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单词 coupon
释义 coupon nounadjective | verb + coupon adjective➤valid有效优惠券◆this coupon is valid until 31 january.这张优惠券 1 月 31 日前有效。➤discount, free, money-off (bre) 打折券;免费券;抵扣券▸➤entry (bre) 参赛单◆to enter the competition, fill in the entry coupon on page 6.若要参加比赛,请填写第 6 页的参赛报名表。➤clothing, food, petrol (bre) , etc.衣服配给券、食品券、汽油票等verb + coupon➤give, offer给优惠券;提供优惠券◆they are offering 50%-off coupons.他们在发送半价优惠券。➤get, receive得到/收到优惠券◆new members receive coupons for complimentary services.新成员可得到免费服务券。➤collect, save收集/积攒优惠券◆she had saved enough coupons to get a free flight.她已经攒够了优惠券,可以免费乘坐飞机一次。➤complete, fill in, fill out填写优惠券➤clip, cut out (especially bre) 剪下优惠券➤redeem, use使用优惠券▸➤mail, post (bre) 邮寄优惠券➤return, send, send off (all especially bre) 寄回优惠券;寄出优惠券◆cut out and return this coupon to claim your free gift.想要赠品,请将此优惠券剪下并寄回。 coupon /kuːpɒn; name -pɑːn; kjuː-/ noun [countable] 1.(marketing 营销) a small piece of printed paper which you can use to buy goods at a lower price or to get sth free; a printed form that you fill in in order to enter a competition, order goods, etc. (购物)优惠券,礼品券;参赛表;订货单◆she had saved enough coupons to get a free flight. 她收集了足够的礼品券,可以得到一张免费机票。◆money-off coupons 优惠券◆fill in and return the coupon below for your free t-shirt. 将下面的礼品券填妥并寄回索取免费 t 恤衫。  ➡  voucher ⨁ to collect / redeem / save coupons收集/兑换/收集礼品券 ⨁ to cut out / fill in / return / send (off) a coupon剪下/填写/寄回/寄出礼品券 (finance 金融) the rate of interest that is paid to sb who invests in a bond 票息,券息(向债券持有人支付的债券利息)◆the bonds mature in 2010 and carry a 7% coupon. 债券 2010 年到期,可获得 7% 的券息。⨁ to carry / have a coupon获得票息 ⨁ a high / low coupon高/低票息 international reply coupon ☞ coupon coupon /kuːpɒn; name kuːpɑːn, kjuːpɒn/ [countable] a printed form, often cut out from a newspaper or magazine, that is used to enter a competition or order goods(常为剪自报刊的)参赛表,订货单◆contestants were invited to complete an entry coupon.请竞赛选手填好参赛表。coupon/ˈku:pɒn ||; ˈkupɑn/noun[c] 1. a small piece of paper which you can use to buy goods at a lower price, or which you can collect and then exchange for goods 优惠券;赠券;优待券: ◇a coupon worth 10% off your next purchase 下次购物可节省一成的优惠券 2. a printed form in a newspaper or magazine which you use to order goods, enter a competition, etc (剪自报刊的)订购表格,参赛表格 cou·pon /`kupɑn; ˈkuːpɒn/n [c] 1. a small piece of paper that you exchange for goods or use to pay less money for them 票证; 优待券:◇a coupon for ten cents off a jar of coffee 买一罐咖啡可便宜一角钱的优待券 2. a printed form, for example in a newspaper, used to order goods, enter a competition etc [报纸等上面的]订货表格; 参赛表格




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