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单词 behaviour
释义 behaviour noun (bre) (name behavior) adjective | verb + behaviour/behavior | behaviour/behavior + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤exemplary, good模范行为;良好表现◆he had his jail term cut for good behaviour.由于表现良好,他获得减刑。➤acceptable可接受的举止▸➤normal正常的举止▸➤bizarre, strange, suspicious怪诞的/奇怪的/可疑的举止◆a report of suspicious behaviour对可疑行为的举报➤antisocial, bad, inappropriate, unacceptable, undesirable反社会/不端/不当/不能接受的/讨厌的行为▸➤addictive, delinquent, deviant, problem成瘾/违法/异常/问题行为◆teachers can't always respond effectively to problem behaviour.老师不一定总能对有问题的行为作出有效的反应。➤abusive, aggressive, criminal, disruptive, violent虐待/挑衅/犯罪/扰乱/暴力行为➤high-risk, impulsive, risk-taking, risky, self-destructive, suicidal高危/冲动的/冒险/危险/自我毁灭的/自杀行为▸➤adolescent, animal, human, sexual, social青春期行为;动物行为;人类行为;性行为;社会行为◆the study of human behavior人类行为研究➤courtship, maternal, mating, parental, parenting, territorial求偶/母性/交配/亲代/抚养/领地行为◆some birds display courtship behavior throughout the year.有些鸟一年四季都表现出求偶行为。verb + behaviour/behavior➤affect, control, influence, regulate, shape影响/控制/左右/调节/形成行为(方式)◆parents can influence the behaviour of their children.父母会影响孩子的行为。➤alter, change, modify改变行为;调整行为▸➤display, exhibit, show表现出行为◆animals in zoos often display disturbed behaviour.动物园里的动物经常表现得躁动不安。➤analyse/analyze, examine, observe, study分析/检查/观察/研究行为➤excuse为行为辩解◆i know you were upset, but that doesn't excuse your behaviour.我知道你很难过,但这并不能开脱你的所作所为。➤mimic, model模仿行为;学样◆people often mimic the behaviour of their peers.人们常常会模仿同龄人的行为。➤reinforce, reward强化/奖励行为◆parents should reinforce good behaviour.父母应该强化良好品行。behaviour/behavior + noun➤pattern行为模式➤modification行为修正➤issues, problem行为问题➤disorder, therapy (both especially name) 行为障碍/治疗preposition➤behaviour towards/toward对⋯的行为◆his behaviour towards / toward his parents他对待父母的态度phrases➤behaviour and attitudes举止态度◆a new study looking at the behaviour and attitudes of young men一项对年轻人行为态度的新研究➤be on your best behaviour (= to behave very well in order to impress sb) 表现得很好➤a code of behaviour一套行为准则➤a pattern of behaviour一种行为模式➤standards of behaviour行为标准behaviour (bre) (name behavior) noun [uncountable] ◆good / bad behaviour良好/恶劣行为◆his behaviour towards her was becoming more and more aggressive.他对待她的态度越来越蛮横。behaviour (bre) (name behavior) noun [uncountable] ◆good / bad behaviour良好/恶劣行为◆his behaviour towards her was becoming more and more aggressive.他对待她的态度越来越蛮横。behaviour/bɪˈheɪvjə(r) ||; bɪˈhevjɚ/(us 美 behavior) noun [u] the way that you act or behave 行为;举止: ◇he was sent out of the class for bad behaviour. 他因为行为不良而被撵出那个班。 behavioursee ⇨ behave 5     • • •• ⇨ be on your best behaviour be·hav·iour /bre 【英】, behavior ame 【美】 /bɪ`hevjə; bɪˈheɪvjə//n [u] 1. the way that a person or animal behaves 举止,行为:◇can tv shows affect children's behaviour? 电视节目会影响儿童的行为吗? 2. technical what an object, substance etc normally does 【术语】 [物件、物质等的]行为; 特性:◇the behaviour of cancer cells 癌细胞的特性 ☞ behaviour




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