他都背熟了,可他没有什么特别新鲜或有趣的东西可说。 word perfect /ˌwɜːʳd ˈpɜːʳfɪkt/ [adjective] able to repeat something from memory in exactly the same way as it was said or written [背诵或默写时]一字不差的 each monday the teacher made us recite a poem which had to be word perfect . 每星期一老师都要求我们一字不差地背一首诗。7. to know a little about something 对某事知道一点 know a little (bit) about also know a bit about especially british /ˌnəʊ ə ˈlɪtl (bɪt) əbaʊt, ˌnəʊ ə ˈbɪt əbaʊt/ [verb phrase not in progressive] this excellent book can be understood by anyone who knows a little about social anthropology. 任何人只要略懂社会人类学都能看得懂这本好书。 i know a bit about how psychiatry works, having been in therapy for years. 对精神病学的作用我略知一二,因为多年来我一直在接受心理治疗。 have a smattering of /ˌhæv ə ˈsmætərɪŋ ɒv/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to have only a small amount of knowledge about a subject, especially of a foreign language 略懂[某门学科,尤指外语] he only has a smattering of english, so it can be quite difficult trying to communicate with him. 他只略懂一点英语,所以跟他交谈会很困难。 i left school with no more than a smattering of scientific knowledge. 我只学到一点点科学知识就辍学了。 have a working knowledge of /hæv ə ˌwɜːʳkɪŋ ˈnɒlɪdʒ ɒvǁ-ˈnɑː-/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to have enough knowledge of something such as a system or a foreign language to be able to use it, although your knowledge is limited [对某系统、外语等]知识足够的 you don't need to be an expert, but we do expect you to have a good working knowledge of computers. 你不必是一位专家,不过我们的确希望你能掌握电脑的应用知识。 for the system to work, mediators must have a working knowledge of the law. 为了让这个制度行得通,斡旋人员必须具备足够的法律知识。 can get by/be able to get by /kən ˌget ˈbaɪ, biː ˌeɪbəl tə get ˈbaɪ/ [verb phrase] spoken to know just enough about something, for example a foreign language, to be able to make yourself understood or do something successfully 【口】能勉强应付,能凑合,够用 my spanish isn't great, but i can get by as a tourist. 我的西班牙语不怎么好,但作为游客却够用了。can get by/be able to get by on/with ‘can i still pass the course?’ ‘you may be able to get by on what you've already read.’ “我还能通过考试吗?”“就你所读的那些东西应该能勉强应付过去了。”8. to know something that most people do not know 知道大部分人都不知道的事 be in the know /biː ɪn ðə ˈnəʊ/ [verb phrase] to know secret information about something, for example a government plan or someone's private life, that only a small group of people know 知道内情 i heard it from someone who's in the know, so it must be true. 我是从知道内情的人那里听来的,所以肯定可靠。 those who were in the know bought land where the railway was to be built, and made enormous profits. 知情的人买下了将建铁路的土地,获取了巨额利润。 the people in the know are saying that the team doesn't have enough money to keep wojek for another season. 知情者说该队没有足够的财力可让沃耶克再为其效力一个赛季。 be in on /biː ˈɪn ɒn/ [verb phrase] informal to know about a secret plan or activity that only a small group of people know about, especially when you are involved in it 【非正式】了解[秘密计划或活动的]内情[尤指自己参与其中] the children are planning a surprise for grandma. are you in on this? 孩子们打算给祖母一个惊喜,你知道这事吗? it turned out that some of the local cops were in on the deal too. 结果是原来一些当地警察也涉入这笔交易。let somebody in on something tell them about a secret 让某人知晓某事 we made the mistake of letting my sister in on the plan, and she, of course, told my parents. 我们犯了个错误,让妹妹也知道了这个计划,她自然就去告诉了父母。 be privy to /bi ˈprɪvi tuː/ [verb phrase] especially written to know about something that is kept a secret from most people, especially because someone trusts you enough to tell you about it 【尤书面】参与机密;了解内情[尤因某人信任你] she became a confidante of churchill, and thus was privy to some of his thinking. 她成了丘吉尔的亲信,因而得以了解他的某些想法。 the division was not privy to all the information being collected in saigon. 该部门并不知道所有在西贡收集到的情报。 knowing /ˈnəʊɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun] knowing look/smile/wink etc a look, smile etc that shows that you know something that other people do not know or that you share a secret with someone 会意的眼神/微笑/眨眼等 i saw him give her a knowing smile as she left the room. 我看到她离开房间时,他对她会心地一笑。 her questions and knowing looks unnerved him, almost as if she had figured him out. 她的提问和会意的目光使他不知所措,好像她已经看透了他似的。9. when most people know something 大多数人都知道某事 everyone knows /ˌevriwʌn ˈnəʊz/ especially spoken say this when you think most people know something and you would be surprised if someone did not know it 【尤口】大家都知道 haven't you heard anja's pregnant? i thought everyone knew. 你没听说安雅怀孕了吗?我以为大家都知道呢。everyone knows (that) everyone knows that for a democracy to truly work, everyone has to get involved in some way. 人人都知道,要真正实现民主,每个人都得以某种方式参与进去。everyone knows how/what/why etc surely everyone knows how to change a light bulb! 毫无疑问人人都知道怎么更换灯泡! well known /ˌwel ˈnəʊn/ [adverb] use this about facts and ideas that most people know about, or that all the people in a particular group know about 众所周知的 her views on the single european currency were well known. 她对单一欧洲货币的观点众所周知。it is well known that it is well known that people who smoke are more likely to get lung diseases. 吸烟的人更易患肺部疾病是大家都知道的。 it was well known that mr. walters was interested in our mother. 大家都知道沃尔特斯先生对我们的母亲有兴趣。 be common knowledge /biː ˌkɒmən ˈnɒlɪdʒǁ-ˌkɑːmən ˈnɑː-/ [verb phrase] if information about someone is common knowledge, a lot of people know about it, even when that person would prefer to keep it a secret [某事虽然某人想保密但]尽人皆知 it's common knowledge here in miami that this whole operation was paid for with cocaine money. 在迈阿密这里的人都知道整个活动都是以可卡因赚来的钱支付的。be common knowledge that it's already common knowledge that their marriage is breaking up. 他们的婚姻濒临破裂,这已是尽人皆知了。 be no secret /biː nəʊ ˈsiːkrə̇t/ [verb phrase] if an unpleasant fact is no secret, everyone knows about it [不愉快的事]不是秘密 everyone knows they hate each other, it's no secret. 人人都知道他俩相互怨恨,这不是秘密。be no secret that it was no secret that morrison was with the cia, but nobody knew exactly what he did. 莫里森为中央情报局工作已不是什么秘密了,但没人确切知道他在干什么。 be an open secret /biː ən ˌəʊpən ˈsiːkrə̇t/ [verb phrase] if something is an open secret, it is supposed to be secret but most people know about it 是公开的秘密 her relationship with a french millionaire is pretty much an open secret around here. 她跟法国一位百万富翁的关系在这里差不多已是公开的秘密。be an open secret that it's an open secret that organized crime has been financing films here for years. 有组织的犯罪活动多年来一直为此地的电影业提供资金,这已是公开的秘密。 freedom of information /ˌfriːdəm əv ˌɪnfəʳˈmeɪʃən/ [uncountable noun] when a government allows people to know what is in official government records, documents etc 信息自由,知情权[政府允许人民知道正式政府记录、文件等的内容] freedom of information should be a basic right in a democracy. 信息自由理应是民主政体的一项基本权利。10. facts and information that you know 你所知道的事实和信息 knowledge /ˈnɒlɪdʒǁˈnɑː-/ [singular/uncountable noun] facts and information that you know 知识 he doesn't have the skills or knowledge needed to do the job. 他不具备做这项工作所需的技能和知识。knowledge of my knowledge of japanese is limited to a few phrases. 我在日语方面的知识仅限于几句话。scientific/medical/technical etc knowledge our assumptions are based on current scientific knowledge. 我们的假设建立在现有的科学知识基础之上。 expertise /ˌekspɜːʳˈtiːz/ [uncountable noun] special knowledge about how to do something, gained through study or practical experience 专门知识 the technical expertise was provided by a japanese company. 技术知识是由一家日本公司提供的。 his expertise will be invaluable to understanding technological challenges the bbc is facing. 他的专业知识对于了解英国广播公司面临的技术挑战是很有价值的。expertise in the organisation has employees with expertise in both medical and counselling services. 该机构的雇员具有医学和辅导两个方面的专业知识。 know-how /ˈnəʊ haʊ/ [uncountable noun] practical knowledge about how to do something [关于如何做某事的]实际知识;技能;窍门 there was a lack of managerial and technical know-how in the steel industry. 钢铁业缺乏管理方面和技术方面的实际知识。 the us supplied the machinery, the know-how, and most of the capital. 美国提供机器、技术以及大部分资金。11. to feel sure something is true even though you have no proof 即使没有证据也能肯定某事是真实的 feel /fiːl/ [transitive verb not in progressive] i felt a definite sense of danger and impending disaster. 我确切地感觉到有危险以及即将会发生灾难。feel (that) i always felt i had the ability to become a reasonable actor. 我以前总觉得自己有能力成为一名不错的演员。 it is a common experience to feel that an author writes well without being able to say exactly why. 大家都有这种体会,觉得某个作家写得很好,可又说不出到底好在哪里。 sense /sens/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to feel that something is present or is happening where you are although you cannot see or hear anything to prove it 感觉到;察觉到;意识到 we could sense an unwelcoming atmosphere. 我们感觉到一种不受欢迎的气氛。 i wasn't that thrilled with her performance, and i'm sure she sensed it. 我不觉得她的表演有那么激动人心,我肯定她意识到了这一点。sense (that) after a while, i sensed that he was no longer listening. 过了一会,我察觉到他不在听了。 know /nəʊ/ [intransitive/transitive verb not in progressive] to feel very strongly that something is true 确信[某事属实] everyone knew immediately how serious the situation was. 大家立刻就意识到情况有多严重。know (that) i knew that this was going to happen. 我早知道这事会发生。 i know damn well she won't keep her promise. 我就知道她不会守信。just know i knew it was a huge gamble, buying the stuff without seeing it, but i just knew it would be good quality. 我知道没看见那东西就买下来是在冒很大的风险,但我就知道它的质量是很好的。 have a feeling/get the feeling /ˌhæv ə ˈfiːlɪŋ, ˌget ðə ˈfiːlɪŋ/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to feel almost sure that something is true, although you have no proof 有一种感觉 have a feeling/get the feeling (that) as we walked along together, i had a feeling that we were both thinking the same thing. 我们一起走在路上,我有一种感觉,我俩是在想着同一件事情。 maybe we should leave him alone. i have a feeling he doesn't want us here. 也许我们应该让他独自待着。我感觉到他不想我们在这里。 be aware/conscious /biː əˈweəʳ, ˈkɒnʃəsǁ-ˈkɑːn-/ [verb phrase] to know how someone is feeling or how a situation is changing although there are no clear signs to prove it, especially in a way that worries you 意识到;感觉到[某人的看法或事态的变化,尤指令人担忧] be aware/conscious of charles was uncomfortably aware of the woman's silent contempt for him. 查尔斯不安地意识到,那妇人虽没说什么,但看不起他。be aware/conscious that slowly, she became conscious that there was some connection between the man and the girl. 慢慢地她意识到那名男子与女孩之间有某种关系。12. to not know a fact or piece of information 不知道某个事实或信息 not know /nɒt ˈnəʊ/ [verb phrase not in progressive] ‘what time's the next train to paris?’ ‘i'm sorry, i don't know.’ “下一班往巴黎的火车几点开出?”“对不起,我不知道。” i wish i could tell you the name of the restaurant but i honestly don't know it. 我但愿能告诉你餐厅的名字,但我真的不知道。not know anything about these days, record companies are usually owned by people who don't know anything about music. 如今唱片公司的老板通常都是些对音乐一窍不通的人。not know how/what/why etc i don't know why it is so difficult to explain the concept to people. 我不明白为什么把这个概念解释给大家听会这么困难。 no one knows if there really is a loch ness monster, or if it's just a myth. 没人知道是否真有尼斯湖水怪,抑或这只是杜撰出来的东西。not know (that) my mother never knew that they'd called the police out that night. 我妈妈一直不知道那天晚上他们叫了警察。 have no idea/not have a clue /hæv ˌnəʊ aɪˈdɪə, nɒt hæv ə ˈkluː/ [verb phrase not in progressive] especially spoken say this when you know nothing at all about the answer to a question, so that you cannot even guess what it might be 【尤口】[对某个问题]一点都不知道 ‘how much is this painting worth?’ ‘i'm sorry, i've no idea.’ “这幅画值多少钱?”“很抱歉,我一点都不知道。” when i asked where louise had gone, he said he didn't have a clue. 我问他路易丝去哪儿了,他说他什么都不知道。have no idea/not have a clue what/how/who etc that guy obviously doesn't have a clue how to put a web page together. 那家伙显然一点都不知道怎样凑成一个网页。 i fell asleep half way through the film, and i have absolutely no idea how it ended. 电影放了一半我就睡着了,结局如何我一点都不知道。 not have the faintest/slightest/foggiest idea also not have the least idea british /nɒt hæv ðə ˌfeɪntə̇st, ˌslaɪtə̇st, ˌfɒgiə̇st aɪˈdɪəǁ-ˌfɑːg-, nɒt hæv ðə ˌliːst aɪˈdɪə/ [verb phrase not in progressive] spoken say this when you want to say very strongly that you know nothing at all 【口】一点都不知道,完全不知道 ‘do you know where he was going after he left here?’ ‘i don't have the slightest idea.’ “你知道他离开这里后去哪儿了吗?”“我一点都不知道。”not have the faintest/slightest/foggiest idea what/how/where etc i don't have the faintest idea what you're talking about -- can you explain please? 我一点都不明白你在讲什么—请你解释一下好吗? nobody at that time had the slightest idea about how caffeine affected the body. 那时候没有人知道咖啡因是如何影响人体的。not have the faintest/slightest/foggiest idea about they didn't have the least idea about how to put up a tent. 他们完全不知道怎样搭帐篷。 (it) beats me /(ɪt) ˌbiːts ˈmiː/ spoken say this when you do not know and cannot understand why something happens 【口】把我难住了,令我困惑不解 ‘what i can't understand is why they make you wait three months just to give you a stamp on your passport.’ ‘beats me too.’ “我不明白的是为什么只是在你的护照上盖个印他们要让你等三个月。”“我也搞不清楚。”(it) beats me how/why etc it beats me how these kids can afford to spend so much money on clothes and cds. 我搞不懂这些年轻人怎么能花得起那么多钱买衣服和cd唱片。 don't ask me/how should i know? /ˌdəʊnt ɑːsk ˈmiːǁ-æsk-, ˌhaʊ ʃʊd ˈaɪ nəʊ/ spoken informal say this when it is impossible for you to know the answer to a question, especially when you are annoyed or surprised that someone has asked you 【口,非正式】我不知道;别问我/我怎么知道?[尤用于对别人的提问感到不悦或惊讶] ‘why is sharon in such a bad mood?’ ‘how should i know - she never tells me anything.’ “莎伦为什么心情那么糟?”“我怎么知道,她从来不跟我说。” ‘we figured we could pay about $200 a week, right?’ ‘don't ask me! i wasn't in on the conversation.’ “我们估计每周可以付200美元,对不对?”“别来问我!我又没有参与谈话。] who knows? /ˌhuː ˈnəʊz/ spoken say this when you think it is impossible for anyone to know the answer to a question 【口】谁知道? the world might end tomorrow. who knows? 明天可能就是世界末日了。谁知道呢? i give up /aɪ ˌgɪv ˈʌp/ spoken say this when you do not know the answer to a difficult question or a joke, and you want someone to tell you 【口】我放弃;我猜不出;我不知道[表示不知道难题或笑话的答案,要别人说出来] ‘guess who's coming to dinner tonight?’ ‘i give up. tell me.’ “猜猜今晚谁要来吃晚饭?”“我猜不出。告诉我吧。” ‘why did the chicken cross the road?’ ‘i give up, why did the chicken cross the road?’ “那只鸡为什么走过马路?”“我不知道,那只鸡为什么走过马路?”13. to not know a place, film or book etc 不认识某地、不知道某部电影或某本书等 not know /nɒt ˈnəʊ/ [transitive verb not in progressive] not be familiar with/be unfamiliar with /nɒt biː fəˈmɪliəʳ wɪð, biː ˌʌnfəˈmɪliəʳ wɪð/ [verb phrase] to know little or nothing about a subject, book, play etc because you have not studied it, read it, or seen it 对[某学科、书、剧本等]不熟悉 i'm afraid i'm not familiar with professor vaughan's work. 恐怕我对沃恩教授的著作不熟悉。 for those of you who may not be familiar with the play i'll give a brief summary of the plot. 你们中有些人可能不熟悉这剧本,我来对情节作一个简单的介绍。 it is difficult for anyone unfamiliar with astronomy to grasp the concept of the black hole. 不熟悉天文学的人很难理解黑洞的概念。 unfamiliar /ˌʌnfəˈmɪliəʳ◂/ [adjective] if someone or something is unfamiliar to you, you do not know them because you have never seen, heard, or experienced them before [某人或某事物]不熟悉的;陌生的 the voice on the phone sounded unfamiliar. 电话里的声音听上去很陌生。 it took steven some time to get used to his unfamiliar surroundings. 史蒂文过了一段时间才习惯这陌生的环境。unfamiliar to the song is in russian, a language unfamiliar to many singers. 这是首俄文歌曲,许多歌手对这种语言都不熟悉。14. to not realize what is happening 没有意识到正在发生什么事 not know/not realize/have no idea /nɒt ˈnəʊ, nɒt ˈrɪəlaɪz, hæv ˌnəʊ aɪˈdɪə/ [verb phrase] ‘it's my birthday today.’ ‘oh, i didn't realize. i should have bought you a card.’ “今天是我生日。”“哦,我不知道,我本应该给你买张贺卡的。”not know/not realize/have no idea (that) i wish i'd brought my coat. i didn't know it would be so cold. 要是把外套带来就好了,我不知道会这么冷。 we didn't realize that he had quit, until he didn't show up at work that day. 我们不知道他已经辞职了,直到那天他没来上班才知道。not know/not realize/have no idea what/how/where etc my wife and i had no idea how much we would depend upon social security in the future. 我和妻子不清楚将来在多大程度上要依靠社会保障制度。 be unaware/not be aware /biː ˌʌnəˈweəʳ, nɒt biː əˈweəʳ/ [verb phrase] formal to not know about a situation or about something that is happening, especially when you should know about it 【正式】未意识到;未察觉到[尤指应该知道] be unaware/not be aware of the child was clearly unaware of the danger. 那孩子显然未意识到有危险。 if any bad feelings existed between the two of them, i was not aware of it. 假如他俩相互间有什么敌意,我也没察觉到。be unaware/not be aware that his parents weren't even aware that he smoked. 他父母甚至没有察觉他在吸烟。 have no knowledge of /hæv ˌnəʊ ˈnɒlɪdʒ ɒvǁ-ˈnɑː-/ [verb phrase not in progressive] formal to know nothing about a subject or situation because you have not experienced it, read about it, or heard about it 【正式】全然不知[某学科或情况] the general public has little or no knowledge of what is happening inside prisons. 一般大众对监狱里的情况了解不多,甚或一无所知。 the state department said it had no knowledge of any threats to u.s. security. 国务院称没有察觉到有任何威胁美国安全的事。 unbeknown to somebody also unbeknownst to somebody /ˌʌnbɪˈnəʊn tə somebody, ˌʌnbɪˈnəʊnst tə somebody/ [adverb] use this about something that was happening without you knowing about it at the time 不为某人所知 unbeknown to me, denise had her own plan. 我一点都不知道丹尼丝有她自己的计划。 unbeknownst to the public, he was involved in covering up the scandal that was to rock the nation. 公众并不知道他涉及掩盖那个会震惊全国的丑闻。 little did i/she/he etc know /ˌlɪtl dɪd aɪ ˈnəʊ/ [adverb] use this when you did not know or imagine that something was true or would happen 我/她/他等不知道 little did i/she/he etc know that little did she know that this picture would one day be worth more than a million dollars. 她没想到这幅画有一天会值一百多万美元。 little did i know then that i would be working in los angeles 35 years later. 我当时不知道我35年后会在洛杉矶工作。 for all i/you/they etc know /fər ɔːl ˈaɪ ˌnəʊ/ spoken say this when you know almost nothing about a situation and to suggest something that might have happened or be true, especially something unlikely 【口】说不定 they may have gone to south america, for all we know. 说不定他们已经去南美洲了。 you shouldn't have accepted a ride from him. for all you knew he might have been a mass murderer. 你不应该答应坐他的汽车—说不定他是个杀人如麻的凶手。 be unconscious of /biː ʌnˈkɒnʃəs ɒvǁ-ˈkɑːn-/ [verb phrase] if you are unconscious of the effect of something that you have said or done, you do not realize how it affects other people 没有意识到[自己的话或行为会如何影响他人 she appeared to be unconscious of the amusement she had caused by her remarks. 她好像没意识到自己所说的话非常有趣。 like many tourists they were unconscious of the fact that they had deeply offended their hosts. 跟许多游客一样,他们没有意识到自己已经大大得罪了主人。 oblivious /əˈblɪviəs/ [adjective] someone who is oblivious to what is happening around them does not notice it and continues to do other things without being affected by it [对周围发生的事]不注意的;没有察觉到的 oblivious of they soon fell asleep, oblivious of the danger. 他们没注意到危险,很快就睡着了。oblivious to the walkers in front crossed the ledge easily, seemingly oblivious to the fact that there was a 3000 foot drop on either side. 走在前面的人很轻巧地跨过岩架,好像没察觉到两侧都有3,000英尺的落差。 in the sitcom she plays a new york executive who's totally oblivious to the feelings of others. 在那部情景喜剧中,她扮演一个纽约的行政人员,对别人的感受完全不在意。15. to not know anything about a subject 在某方面一无所知 not know anything/know nothing /nɒt nəʊ ˈeniθɪŋ, nəʊ ˈnʌθɪŋ/ [verb phrase not in progressive] don't ask me. i know nothing at all about fixing cars. 别问我,我对修车一窍不通。 no one else at school knew anything about jazz. 学校里其他人都对爵士乐一无所知。know nothing of formal when he arrived in venice he knew almost nothing of its history or culture. 他到威尼斯时对这座城市的历史和文化几乎一无所知。 have no idea/not have a clue /hæv ˌnəʊ aɪˈdɪə, nɒt hæv ə ˈkluː/ [verb phrase not in progressive] informal to know nothing at all about how to do something 【非正式】全然不知,一无所知 i'm amazed how he puts all the bits of the computer back together. i wouldn't have a clue. 我很惊讶他是怎么把电脑的所有部件重新组装起来的。我一点也不懂。have no idea/not have a clue about after nine years of marriage, he still didn't have a clue about what she really wanted. 经过九年的婚姻生活,他仍然弄不清楚她到底需要什么。have no idea/not have a clue how/what/where etc it became clear that the sales people didn't have any idea how to sell the new products. 情况清楚了,原来那些销售人员根本不知道怎样去推销这些新产品。 be a closed book /biː ə ˌkləʊzd ˈbʊk/ [verb phrase] british a subject that is a closed book to someone is one that they know nothing about, and that they believe they will never understand 【英】[某学科]是完全不懂的事物,是无法理解的事物 for many people, science is something of a closed book. 科学对许多人来说是高深莫测的东西。16. to not know about something that other people know 不知道他人所知道的事 be in the dark /biː ɪn ðə ˈdɑːʳk/ [verb phrase] if you are in the dark about something, especially something important, you have not been told about it because other people want to keep it secret 毫不知情,被蒙在鼓里[因他人想把某重要的事保密] we have no idea why he's been arrested. we're still completely in the dark. 我们不知道他为何被捕,我们至今仍被蒙在鼓里。be in the dark about most board members were kept in the dark about this important financial information. 大多数董事会成员对这项重要的金融信息毫不知情。 we're being kept in the dark about the dangers of food additives by the big food manufacturers. 大型食品制造商不让我们知道食物添加剂的危害。 not be in on /nɒt biː ˈɪn ɒn/ [verb phrase] informal if you are not in on a secret plan, you have not been told about it and are not involved in it 【非正式】不知道;没参与 they weren't in on the robbery -- only me and my brother knew about it. 他们都不知道这次抢劫的事—只有我和我哥哥知道。17. to not know the most recent information about something 不了解某事的最新情况 be out of touch /biː ˌaʊt əv ˈtʌtʃ/ [verb phrase] someone who is out of touch with something used to know about it but does not now know the most recent information about it, because they have not read about it or been involved in it for a long time 不再了解某事 i don't know what kind of music kids listen to these days -- i'm really out of touch. 我不知道如今孩子们听什么样的音乐—我真的很落伍了。be out of touch with the press accused macgregor of being out of touch with the campaign he was supposed to be running. 报纸指责麦格雷戈与他应当推行的运动脱了节。 lose touch /ˌluːz ˈtʌtʃ/ [verb phrase] if you lose touch with a situation or a subject, you no longer know the latest information about it and are unable to understand what is happening in it 对[某一情形或学科]已很生疏 i must do some teaching again -- i'm worried about losing touch. 我必须再教教书—我担心会生疏了。lose touch with the french president has lost touch with the reality of the political situation in france. 这位法国总统与法国政界的现状脱了节。 when you're living abroad, it's easy to lose touch with what's going on back home. 在国外居住很容易与国内发生的事情脱节。 lose track of /ˌluːz ˈtræk ɒv/ [verb phrase] if you lose track of something or someone, you no longer know where they are or what has happened to them 失去与[某人]的联系;不了解[某物]的动态 i had the file on my desk a minute ago, but i seem to have lost track of it. 文件刚刚还在桌上,可现在好像不知去向了。 after the war they lost track of each other. 战后他们就失去了联系。 they fed us every twelve hours, but when you can't see the sun, you lose track of time. 他们每隔12小时给我们吃一次东西,但当你看不见太阳时,你就失去时间概念了。 not be up on /nɒt biː ˈʌp ɒn/ [verb phrase] informal if you are not up on the latest fashions, music, or news, you do not know about them 【非正式】不了解[最近的时尚、音乐或消息] i spend most of my time in the woods of wyoming these days, so i'm not really up on all the latest fashions and movies. 我近来大部分时间都在怀俄明州的树林里,所以对最近的时装和电影不是很了解。 my dad's not really up on what kids think these days. 我爸爸对如今的孩子想什么并不了解。18. ways of saying that no one knows something 无人知道某事的说法 who knows/who can say /huː ˈnəʊz, ˌhuː kən ˈseɪ/ maybe the world will end tomorrow. who can say? 也许明天就是世界末日了,谁知道呢? he might come back and say he still loves me, who knows? who cares? 他也许会回来说他仍爱着我,谁知道呢?谁在乎?who knows/who can say what/where/why etc who knows whether mimi ever made it to paris. 谁知道咪咪是否已经到了巴黎。 god knows/heaven knows /ˌgɒd ˈnəʊzǁˌgɑːd-, ˌhevən ˈnəʊz/ spoken say this when you mean that it is impossible to know something 【口】天知道 ‘where'd she go?’ ‘god knows.’ “她会去哪儿呢?”“天知道。”god knows/heaven knows what/who/why etc i've just missed my train, so god knows what time i'll get home now. 我恰好没赶上这班火车,现在天知道我什么时候会回到家了。 heaven knows why she feels she can't trust her own parents. 天知道为什么她觉得不能相信自己的父母。 it's anybody's guess /ɪts ˈenibɒdiz ˌgesǁ-bɑː-/ spoken say this when neither you, nor anyone else knows the answer to a question or the truth about something, and any answer could be correct 【口】这很难说;这说不准;谁也不知道 how he'd lived through it all is anybody's guess. 他是怎么熬过来的谁也不知道。it's anybody's guess who/what/why etc it's anybody's guess who will come out on top when the winners are announced at the grammy awards this year. 今年宣布格莱美奖得主时,谁也说不准名列榜首的到底是谁。 there's no telling/knowing /ðeəʳz ˌnəʊ ˈtelɪŋ, ˈnəʊɪŋ/ spoken say this when it is impossible to know what will happen, especially when you are worried that something bad might happen 【口】谁也不知道;不可能知道[尤用于担心坏事会发生时] there's no telling/knowing who/what/why etc ‘he's a desperate man. there's no telling what he'll do next,’ said holmes. “他已不顾死活了,很难说他下一步会做什么。”福尔摩斯说。 there was no knowing when the flood waters might recede with so much rain in the forecast. 天气预报说会持续下雨,所以没法知道洪水什么时候会退。 your guess is as good as mine /ˌjɔːʳ ges ɪz əz ˌgʊd əz ˈmaɪn/ spoken say this when someone asks you a question and you do not know the answer, so that they are just as likely to guess the right answer as you are 【口】我和你一样不知道 ‘who do you think will win the world cup?’ ‘your guess is as good as mine.’ “你说谁能赢得世界杯?”“我跟你一样不知道。”19. not knowing about something 不知道某事 ignorant /ˈɪgnərənt/ [adjective] someone who is ignorant does not know facts or information that they should know 无知的;愚昧的 i didn't like to ask him to explain more clearly because i didn't want to appear ignorant. 我不想请他再解释得清楚些,因为我不愿显得无知。ignorant of there are still doctors who are ignorant of patients’ rights, or who try to deny them. 仍有些医生对病人的权利不甚了解,或企图否认这样的权利。ignorant about i'm very ignorant about politics. 我对政治一窍不通。 ignorance /ˈɪgnərəns/ [uncountable noun] when someone does not know facts or information that they should know 无知;愚昧 i haven't read your latest book, so i hope you'll forgive my ignorance. 我没有读过你最新的著作,所以希望你能原谅我的无知。ignorance of he showed complete ignorance of the most basic historical facts. 他对最基本的历史事实显得一无所知。 uninformed /ˌʌnɪnˈfɔːʳmd◂/ [adjective] people or opinions that are uninformed show a lack of knowledge and information about the subject that they are discussing [人]无知的;不了解情况的;[意见]无资料根据的 careless or uninformed decisions during these huge storms can lead to loss of life and property. 在这些强烈的暴风雨期间,粗心大意的或无知的决定可能会导致生命和财产损失。uninformed about the vice-president gave the impression of being remarkably uninformed about south american affairs. 副总统给人的印象是对南美洲的事务极其不了解。 ill-informed /ˌɪl ɪnˈfɔːʳmd◂/ [adjective] not knowing much about something or making mistakes about it because you have been given incorrect or not enough information 无知的;资料不准确的;了解不够的 he's either a liar or he's incredibly ill-informed. 他要么在撒谎,要么无知得令人难以置信。 writers such as oscar wilde were the target of ill-informed and often hostile criticism simply because they were gay. 像奥斯卡王尔德这类的作家,只因为他们是同性恋,就遭受到无知而且经常是敌意的批评。ill-informed about for someone who wants to be a journalist, she's remarkably ill-informed about current affairs. 对一个想当新闻记者的人而言,她对时事无知得出奇。 layman/lay person /ˈleɪmən, ˈleɪ pɜːʳsən/ [countable noun] someone who has no special knowledge about a subject such as science or medicine, as opposed to people who have special knowledge or training 外行人,门外汉 professor hawking's book is intended for the lay person who has an interest in the field of nuclear physics and astronomy. 霍金教授这本书的读者对象是对核物理学和天文学感兴趣的外行人。in layman's terms using words a layman can understand 以通俗易懂的词汇 many superb doctors are incapable of communicating in layman's terms. 许多杰出的医生都不能以通俗易懂的语言进行交流。20. something that people know nothing or very little about 人们不知道的或知道很少的某事 unknown /ˌʌnˈnəʊn◂/ [adjective] after they left kathmandu they would be travelling through unknown territory. 他们离开加德满都后要穿越不为人知的地域。 there are still a great many unknown insect species in the world. 世界上仍有许许多多未知的昆虫种类。 yesterday the village was quite unknown, but today it's on the front page of all the newspapers. 昨天这个村庄还是寂寂无名的,可今天它却登上了所有报纸的头版。 the unknown /ði ˌʌnˈnəʊn/ [singular noun] a place or an experience that people have not been in before and that they are therefore often nervous about 不为人知的地方[经历];未知事物 in 1492 columbus and his group of tiny ships set off into the unknown. 1492年哥伦布和他的一队小船开始了探险之旅。 starting a new relationship with someone is always a journey into the unknown. 开展一段新的恋爱关系总是像去探索一个未知的世界一样。fear of the unknown the fear of the unknown prevents many people from making significant changes in their lives. 对未知事物的恐惧使许多人不敢对自己的生活作出重大改变。 uncharted /ʌnˈtʃɑːʳtɪd, ʌnˈtʃɑːʳtəd/ [adjective usually before noun] relating to places that have not been put on a map yet, or to situations that have not yet been experienced 地图上未标明的;未曾经历的 space is filled with unknown stars and uncharted galaxies. 宇宙中满是未知的星球和未标明的星系。uncharted territory when indian politicians established mass democracy in 1947, they knew they were entering uncharted territory. 1947年印度政治家确立了广泛的民主,那时他们知道这是在走进一个未知的领域。 unidentified /ˌʌnaɪˈdentɪfaɪd◂, ˌʌnaɪˈdentəfaɪd◂/ [adjective] if something is unidentified, people do not know what it is, what its name is, or who it belongs to - used especially in newspapers or in official reports 身份不明的,未被确认的[尤用于报纸或官方报道] a large unidentified object was spotted floating in the sea near our ship. 在我们的船附近发现了一个庞大的不明物体在海面上漂浮。 two unidentified gunmen opened fire on the consulate van. 两个身份不明的枪手向领事馆的小型货车开枪。 the body remained unidentified until the police checked dental records. 直到警察核对了尸体的牙科病历才弄清楚死者的身份。 little known /ˌlɪtl ˈnəʊn◂/ [adjective usually before noun] a little known place or thing is one that not many people know about [地方或东西]鲜为人知的 he was born on a little known island off the south coast of spain. 他出生在西班牙南面海岸附近一个鲜为人知的小岛上。 the kakapo is a little known species of parrot that lives in new zealand. 鸮鹦鹉是一种生长在新西兰的鲜为人知的物种。21. a person or place that not many people know or know about 不为大众所知的人或地方 unknown /ˌʌnˈnəʊn◂/ [adjective] the picture was painted in the 15th century by an unknown italian artist. 这幅画是15世纪一位不知名的意大利画家画的。 until their first single, the beatles were virtually unknown outside hamburg and liverpool. 在录制第一张单曲唱片之前,披头士乐队在汉堡和利物浦以外的地方几乎不为人知。unknown to the internet has opened up a marketplace where sellers and buyers are virtually unknown to each other. 互联网开辟了一个买卖双方互不认识的市场。 little known/little-known /ˌlɪtl ˈnəʊn◂/ [adjective usually before noun] a little known artist, film etc is one that very few people know about [艺术家、电影等]几乎不为人所知的,鲜为人知的 a little-known separatist group claimed responsibility for the explosion. 一个鲜为人知的分裂主义组织声称对这次爆炸负责。 bernardo vittone is little known outside his native italy. 伯纳多·维托内在他本国意大利之外几乎不为人知。 obscure /əbˈskjʊəʳ/ [adjective] not at all well-known and usually not very important 无名的;不重要的 picasso's first exhibition received only a short mention in an obscure parisian newspaper. 对于毕加索的第一次画展,只有巴黎一家名不见经传的报纸作了简短的报道。 the silver apples are one of those obscure bands that you might hear about, but never actually hear. “银苹果”是那种你可能听说过,但从未听过其演奏的无名乐队。 obscurity [uncountable noun] an american publishing company rescued him from obscurity and offered him $100,000 for his first novel. 一家美国出版公司把他从默默无闻中解救了出来,他们给他10万美元作为第一部小说的稿酬。 shadowy figure /ˌʃædəʊi ˈfɪgəʳǁ-ˈfɪgjər/ [countable noun] written a mysterious person that people know very little about, especially someone who seems dangerous 【书面】神秘而不知名的人[尤指危险人物] vogel, a high-ranking official in east berlin, was one of the cold war's most shadowy figures. 沃格尔,东柏林的一位高级官员,是冷战时期最神秘的人物之一。 an unknown quantity /ən ˌʌn-nəʊn ˈkwɒntə̇tiǁ-ˈkwɑːn-/ [noun phrase] someone that very little is known about, especially in relation to their abilities, so that you do not know if they will be successful [尤指在能力方面]难以预测的人 the team's new pitcher has never played pro baseball before and is something of an unknown quantity. 该队新加盟的投球手以前从没打过职业棒球赛,他的能力有点难以预料。22. to know someone 认识某人 know /nəʊ/ [transitive verb not in progressive] if you know someone, you have met them before, can remember their face or name, and know something about them, such as where they live, what their job is etc 认识;熟悉 do you two know each other? 你们俩认识吗? everyone who knew her described her as a kind, generous person. 认识她的每个人都说她善良慷慨。 do you know anyone who can repair a boiler? 你认识会修锅炉的人吗? although we worked for him for years, cathy was the only one who knew him well. 虽然我们为他工作了多年,但凯茜是唯一熟悉他的人。 know somebody by sight /ˌnəʊ somebody baɪ ˈsaɪt/ [verb phrase] to be able to recognize someone but not know their name or anything else about them 和某人面熟 bentson knew all the women by sight, but he'd never exchanged more than a few words with any of them. 本特森认得所有这些妇女,但从未与她们中的任何一个多说几句话。 two or three of the salespeople knew me by sight. 这些销售员中有两三个和我面熟。 be acquainted with /biː əˈkweɪntə̇d wɪð/ [verb phrase] formal to know someone because you have met once or twice before but to not know much about them 【正式】认识[某人] ‘have you met lee davidson?’ ‘no, i don't think we're acquainted.’ “你见过李·戴维森没有?”“没有,我想我们不认识。” he lived in great russell street and became acquainted with keynes and other famous british thinkers of the time. 他住在大罗素街,并与凯恩斯及其他一些英国当时的著名思想家相识。23. to start to know someone 开始认识某人 get to know /ˌget tə ˈnəʊ/ [verb phrase] to start to become friends with someone by spending a lot of time with them and talking to them 开始了解 the volunteers had a lot of trouble getting to know the local people. 志愿者费了很多周折才开始了解当地人。 being stuck on a small boat, you get to know someone pretty well. 被困在一条小船上时,你就会跟别人混熟。 steve's alright once you get to know him. 你了解史蒂夫以后就会觉得他这人很好。 get acquainted /ˌget əˈkweɪntə̇d/ [verb phrase] to start to know someone who you have only just met 开始认识;开始了解[刚遇见的人] i'll leave you two alone so you can get acquainted. 我让你们俩单独相处,你们可以好好认识一下。get acquainted with i had no problems getting acquainted with the girls, but the guys were a little harder. 我和女孩子们认识没有问题,但这些男人就稍稍困难些了。get better acquainted maybe we should invite sam round for dinner so we can get better acquainted. 也许我们应该把萨姆请过来吃饭,这样可以增进对他的了解。 meet /miːt/ [transitive verb] to see and talk to someone for the first time 认识,结识 where did you meet michael? 你是在哪儿与迈克尔相识的? carol and i first met at university. 我和卡罗尔是在大学里初次相见的。 branford took us to meet a few of his colleagues. 布兰福德带我们去认识他的几位同事。24. someone you know, but not very well 你认识但不是很熟悉的人 acquaintance /əˈkweɪntəns/ [countable noun] she's just an acquaintance -- i see her sometimes at night school. 她只是一个普通朋友—我有时在夜校里见到她。business/childhood/musical etc acquaintance one you know from business, childhood etc 业务上/童年时/音乐圈里等认识的人 i first heard of the idea from a business acquaintance in montpelier. 我最初是从蒙彼利埃一位生意上的朋友那里听到这个主意的。mutual acquaintance one that you and someone else both know 共同的朋友 jane and i met through a mutual acquaintance at a party. 简和我是在一次聚会上通过一个共同的朋友认识的。 have met/met /həv ˈmet, met/ [transitive verb] if you have met someone, you have seen and talked to them, although you do not know them very well 认识,结识 ‘do you know chris?’ ‘yes, we've met.’ “你认识克里斯吗?”“是的,我们见过面。” we met once before at jo's house. 我们以前在乔的家中见过一次面。25. someone you do not know 你不认识的人 stranger /ˈstreɪndʒəʳ/ [countable noun] the room was full of strangers. 房间里全是陌生人。be a stranger to somebody after assuming office, he was reluctant to use the existing speech writers because they were strangers to him. 上任后,他不愿意用原有的几个撰写演讲辞的人,因为对他来说他们都是陌生人。perfect/complete stranger use this to emphasize that you do not know someone at all 完全陌生的人[用于强调] the boy was a complete stranger to me. 那男孩对我来说完全是个陌生人。




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