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单词 custom
释义 custom nounadjective | verb + custom | custom + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤accepted, age-old, ancient, established, old, traditional大家都接受的习俗;古老的习俗;长期沿袭的习俗;旧习俗;传统习俗▸➤quaint, strange奇特的/奇怪的风俗▸➤local, native (especially name) 当地风俗➤family家族惯例▸➤marriage, religious, social婚俗;宗教习俗;社会风俗verb + custom➤follow, observe, practise/practice, respect按照风俗;遵守习俗;尊重风俗◆they still follow the custom of pinning money to the bride's dress.他们仍然遵从把钱别在新娘礼服上的风俗。➤adopt接受风俗➤learn学习风俗➤know了解风俗▸➤maintain, preserve, revive保持/保留/恢复习俗custom + verb➤die out, disappear风俗逐渐消失/消失◆the custom died out in the 19th century.那种风俗在 19 世纪逐渐消失。➤prevail, survive风俗盛行/得以留存◆these customs still prevail in remote areas.这些风俗在偏远地区仍然盛行。preposition➤according to a/the custom, in accordance with (a/the) custom根据/按照习俗◆they poured wine around the trees in accordance with local custom.他们按照当地的风俗在树的周围倒上酒。➤through custom由习俗而来◆the rules have grown up through custom and are not laid down by law.那些规则源自相沿成习,而非由法律所规定。➤custom of⋯的风俗phrases➤as is/was the custom按照风俗◆people threw coins onto the stage, as was the custom.人们向舞台上扔钱币,这是他们的习俗。 custom /kʌstəm/ noun1. [uncountable] (especially bre) the fact of being a customer 惠顾;光顾◆they have cut their prices to attract custom. 他们减价以吸引人们光顾。◆thank you for your custom. please call again. 谢谢您的惠顾,请下次再来。 syn business 2. [countable, uncountable] an accepted way of behaving or of doing sth in a particular company or industry 习惯;惯例◆the payment of a commission was a trade custom. 支付佣金是行业惯例。◆it is the employer's custom and practice (= it has been done like this for so long it is now like a law) for full-time workers to work a 37-hour week. 全职工人每周工作 37 小时是雇主的惯常做法。 hm revenue and customs custom /kʌstəm/ adjective [only before noun] (especially name) = custom-built , custom-made ◆a company making custom furniture 制作定制家具的公司 hm revenue and customs ☞ custom☞ custom custom [uncountable] (bre, formal) business(顾客对商店的)惠顾,光顾◆thank you for your custom. please call again.谢谢您的惠顾,请下次再来。  ➡ see also customer → customer note 辨析 business or custom?in british english custom is the term often used by shops and businesses when talking to their customers; when talking about the amount of trade done by a shop or business, business is often preferred. in american english, business is always used whether talking to or about customers.在英式英语中,商家对顾客说话时常用 custom,谈及商店的营业额时常用 business。在美式英语中,无论对顾客说话还是谈到顾客,都用 business。 custom [countable, uncountable] a traditional and widely accepted way of doing things in a particular society, place or time风俗;习俗◆they were unfamiliar with local customs and culture.他们不熟悉当地风俗和文化。◆it is the custom here to put flowers on the graves at easter.复活节时,把鲜花放在坟墓上是这里的风俗。◆they poured wine round the trees in accordance with local custom.他们按当地习俗将葡萄酒浇洒在树周边。custom/ˈkʌstəm ||; ˈkʌstəm/noun1. [c,u] a way of behaving which a particular group or society has had for a long time 风俗;习俗: ◇it's the custom in britain for a bride to throw her bouquet to the wedding guests. 按照英国习俗,新娘子会把花束掷向婚礼的宾客。◇according to local custom 根据当地习俗 ☞look at the note at habit. 参看habit的注释。 2. [sing] (formal 正式) something that a person does regularly (某人的)习惯: ◇it's my custom to drink tea in the afternoon. 我有下午喝茶的习惯。 3. [u] (brit 英) commercial activity; the practice of people buying things regularly from a particular shop, etc (经常)惠顾,光顾: ◇the local shop lost a lot of custom when the new supermarket opened. 新的超级市场开业后,光顾这家本地商店的人就少了很多。 ☞look at customs. 参看customs。 customsee ⇨ tradition 1 cus·tom /`kʌstəm; ˈkʌstəm/n 1. [c,u] something that people do in a society because it is traditional 习俗,风俗:◇the custom of throwing rice at weddings 在婚礼上抛撒大米的习俗 2. [u] all people who use a particular shop or business [光顾商店的]顾客:◇we lost a lot of custom when the new supermarket opened. 新超级市场开业后,我们失去了很多顾客。→ see also 另见 customs ☞ custom




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