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单词 dip²
释义 dip²n 1. [c,u] a thick sauce that you dip food into before you eat it 调味汁[酱]:◇a sour cream dip 酸奶油调味汁 2. [c] a place where the surface of something goes down suddenly 倾斜,下降:◇a dip in the road 路面的斜坡 3. [c] when the level or amount of something becomes lower [水平、数量的]下降,减少:◇a dip in prices 价格的降低 4. [singular 单数] informal a quick swim 【非正式】 游(一会儿)泳:◇is there time for a dip before lunch? 午饭前去游个泳时间够吗?




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