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单词 reality
释义 reality nounadjective | verb + reality | reality + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤sad, sobering, unfortunate, unpleasant痛苦的/使人清醒的/不幸的/令人不快的现实◆we were faced with the unpleasant reality of having nowhere to live.我们面临着无处栖身的不幸现实。➤bitter, brutal, cold, cruel, grim, gritty, hard, harsh, painful, stark, ugly痛苦的现实;残酷的现实;冷酷的现实;严酷的现实;赤裸裸的现实;丑陋的现实◆the novel describes the harsh realities of racism and life on the road.这部小说描写了种族主义和流浪生活的严酷现实。➤complex复杂的现实▸➤underlying根本的现实◆he has no illusions about the underlying reality of army life.他对现实的军队生活不抱什么幻想。➤objective, practical客观现实;实际情况◆the practical realities of running a children's home管理一个儿童福利院的实际情况➤daily, day-to-day, everyday, mundane日常生活;平凡生活➤external, material, physical表面的现实;物质现实◆painters at the time were largely concerned with reproducing external reality.当时的画家大多只关注重现表象。➤ultimate上帝▸➤commercial, economic, historical, political, psychological, social商业/经济/历史/政治/心理/社会现实◆the harsh economic realities of life as a student学生生活中严酷的经济现实➤virtual虚拟现实◆the use of virtual reality in computer games电脑游戏中虚拟现实的使用➤alternate (especially name) 另一个现实世界◆the movie portrays a kind of alternate reality.这部电影描述了某种另类现实。verb + reality➤become变成现实◆one day her dream will become a reality.总有一天她的梦想会变成现实。➤make sth使⋯成为现实◆it's our task to make the proposals a reality.我们的任务是使这些提议变成现实。➤accept, acknowledge, confront (sb with), face (up to), get a grip on, grasp, perceive, recognize, understand, wake up to接受现实;承认现实;(使某人)面对现实;把握现实;认识现实◆she will have to face reality sooner or later.她迟早得面对现实。◆i don't think you have quite grasped the realities of our situation!我认为你还没有完全搞清楚我们的实际情况!➤capture, depict, reflect, represent记录/描述/反映/代表现实◆a book that captures the reality of life during wartime一本记录战时实际生活的书➤construct, create构建/创造现实◆the director creates a believable, gritty reality.导演营造出一个残酷而可信的现实世界。➤bear little, no, etc. relation to, bear little, no, etc. resemblance to, have little to do with, not have much to do with与现实几乎无关;与现实无关◆most people's ideas of the disease do not have much to do with the reality.多数人对该病的看法没什么现实依据。➤be cut off from, be divorced from, be out of touch with, be removed from与现实没有联系◆they are out of touch with the realities of modern warfare.他们与现代战争毫无关系。➤escape from逃避现实▸➤deny, ignore否认/忽视现实▸➤bring sb back to, come back to, get back to, return to将某人带回现实;回到现实◆he called for the committee to stop dreaming and return to reality.他呼吁委员会停止幻想,回到现实。➤alter, distort, obscure改变/歪曲/掩盖现实◆most comedy relies on distorting reality.喜剧大多依赖于扭曲现实。➤protect sb from, shelter sb from, shield sb from保护某人免受现实伤害◆her parents always tried to shield her from the realities of the world.她父母总是努力保护她免受现实世界的伤害。reality + noun➤check现实检验◆it's time for a reality check: are these goals really achievable?该是由现实来检验的时候了:这些目标真的能实现吗?➤television, tv真人秀电视节目preposition➤in reality实际上◆the media portray her as happy and successful, but in reality she has a difficult life.媒体把她描述得快乐而成功,而事实上她过着艰难的生活。➤reality of⋯的现实◆i don't think he understands the reality of the situation.我觉得他不懂现实的情况。phrases➤a grasp of reality, a grasp on reality对现实的理解◆he has a rather tenuous grasp of reality.他对现实的认识很肤浅。➤a perception of reality, a sense of reality对现实的领悟/感知reality [uncountable] the true situation and the problems that actually exist in life, in contrast to how you would like life to be现实,实际情况(与理想相对)◆you're out of touch with reality.你脱离了现实。◆outwardly she seemed confident but in reality she felt extremely nervous.她表面上显得信心十足,实际上却紧张得要命。opp fantasy → imagination reality/riˈæləti ||; rɪˈælətɪ/noun (plural realities) 1. [u] the way life really is, not the way it may appear to be or how you would like it to be 现实: ◇i enjoyed my holiday, but now it's back to reality. 我假期过得很愉快,但现在要返回现实了。◇we have to face reality and accept that we've failed. 我们得面对现实,承认已经失败。 2. [c] a thing that is actually experienced, not just imagined 事实;实际情况: ◇films portray war as heroic and exciting, but the reality is very different. 电影把战争刻画得又壮烈又刺激,但事实却相差很远。 in reality in fact, really (not the way sth appears or has been described) 事实上;实际上: ◇people say this is an exciting city but in reality it's rather boring. 人们说这是个充满刺激的城市,事实上却相当沉闷。 reality• ⇨ in reality/the reality is re·al·i·ty /rɪ`ælətɪ; riˈælɪti/n 1. [u] the way something really is, not the way you imagine it to be or would like it to be 现实:◇he finds it difficult to face up to reality. 他发觉很难面对现实。 2. the reality/realities of what a situation or thing is really like …的真实情形:◇the reality of living in a big city 生活在大城市的真实情况◇the harsh/tough realities (=unpleasant things that are real) 严酷的现实: the harsh realities of life 生活的严酷现实 3. in reality used to say that something is different from what seems to be true 实际上[用以表示某事物跟看上去的不同]:◇he said he'd retired, but in reality he was fired. 他说他退休了,但实际上他是被解雇的。 4. become a reality something that actually happens 成为现实:◇marilyn's dream of becoming a film star had become a reality. 玛丽莲想当电影明星的梦想成为了现实。




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