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单词 clip
释义 clip noun¹ 1used for holding things together夹东西的用具adjective | verb + clip | clip + verb adjective➤bicycle, hair, nose, paper, tie(骑自行车时用的)裤管夹;发夹;鼻夹;回形针;领带夹➤belt, pocket (name) 皮带夹;口袋夹▸➤bulldog, spring大钢夹;弹簧夹▸➤alligator, crocodile (especially bre) 鳄鱼嘴夹➤butterfly (name) 蝶形夹verb + clip➤attach, fasten, put, put in, put on别夹子;夹夹子◆she put a clip in her hair.她别了一个发夹。◆he put his bicycle clips on and set off.他夹上自行车裤管夹出发了。➤take off, undo, unfasten取下夹子;松开夹子clip + verb➤hold sth夹子夹住某物◆paper clips held the picture in place.回形针把图片固定住了。clip noun² 2small section from a film/movie影片片段adjective | verb + clip | preposition adjective➤brief, short简短的片段▸➤film, movie, video电影片段;录像片段➤audio, music, sound录音/音乐/声音片段➤interview, news采访/新闻片段verb + clip➤see, view, watch看片段;观看片段▸➤play, show放映片段➤download下载片段preposition➤in a/the clip在片段里◆you will see in this clip how well she acts.在这个片段里你会看到她的表演有多好。➤clip from剪自⋯的片段◆a clip from a sherlock holmes movie剪自福尔摩斯影片的一个片段clip noun³ 3 (especially name) container for bullets子弹夹adjective | verb + clip adjective➤ammo (informal) , ammunition弹药夹➤empty空弹夹➤spare备用弹夹verb + clip➤empty清空弹夹➤load, unload装弹夹;卸弹夹➤check检查弹夹 clip(-pp-) [transitive] to cut sth with scissors, etc. in order to make it shorter or neater; to remove sth by cutting it off剪(掉);修剪◆the trees had been clipped into formal shapes.那些树已经修剪成整齐的形状了。◆he clipped off a piece of wire with the pliers.他用钳子剪掉了一段电线。 clip [countable] a short part of a film that is shown separately电影片段◆here is a clip from her latest movie.这是她的最新电影的片段。clip¹/klɪp ||; klɪp/noun[c] 1. a small object, usually made of metal or plastic, used for holding things together 夹子;回形针;回形针: ◇a paper clip 回形针◇a hairclip 发夹 ☞picture at stationery 见stationery插图 2. a small section of a film that is shown so that people can see what the rest of the film is like 电影片段 ☞look at trailer. 参看trailer。 3. (informal 非正式) a quick hit with the hand 快速的一击: ◇she gave the boy a clip round the ear. 她打了男孩一记耳光。 4. the act of cutting sth to make it shorter 削减;缩短 clip²/klɪp ||; klɪp/verb (clipping;clipped) 1. [i,t] to be fastened with a clip; to fasten sth to sth else with a clip 用别针别住;用夹子夹住: ◇clip the photo to the letter, please. 请你把相片夹在信上。 2. [t] to cut sth, especially by cutting small parts off 剪;修剪: ◇the hedge needs clipping. 树篱需要修剪一下。 3. [t] to hit sb/sth quickly 飞快碰或击: ◇my wheel clipped the pavement and i fell off my bike. 轮子撞着人行道,我从自行车上跌了下来。 clipsee ⇨ part 3☞ clip¹☞ clip²




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