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单词 experimental
释义 experimental adjective  ➡ see also the entry for modern另见 modern 条experimental ♦︎ modern ♦︎ modernist ♦︎ futuristic ♦︎ avant-garde ♦︎ postmodernistthese words all describe sth that is based on new and unusual ideas, forms or methods that are intended to be different from traditional ones and that may be surprising or shocking.这些词均表示实验性的、前卫的、另类的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆an experimental / a modern / a modernist approach◆experimental / modern / modernist / avant-garde / postmodernist art / writing / works◆experimental / modern / modernist / postmodernist fiction / novels◆experimental / modern / avant-garde music / theatre◆a modern / a modernist / a futuristic / an avant-garde style◆a modern / modernist / futuristic building■ experimental based on new ideas, forms or methods that are used to find out what effect they have实验性的;试验性的◆the equipment is still at the experimental stage.这种设备仍处于试验阶段。◆doctors stress that this kind of treatment is still experimental.医生强调说这仍是一种试验性的治疗方法。▸ experimentally adverb◆the new drug is being used experimentally on some patients.这种新药正由一些病人试用。■ modern (of ways of behaving or thinking) new and intended to be different from traditional ways, and therefore not always accepted by most members of society(行为或思维方式)新式的,超前的(社会大众不一定接受)◆she has very modern ideas about educating her children.在教育孩子方面,她的观点很超前。 opp old-fashioned → old-fashioned , traditional → traditional  ➡ see also modern → modern ■ modernist [only before noun] following the ideas of modernism现代主义的;现代风格的ⓘ modernism was a style and movement in art, architecture and literature popular in the middle of the 20th century in which modern ideas, methods and materials were used rather than traditional ones. * modernism 意为现代主义,指盛行于 20 世纪中期,采用现代理念、手段和材料的艺术、建筑和文学风格◆the museum devotes a large gallery to modernist art.博物馆里专设一个大画廊展出现代艺术。■ futuristic /fjuːtʃərɪstɪk/ (of architecture or design) extremely modern and unusual in appearance, as if belonging to a future time(建筑或设计)未来主义的,超前的◆the cover of the novel shows a futuristic city on the moon.小说的封面是月球上的一个未来城市。■ avant-garde /ævɒ̃ gɑːd; name ævɑ̃ː gɑːrd/ (of art, music or literature) based on very new and unusual ideas, and therefore sometimes surprising or shocking(艺术、音乐或文学)前卫派的,大胆另类的◆the theatre shows a lot of avant-garde work.这座剧院上演了许多前卫派作品。■ postmodernist /pəʊstmɒdənɪst; name poʊstmɑːdərnɪst/ [only before noun] following the ideas of postmodernism后现代主义的ⓘ postmodernism is a style and movement in art, architecture and literature in the late 20th century that reacts against modern styles, for example by mixing features from traditional and modern styles. * postmodernism 意为后现代主义,指 20 世纪后期在艺术、建筑、文学等方面对抗现代风格,如融合传统与现代的一种风格流派◆an analysis of postmodernist cultural forms对后现代主义文化形式的分析experimentalbased on new ideas, forms or methods that are used to find out what effect they have实验性的;试验性的◆the equipment is still at the experimental stage.这种设备仍处于试验阶段。◆doctors stress that this kind of treatment is still experimental.医生强调说这仍是一种试验性的治疗方法。▸ experimentally adverb◆the new drug is being used experimentally on some patients.这种新药正由一些病人试用。experimentalconnected with scientific experiments科学实验的◆experimental conditions / methods / data实验条件/方法/数据◆experimental physics实验物理学 opp theoretical → intellectual 1 experimental/ɪkˌsperɪˈmentl ||; ɪkˌspɛrəˈmɛntḷ/adj connected with experiments or trying new ideas 与试验有关的;实验性的: ◇we're still at the experimental stage with the new product. 我们这项新产品还在试验阶段。◇experimental schools 实验学校 experimental /ɪkˏspɛrə`mɛntḷ; ɪkˌsperɪˈmentl◄/adj




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