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单词 crusade
释义 crusade nounadjective | verb + crusade | preposition adjective➤great伟大的运动▸➤holy, moral, personal神圣的/提倡道德的/个人的运动verb + crusade➤embark on, launch, mount, start发动运动;发起运动◆the charity tonight launched its great crusade against homelessness.今晚这家慈善机构发起了援助无家可归者的大型活动。➤be engaged in, join, wage参与/加入/开展运动◆she seems to be waging a personal crusade to stop this building work.她似乎在进行一场个人圣战来阻止这项建筑工程。➤lead领导运动preposition➤on a crusade从事运动◆he is on a crusade to take the church to the people.他在从事一项向民众传教的工作。➤crusade against反⋯的运动◆the book urges parents to join a crusade against crime.该书极力主张父母参加打击犯罪的运动。➤crusade for为⋯的运动◆for 23 years he led a crusade for peace.他领导了一场长达 23 年的和平运动。 crusade /kruːseɪd/ [countable] a long and determined effort to achieve sth that you believe to be right or to stop sth that you believe to be wrong(长期坚定不移的)斗争,运动◆we must continue the crusade against crime.我们必须继续打击犯罪。◆her moral crusade began in 1963.她那提倡道德的运动始于 1963 年。◆he led a crusade to give terminally ill people the right to die.他领导了一场给予末期病人死亡权利的运动。  ➡ see also crusader → activist note 辨析 war, fight or crusade?a war is about stopping things, like drugs and crime, that everyone agrees are bad. a fight can be about achieving justice for yourself. a crusade is often about persuading other people to share your beliefs about what is right and wrong. * war 指对公认的丑恶现象进行的斗争,如毒品和犯罪。 fight 可指为自己争取公正而进行的斗争。crusade 常指说服别人接受自己的是非观的运动。crusade/kru:ˈseɪd ||; kruˈsed/noun[c] 1. a fight for sth that you believe to be good or against sth that you believe to be bad (为争取好的或反对坏的事物的)运动,斗争,抗争: ◇mr khan is leading a crusade against drugs in his neighbourhood. 卡恩先生正在自己的街坊领导一场打击毒品的运动。 2. crusade one of the wars fought in palestine by european christians against muslims in the middle ages 十字军东征 ➔crusader noun [c] crusadesee ⇨ fight 9 cru·sade /kru`sed; kruːˈseɪd/n [c]a determined attempt to change something that you feel very strongly about [为改变某物所进行的]运动:◇a crusade against violence 遏制暴力的运动 crusadev [i]




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