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单词 rejection
释义 rejection nounadjective | verb + rejection | rejection + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤outright, total, wholesale断然的拒绝;全盘否定➤explicit明确的拒绝▸➤deliberate故意的拒绝➤knee-jerk不假思索的拒绝◆there is often a knee-jerk rejection of new ideas.对新观点人们往往不假思索地加以拒绝。verb + rejection➤fear害怕被拒绝◆children who have had bad experiences fear rejection.有过不幸遭遇的孩子害怕遭人嫌弃。➤risk冒遭拒的危险▸➤cope with, deal with, handle, take应对被拒绝的事实;接受被拒绝的事实◆it takes a strong personality to cope with rejection.接受遭拒的结果需要很强的个性。rejection + noun➤letter, slip拒绝信;退稿通知◆a publisher's rejection slip出版商的退稿通知preposition➤rejection by被⋯拒绝;被⋯厌弃◆the rejection of the child by its mother母亲对孩子的厌弃phrases➤fear of rejection害怕遭拒➤feelings of rejection遭拒的感受▸➤the rejection of an idea, a proposal, a theory, etc.对想法、建议、理论等的摒弃☞ rejectrejection /rɪdʒekʃn/ [uncountable, countable] the act of saying or showing that you will not accept, use or consider sb/sth拒绝(接受、使用或考虑);退回◆it takes a very buoyant personality to cope with constant rejection.应对接二连三的拒绝需要非常乐天的个性。◆eventually, after months of rejections, she was offered a job.经历了几个月的求职碰壁之后,她终于得到了一份工作。◆another rejection letter arrived this morning.今天上午收到了另一封回绝信。opp acceptance → approval rejectionnoun [uncountable] ◆painful feelings of rejection受冷落的痛苦感受rejectionnoun [uncountable] ◆painful feelings of rejection受冷落的痛苦感受☞ reject re·jec·tion /rɪ`dʒɛkʃən; rɪˈdʒekʃən/n 1. [c,u] when someone refuses to accept or agree with something [对某事物的]拒绝接受[同意]:◇+ of his total rejection of his parents' way of life 他对父母生活方式的完全排斥 2. [c] a statement, letter etc that refuses to accept something or someone 拒绝:◇she got a lot of rejections before the book was finally published. 这本书在最终被出版前,她遭到许多拒绝。 3. [u] when someone stops giving love or attention to someone who expects it 厌恶,嫌弃:◇i couldn't deal with any more rejection. 我再也受不了任何冷落了。




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