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单词 outfit
释义 outfit noun¹ 1set of clothes worn together一套衣服adjective | verb + outfit | preposition adjective➤complete全套衣服▸➤new一套新装▸➤summer, winter夏装;冬装➤designer名牌套装▸➤interview, party, wedding, etc.面试服装、晚装、结婚礼服等▸➤clown, cowboy, etc.小丑服、牛仔装等➤revealing, sexy, skimpy暴露的装束;性感装束;短而暴露的衣服➤matching相配的装束◆the pair arrived in matching white outfits.这一对身着相配的白色套装来到这里。verb + outfit➤wear穿套装➤choose, pick, pick out选择/挑选/选定套装➤buy购买套装➤complete配齐一套◆i'm looking for a necklace to complete my outfit.我想买一条和这套衣服般配的项链。preposition➤in a/the outfit穿着套装◆he looked very good in his new outfit.他一身新装看起来很不错。outfit noun² 2organization, company, etc.组织;公司adjective➤large大团队▸➤small小团队▸➤professional专业团队▸➤cowboy, dodgy (both bre) 不诚实的机构▸➤computer, publishing, etc.计算机、出版等企业 outfit /aʊtfɪt/ noun1. (informal) [countable + singular or plural verb] a group of people working together as an organization, a business, a team, etc. 团队;小组◆a market research outfit 市场调查小组◆a 12-person outfit producing music software 一支由 12 人组成的制作音乐软件的团队2. [countable] a set of clothes that you wear together, especially for a particular occasion or purpose (尤指为某场合或目的而穿的)全套服装,装束◆the sales team wear dark blue outfits. 销售团队穿深蓝色套装。 outfit /aʊtfɪt/ verb [transitive] (-tt-) (especially name) (often be outfitted) to provide sb/sth with equipment or clothes for a special purpose 装备;配置设备;供给服装◆workstations outfitted with the latest technology 配备了最新技术的工作站 syn equip ▸ outfitting noun [uncountable]☞ outfit☞ outfitoutfit /aʊtfɪt/ (-tt-) [transitive, often passive] (especially name) to supply sb/sth with equipment or clothes for a special purpose装备;(为⋯)配置设备,供给服装◆the ship was outfitted with a 12-bed hospital.这艘船上配置了一个有 12 个床位的医疗室。◆they had enough swords and suits of armour to outfit an army.他们有足以装备一支军队的利剑和盔甲。ⓘ outfit is often used to talk about providing equipment for a ship, or for soldiers or sportspeople. * outfit 常指为船只、士兵或运动员提供装备。outfit [countable + singular or plural verb] (informal) a group of people working together as an organization, business or team团队;小组;分队◆a london-based market research outfit has been appointed for the job.已委任了一个伦敦的市场调查组做此项工作。◆this was the fourth album by the top rock outfit.这是那支顶级摇滚乐队的第四张专辑。ⓘ outfit is used most often to talk about a sports team, rock band or business organization, especially a small independent one. * outfit 最常指运动队、摇滚乐队或商业组织,尤其是独立的小组织。outfit/ˈaʊtfɪt ||; ˈaυtˌfɪt/noun [c] a set of clothes that are worn together for a particular occasion or purpose 全套服装: ◇i'm going to buy a whole new outfit for the party. 我要买一整套新衣服去参加那个聚会。 outfitsee ⇨ clothes 2 out·fit /`atˏfɪt; ˈaʊtfɪt/n [c]a set of clothes that you wear together 全套服装:◇he arrived at the party in a cowboy outfit. 他来到聚会上,一身牛仔装束。




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