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单词 consist
释义 consist verb ●consist of sthadverb➤entirely, exclusively, merely, only, simply, solely完全由⋯组成;仅仅由⋯组成◆their conversation consisted almost entirely of gossip.他们的谈话几乎全是些闲言碎语。➤chiefly, essentially, largely, mainly, mostly, predominantly, primarily, principally主要由⋯组成;基本上由⋯组成;很大程度上由⋯组成;大体上⋯由组成➤basically基本上由⋯组成◆a gas station that basically consists of two gas pumps and a vending machine主要由两台汽油泵和一台自动售货机构成的加油站➤generally, often, typically, usually一般/常常/典型情况下/通常由⋯构成◆the settlements often consist of simple huts.定居点常常由简单的棚屋构成。consist/kənˈsɪst ||; kənˈsɪst/verb (not used in the continuous tenses 不用于进行时) consist in sth to have sth as its main point 要点或特征在于: ◇her job consisted in welcoming the guests as they arrived. 她的工作主要是接待来宾。 consist of sth to be formed or made up of sth 由…组成: ◇the band consists of a singer, two guitarists and a drummer. 这乐队由一名歌手、两名吉他手及一名鼓手组成。 although this verb is not used in the continuous tenses, it is common to see the present participle (= -ing form) it's a full-time course consisting of six different modules. 虽然这个动词不用于进行时,但它的现在分词还是常见:it's a full-time course consisting of six different modules. 这是一门全日制课程,由六个不同单元组成。 con·sist /kən`sɪst; kənˈsɪst/vconsist of sthphr v [t]to be made of or contain a number of different things 由[某物]组成:◇the exhibition consists of over 30 paintings. 展览由三十多幅绘画组成。consist of sthto be made of or contain a number of different things 由[某物]组成:◇the exhibition consists of over 30 paintings. 展览由三十多幅绘画组成。 ☞ consist




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