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单词 utmost
释义 utmost [only before noun] the most that is possible最大的;极度的◆this is a matter of the utmost importance.这是个至关重要的问题。◆you should study this document with the utmost care.你要慎之又慎地研究这份文件。utmost¹/ˈʌtməʊst ||; ˈʌtˌmost/adj (formal 正式) (only before a noun 只用于名词前) greatest 最大的;极度的: ◇a message of the utmost importance 一个极其重要的信息 utmost²/ˈʌtməʊst ||; ˈʌtˌmost/noun [sing] the greatest amount possible 最大数量;最大限度: ◇resources have been exploited to the utmost. 资源已给利用到最大限度。◇i will do my utmost (= try as hard as possible) to help. 我会尽力帮忙。 utmost• ⇨ do your utmost☞ utmost¹☞ utmost²




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