释义 |
kanban /kænbæn/ noun (production 生产) (also kanban system) [uncountable, countable] a system of manufacturing in which the production of parts and their movement around the factory is controlled using instructions, usually written on cards, that are sent to the relevant group of workers whenever the parts are needed 看板管理(一种生产系统,即零部件的生产及在工厂内的流转是由写在卡片上的指示控制的,无论何时需要零部件,就将卡片交给有关的工人) ➡ just-in-time 2. [countable] in this type of manufacturing system, a card with information about the type and number of parts needed 看板(在这种生产系统中,卡片上有所需零部件的类型和数量)ⓘ kanban comes from a japanese term meaning ‘sign’ or ‘billboard’.kanban 来自日语,意思是“指示牌”或“招牌”。☞ kanban |