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单词 proportion
释义 proportion noun¹ 1part/share of a whole部份adjective | verb + proportion | proportion + verb adjective➤appreciable, considerable, good, great, high, huge, large, overwhelming, significant, sizeable, substantial大部份;相当大的一部份;压倒性的一大部份◆a significant proportion of the funding is likely to come from government.相当大的一部份资金可能会来自政府。➤fair, reasonable (especially bre) 公平的/合理的部份▸➤low, small, tiny小部份▸➤certain特定份额▸➤equal相等的部份◆the company employs men and women in roughly equal proportions.公司聘用的男员工与女员工人数大致相等。➤equivalent, similar相同的/相似的份额▸➤different, differing, varying不同的比重;变化的份额▸➤fixed固定的部份▸➤exact确切的部份▸➤approximate相似的部份▸➤average平均的部份▸➤overall全部▸➤growing, increasing, rising日益增加的部份▸➤declining, decreasing, diminishing日益减少的部份verb + proportion➤calculate, estimate计算/估计比例▸➤express sth as用所占比例表述⋯◆the chart shows government spending expressed as a proportion of national income.这幅图表说明了政府开支在国民收入中所占的比重。➤grow as, increase as, rise as所占比重增长▸➤decline as, decrease as, diminish as, fall as所占比重下降◆the unskilled section of the working class was diminishing as a proportion of the workforce.劳动力中非熟练工人的人数正在减少。proportion + verb➤grow, increase, rise所占比重上升▸➤decline, decrease, fall所占比重降低proportion noun² 2relationship between the size/amount of two things比例adjective | verb + proportion | preposition | phrases adjective➤correct正确的比例▸➤direct正比▸➤inverse反比◆the human population in the region is expanding in inverse proportion to the wildlife.这个地区的人口在膨胀,而野生生物的数量却在减少。➤relative相关比verb + proportion➤keep sth in使⋯恰如其分◆try to keep your view of the situation in proportion (= not think it is more serious than it is).看待情势要客观。preposition➤in proportion (to)(与⋯)成比例◆the cost of insurance increases in proportion to the performance of the car.汽车的性能越好,保险费用就越高。➤out of proportion (to)(与⋯)不成比例◆the costs of the plan are out of proportion to the budget available.计划的成本与现有的预算不成比例。➤proportion of sth to sth⋯与⋯的比例◆the proportion of sand to cement used was three to one.所用的沙子与水泥的比例是 3 比 1.phrases➤be blown, exaggerated, etc. out of all proportion, be blown, exaggerated, etc. out of proportion比例被过分夸大◆this issue was about to be blown out of proportion.这个问题快要被夸大得没边没沿儿了。◆the problem has been exaggerated out of all proportion.问题被过分夸大了。➤a sense of proportion主次观念◆try to keep a sense of proportion (= of the relative importance of different things).尽量分出轻重缓急。proportion noun³ 3proportions size and shape of sth大小;形状adjective | verb + proportions adjective➤biblical, enormous, epic, gargantuan, generous, gigantic, heroic, huge, immense, major, mammoth, massive, monumental, staggering巨大的规模;极大的份额;庞大的体形▸➤modest适度的体积▸➤manageable便于管理的程度◆the computer brings the huge task of stock control down to more manageable proportions.计算机使繁重的存货管理工作变得比较易于操作。➤alarming令人担忧的规模▸➤crisis, epidemic危机的/传染病的程度▸➤classic, perfect古朴典雅的/理想的外形◆an entrance hall of perfect proportions比例堪称完美的门厅verb + proportions➤reach达到⋯程度◆the food shortage had reached crisis proportions.食物匮乏严重,已可称之为危机了。proportion /prəpɔːʃn; name -pɔːrʃn/ noun1. [countable, usually singular] a part or share of a whole 部分;份额◆a significant proportion of the shares have been bought by overseas investors. 海外投资者购买的股票占了很大的比例。◆the extra allowance is expressed as a proportion of your basic pay. 额外津贴是以基本工资的百分比表示的。◆the company employs men and women in roughly equal proportions. 公司雇用的男女员工比例大致相同。⨁ a high / large / low / significant / small proportion高/大/低/巨大/小比例 ⨁ a proportion decreases / falls / grows / increases份额减少/下降/增长/增加 2. [uncountable] the relationship of one thing to another in size, amount, etc. 比例;倍数关系◆the proportion of men to women in the workplace has changed dramatically over the years. 近年来,工作场所的男女比例出现了剧变。◆shareholders can buy new stock in proportion to the shares they own. 股东可以按他们拥有的股份比例购买新股。◆the crime rate is in direct proportion to the unemployment rate (= they are connected, so if one is high the other is also high). 犯罪率与失业率成正比。  ➡  ratio proportions [plural] the measurements of sth; the size or shape of sth 面积;体积;规模;程度◆this method divides the task into more manageable proportions. 这种方法将任务分成多个更易操作的部分。◆the fall in share values is reaching crisis proportions. 股票价值下跌即将达到危机的程度。  ➡  idiom at inverse ☞ proportionproportion /prəpɔːʃn; name prəpɔːrʃn/ [uncountable, plural] the relationship of one thing to another, for example in size or amount; the correct relationship between these things(尺寸或数量等的)比例;恰当的比例;均衡;匀称◆the room is very long in proportion to (= relative to) its width.这个房间的长度比宽度大很多。◆you haven't drawn the figures in the foreground in proportion.你的前景人物画得不合比例。◆the head is out of proportion with the body.头部和身体不成比例。◆always try to keep a sense of proportion (= of the relative importance of different things).事有轻重缓急之分,这要常记在心。◆it is an impressive building with fine proportions.这是一栋比例谐调的雄伟建筑。 ➡ see also proportional , proportionate → relative proportion/prəˈpɔ:ʃn ||; prəˈpɔrʃən/noun1. [c] a part or share of a whole 部份;份儿: ◇a large proportion of the earth's surface is covered by sea. 地球表面大部份都由海洋覆盖。 2. [u] proportion (of sth to sth) the relationship between the size or amount of two things (两物在大小或数量上的)比,比例: ◇the proportion of men to women in the college has changed dramatically over the years. 该学院的男女生比例这些年来变化很大。 3. proportions [pl] the size or shape of sth 大小;形状;规模: ◇a room of odd proportions 形状古怪的房间◇political unrest is reaching alarming proportions. 政治动乱快达到令人忧虑的地步。 in proportion the right size in relation to other things 符合比例;相称: ◇to draw sth in proportion 按实物的正确比例画出某物◇she's so upset that it's hard for her to keep the problem in proportion (= to her it seems more important or serious than it really is). 她很懊恼,难以恰如其分地看待那问题(把问题看得比实际严重)。 in proportion to sth 1. by the same amount or number as sth else; relative to 与…成比例;与…相称: ◇salaries have not risen in proportion to inflation. 薪金没有按照通货膨胀率上调。 2. compared with 与…相比: ◇in proportion to the number of students as a whole, there are very few women. 与学生总人数相比,女生只属极少数。 out of proportion (to sth) 1. too big, small, etc in relation to other things (因大小等与其他事物)不相称,不成比例 2. too great, serious, important, etc in relation to sth (与其他事物相比)显得过大、过分严重或过分重要等: ◇his reaction was completely out of proportion to the situation. 他对情况的反应完全是小题大作。 proportionsee ⇨ amount 3 ⇨ part 2     • • •• ⇨ blow sth (up) out of all proportion• ⇨ in proportion to• ⇨ keep sth in proportion pro·por·tion /prə`pɔrʃən; prəˈpɔːʃən/n 1. [c] a part of a larger amount or number [整体或总数的]部分,一份:◇the proportion of adults who smoke is lower than before. 成年人中吸烟者的比例比以前少了。 2. [c,u] the relationship between the amounts, numbers, or sizes of related things 比例:◇proportion of sth to sth girls outnumber boys at the school by a proportion of three to one. 在校的女生比男生多,比例为三比一。◇in proportion to taxes rise in proportion to the amount you earn. 所得税根据你的收入按比例增加。 3. [u] when the size or shape of the different parts of something look correct in relation to each other [某物各组成部分的]相称,协调:◇out of/in proportion the porch is out of proportion with the rest of the house. 门廊与屋子的其余部分不成比例。 4. sense of proportion the ability to decide what is important and what is not important in a situation 区别轻重缓急的能力; 分寸感 5. get/blow things out of proportion to react to a situation as if it is worse or more serious than it really is 反应过分强烈,小题大作→ see also 另见 proportions




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