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单词 repent
释义 repent verb (formal) adverb | verb + repent | preposition adverb➤genuinely, sincerely, truly真诚地忏悔;真心地悔过;真正地后悔◆in order to be saved one must truly repent.必须真诚地忏悔才能得到救赎。verb + repent➤come to开始后悔◆he came to repent his hasty decision.他开始对自己的草率决定感到后悔。preposition➤for, of悔悟;后悔◆i will spend the rest of my life trying to repent for my actions.我将在对自己所作所为的忏悔中度过余生。◆she has repented of her sins.她已经对自己的罪过忏悔了。repentverb [intransitive, transitive] ◆she had repented of what she had done.她对自己所做的事悔悟了。◆he came to repent his hasty decision.他开始后悔自己的草率决定。repentverb [intransitive, transitive] ◆she had repented of what she had done.她对自己所做的事悔悟了。◆he came to repent his hasty decision.他开始后悔自己的草率决定。repent/rɪˈpent ||; rɪˈpɛnt/verb [i,t] (formal 正式)repent (sth);repent of sth to feel and show that you are sorry about sth bad that you have done 悔悟;悔改 [i] ◇to repent of your sins 为罪过忏悔◇he repented his hasty decision. 他后悔做出仓促的决定。 ➔repentance noun [u] /-əns ||; -əns/➔repentant /-ənt ||; -ənt/ adj re·pent /rɪ`pɛnt; rɪˈpent/v [i,t]formal to be sorry for something bad that you have done 【正式】 悔悟; 后悔




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