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单词 feature
释义 feature noun¹ 1important part of sth特征adjective | verb + feature | feature + verb adjective➤basic, central, critical, crucial, essential, fundamental, important, key, main, major, principal, significant基本的/最重要的/决定性的/至关重要的/本质的/根本性的/重要的/关键的/重大的/主要的/最主要的/意义重大的特征▸➤conspicuous, distinct, distinctive, distinguishing, dominant, notable, noteworthy, noticeable, predominant, prominent显著的/与众不同的/明显的/区别性的/突出的/看得出来的/值得注意的/显而易见的/最为突出的/惹人注目的特征◆a distinctive feature of his poems他诗作的一个显著特征➤outstanding, remarkable, striking引人注目的/不寻常的/显著的特征▸➤appealing, attractive, endearing, eye-catching, nice引人注目的/吸引人的/惹人喜爱的/抢眼的/令人愉快的特征▸➤interesting, peculiar, special, specific, unusual有趣的/特别的/特殊的/具体的/不寻常的特征▸➤salient显而易见的特色◆he took me around our new offices, pointing out all the salient features.他带我去参观我们的新办公室,并一一指出其显著特色。➤handy, useful合手的/有用的特点➤cool, neat, nifty (all informal) 很酷的/绝妙的/时髦的特征▸➤characteristic, classic, defining, identifying, particular, typical特有的/经典的/界定性的/区别性的/特殊的/典型的特性▸➤unique独特的特性▸➤common, shared共同的/共有的特征◆the common feature in all these cases所有这些案例共同的特征➤permanent, regular永久的特征;固定特征◆these walks became a regular feature of his day.这几段步行成为他每天固定的活动。➤recurring重复出现的特征◆self-deprecation is a recurring feature as stevenson talks.史蒂文森说话时经常自我贬低。➤redeeming可取之处◆the one redeeming feature of the plan was its low cost.这个计划的一个可取之处就是成本低。➤desirable, favourite/favorite称心的/最令人喜欢的特点▸➤original原有的特征◆the house retains most of its original features.这幢房子保留了大部份原貌。➤built-in内在特征➤standard标准特征▸➤added, additional, extra增加的/额外的/附加的特征➤optional可选择的特征➤advanced, enhanced, innovative, new, novel先进的/经强化了的/创新的/新的/新颖的特点◆some of the more advanced features of the software该软件的一些更为先进的特征➤architectural, constructional, design, physical, structural建筑上的/构造的/设计上的/外形的/结构方面的特征➤geographical, geological, landscape, topographical地理/地质/地貌/地形特征➤stylistic风格特征▸➤energy-saving, safety, security节能设施;安全设施◆a car with new built-in safety features装有新型内置安全设施的小汽车➤interactive互动特征◆the site brims with interactive features.现场的互动气氛很浓厚。verb + feature➤brim with, have, include, incorporate洋溢着/具有/包括/包含特征◆the site had a number of interesting features.这个地方有许多有趣的特征。➤retain保留特征➤add增加特性◆we're adding new features and functionality every month.我们每个月都增加新的特性和功能。➤offer提供特征◆the network offers interactive features.该网络有互动功能。➤share共同拥有特征◆their life histories shared many common features.他们的人生经历有许多共同的特征。➤lack缺乏特征▸➤point out指出特点feature + verb➤distinguish sth特征区分⋯◆the essential feature that distinguishes anorexia nervosa from other eating disorders区分神经性厌食与其他进食障碍的基本症状➤characterize sth⋯具有特征◆a feature that characterizes all anteaters is a slow metabolic rate.所有食蚁兽共有的一个特征是新陈代谢速度极慢。➤include sth特色包括⋯◆special features include passenger airbags.特殊配置包括乘客安全气囊。➤allow sth, enable sth特征容许⋯/使⋯能⋯◆a touch-screen feature allows visitors to call up relevant information.触摸屏特色设计使参观者可以调取相关信息。feature noun² 2features sb's face面貌adjective | verb + features | preposition adjective➤attractive, beautiful, handsome, nice有吸引力的/漂亮的/英俊的/可爱的面孔▸➤delicate, fine, soft精致的五官;清秀的面容;柔和的面容◆a slim figure with delicate features五官精致,身材苗条➤pale苍白的面孔➤neat匀称的五官◆a woman with small, neat features一位五官娇小、匀称的妇女➤striking动人的相貌◆her striking, dark-eyed features她明眸皓齿的动人美貌➤rugged刚毅的面孔◆i admired his rugged features.我喜欢他那刚毅的相貌。➤angular, chiselled/chiseled棱角分明的/轮廓鲜明的脸▸➤sharp轮廓鲜明的脸◆he had sharp features, with high cheekbones.他的脸轮廓鲜明,颧骨很高。➤aquiline, hawk-like长着鹰钩鼻的脸➤boyish(女孩显得)男孩气的脸➤masculine男子汉的脸▸➤facial面部容貌➤physical外形容貌◆he has the right physical features for the role.他的外形容貌与角色很相称。verb + features➤have有⋯的容貌◆she has very delicate features.她的五官长得很秀气。➤contort使相貌走样➤soften使面孔变温柔preposition➤with feature⋯的容貌◆a young woman with fine features眉清目秀的年轻女子feature noun³ 3newspaper article/television item报纸报道;电视专题节目adjective | verb + feature | feature + noun | preposition adjective➤big, major, special大特写;重要特写;专稿▸➤regular定期特写◆the magazine runs a regular feature on ethnic cooking.这本杂志定期刊登民族烹饪方面的特稿。➤daily, monthly, weekly每日的/每月的/每周的特写▸➤in-depth深度专题报道verb + feature➤do, have, publish, run, write作专题报道;进行专题报道;刊登特写;登载特稿;写专稿◆next month they will publish a special feature on computer books.下个月他们将登出一篇有关电脑书籍的专题文章。feature + noun➤writer专题撰稿人➤features editor特写编辑➤features section特写栏➤story特写preposition➤feature on关于⋯的专题报道◆an in-depth feature on the italian fashion scene关于意大利时装界的深度报道feature verb¹ 1include sth as an important part作为特色adverb | phrases adverb➤regularly常以⋯为特色◆women's magazines regularly feature diets and exercise regimes.女性杂志常以饮食养生与运动养生为特色。➤rarely很少以⋯为特色➤frequently, often频频/经常以⋯为特色➤typically通常以⋯为特色◆his movies typically featured torrid romances.他的影片通常以火热的浪漫史为特色。phrases➤be featured in sth, be featured on sth成为⋯的主题报道◆his work is featured in a special documentary tonight.他的工作会在今晚的一个专题纪录片中报道。◆the school has been featured on television.这所学校在电视上报道过。feature verb² 2have a part in sth占有地位adverb | preposition adverb➤heavily, highly, largely, prominently, strongly浓墨重彩地突出;占有重要地位;非常强调;(被)赋予主要地位;起重大作用◆reading over his past speeches, you'll see that housing, public health and education feature strongly.看看他过去的演说词,你会发现住房、公共卫生和教育占有重要地位。preposition➤in在⋯起主要作用◆garlic features prominently in her recipes.大蒜在她的食谱中占有重要地位。feature /fiːtʃə(r)/ noun [countable] 1.something important, interesting or typical of a thing or place 特色;特征;特点◆ease of use is a key feature of all their products. 易于使用是他们所有产品的一个重要特点。◆the new computer system is much more powerful and has more safety and security features. 新的计算机系统更加强大,具有更多的安全和保安特征。⨁ a distinguishing / key / major / standard / striking / unique feature明显的/重要的/主要的/标准的/突出的/独一无二的特点 ⨁ a handy / an interesting / a useful feature方便的/有趣的/有用的特征 ⨁ design / safety / security features设计/安全/保安特征 2.(in newspapers, on television, etc.) a special article or programme about sth/sb (报章、电视等的)特写,专题节目◆there's a special feature on japan in next week's issue. 下周出版的一期有篇关于日本的专题文章。 call feature feature /fiːtʃə(r)/ verb 1. [transitive] to include a particular thing or person as a special feature 是…的特色;以…为特色◆the latest models of notebook computers feature a 30 cm screen. 最新款笔记本电脑的特色是 30 厘米屏幕。◆the company is featured in the current edition of the magazine. 最近这一版的杂志介绍了这家公司。 2. [intransitive] to be included as an important part of sth 起重要作用;占重要地位◆the plant does not feature in the company's plans for the future. 这家工厂在公司未来的计划中无足轻重。 syn figure ☞ feature☞ feature feature nounfeature ♦︎ characteristic ♦︎ quality ♦︎ property ♦︎ attribute ♦︎ trait ♦︎ pointthese are all words for sth which is typical of sb/sth, especially making them different from others.这些词均表示特征、特点、特性。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a / an essential / desirable / individual feature / characteristic / quality / property / attribute / trait◆a distinctive feature / characteristic / quality / attribute / trait◆a / an important / natural / special / useful feature / characteristic / quality / property / attribute◆a unique feature / characteristic / quality / property◆a common feature / characteristic / property / attribute / trait◆a positive / negative feature / characteristic / quality / attribute / trait◆a human / physical feature / characteristic / quality / attribute / trait◆a psychological / mental characteristic / quality / attribute / trait◆a biological feature / characteristic / property / trait◆to possess / display / share a feature / a characteristic / a quality / a property / an attribute / a trait / ...points◆to show a feature / a characteristic / a quality / an attribute / a trait / ...points◆to exhibit a feature / characteristic / quality / property / trait■ feature [countable] something important, interesting or typical of a place or thing特色;特征;特点◆an interesting feature of the city is the old market.这座城市一个吸引人的特色是它古老的市场。◆teamwork is a key feature of the training programme.团队合作是这项训练计划的重要特点。◆the one redeeming feature of the plan was its low cost to the council.此计划的一个可取之处是市议会承担的费用很低。◆the design has many new built-in safety features.这个设计包含许多新的内置安全装置。ⓘ a feature tends to be sth noticeable, and is usually sth desirable. * feature 往往指引人注意的特点,通常是可取之处。■ characteristic [countable] a part of a person's character, appearance or behaviour; something typical of a place or thing(人的)品质,特征;特点◆the need to communicate is a key characteristic of human society.需要交流是人类社会最重要的一个特征。◆his melodies have distinguishing characteristics which make them instantly identifiable.他的曲子特征鲜明,一听就能识别出来。◆personal characteristics, such as age, sex and marital status are taken into account.个人特征,如年龄、性别和婚姻状况等,都要考虑进去。ⓘ a characteristic is usually sth that helps to make sb/sth clearly different from others. * characteristic 通常指有助于使某人/某物明显区别于他者之处。■ quality [countable, uncountable] a part of a person's character, especially a good one such as the ability to do sth or a good way of behaving; a feature of a thing, especially one that is good and makes it different from sth else(尤指好的)人品,素质;(尤指事物好的)特性,特质◆personal qualities such as honesty and generosity诚实、宽容等个人品质◆it's hard to find people with the right qualities for the job.很难找到素质适合担任此工作的人选。◆he showed great energy and leadership qualities.他展现出充沛的活力和良好的领导素质。◆the ancient city of assisi has a wonderful magical quality.阿西西古城有着奇妙的魔力。■ property [countable, usually plural] (formal or technical术语) a feature of a substance or material, especially of its physical form or behaviour(尤指物质的物理形态或活动方式的)性质,特性◆compare the physical and chemical properties of the two substances.比较一下这两种物质的物理和化学特性。◆the plant is thought to have medicinal properties.这种植物被认为具药用特性。■ attribute /ætrɪbjuːt/ [countable] (rather formal) a quality or feature of sb/sth, especially one that people think is good(尤指好的)属性,性质,特征◆patience is an essential attribute for a teacher.耐心是教师极其重要的品质。◆the most basic attribute of all animals is consciousness.所有动物最基本的特征是有知觉。■ trait /treɪt/ [countable] a particular quality in a person's character that is noticeable and makes them behave in a particular way(个性的)特征,特点◆personality / character traits个性/性格特点◆awareness of class is a typically british trait.阶层意识是英国人的典型特征。■ point [countable, usually plural] a particular quality or feature that sb/sth has特点;特征;特性◆tact is not one of her strong points.她不善于圆通处事。◆living in scotland has its good points but the weather is not one of them.在苏格兰生活有诸多优点,但天气不好。◆one of the hotel's plus points is that it is very central.这家旅馆的一大优点是交通方便。ⓘ points is often used when you are considering the good and bad qualities of sth.考虑事物的优缺点时常用 points。feature verbfeature ♦︎ star ♦︎ figure ♦︎ appearthese words all mean to have an important part in sth, or to include sb/sth as an important part.这些词均表示起重要作用、是重要组成部份。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to feature / star / figure / appear in sth◆to feature / star / figure / appear as sb / sth◆a film / movie features / stars sb◆to feature / star / appear in a film / movie◆to feature / figure / appear prominently in sth■ feature [transitive, intransitive] to include a particular person or thing as a special part; to have an important part in sth以⋯为特色;由⋯主演;起重要作用◆the film features anne hathaway as jane austen.这部电影由安妮 • 海瑟薇饰演简 • 奥斯汀。◆the latest model features alloy wheels and an electronic alarm.最新车型的特色是合金车轮和电子报警器。◆many of the hotels featured in the brochure offer special deals for weekend breaks.小册子列举的多家旅馆都有周末假日特别优惠。◆olive oil and garlic feature prominently in his recipes.橄榄油和大蒜在他的食谱中是相当重要的材料。■ star (-rr-) [intransitive, transitive, no passive] to have one of the main parts in a film, play or show; (of a film, play or show) to have a particular person in one of the main parts主演;担任主角;(电影、戏剧或演出)由⋯担任主角◆she starred opposite johnny depp in 'pirates of the caribbean'.她和约翰尼 • 德普在《加勒比海盗》中联袂出演男女主角。◆no one has yet been chosen for the starring role (= the main part).主演者还没选定。◆the movie stars aishwarya rai.这部电影由艾西瓦娅 • 雷主演。 ➡ see also star → star noun 2 ■ figure [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to be part of a process or situation, especially an important part是重要部份;是⋯的部份◆the question of the peace settlement is likely to figure prominently in the talks.和平协议的问题很可能是谈判的突出重点。◆it did not figure high on her list of priorities.这没有列入她优先考虑的事项。◆do i still figure in your plans?你的计划中还包括我吗?■ appear [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to take part in a film, play or show; to be written or mentioned somewhere演出;被记载;被提及◆he has appeared in over 60 movies.他参演了 60 多部电影。◆she regularly appears on tv.她经常在电视上露面。◆your name will appear at the front of the book.你的名字将出现在书的前页。feature [countable] a special article in a newspaper or magazine, or a part of a television or radio broadcast, that deals with a particular subject(新闻传媒的)特写,专题节目◆in today's programme we have a special feature on education.今天我们的节目里有一个关于教育的专题报道。feature [countable] something important, interesting or typical of a place or thing特色;特征;特点◆an interesting feature of the city is the old market.这座城市一个吸引人的特色是它古老的市场。◆teamwork is a key feature of the training programme.团队合作是这项训练计划的重要特点。◆the one redeeming feature of the plan was its low cost to the council.此计划的一个可取之处是市议会承担的费用很低。◆the design has many new built-in safety features.这个设计包含许多新的内置安全装置。ⓘ a feature tends to be sth noticeable, and is usually sth desirable. * feature 往往指引人注意的特点,通常是可取之处。feature [transitive, intransitive] to include a particular person or thing as a special part; to have an important part in sth以⋯为特色;由⋯主演;起重要作用◆the film features anne hathaway as jane austen.这部电影由安妮 • 海瑟薇饰演简 • 奥斯汀。◆the latest model features alloy wheels and an electronic alarm.最新车型的特色是合金车轮和电子报警器。◆many of the hotels featured in the brochure offer special deals for weekend breaks.小册子列举的多家旅馆都有周末假日特别优惠。◆olive oil and garlic feature prominently in his recipes.橄榄油和大蒜在他的食谱中是相当重要的材料。feature¹/ˈfi:tʃə(r) ||; ˈfitʃɚ/noun[c] 1. an important or noticeable part of sth 特征;特色: ◇mountains and lakes are the main features of the landscape of wales. 山峦和湖泊是威尔士景色中的主要特色。◇noise is a feature of city life. 噪音是城市生活的一个特色。 2. a part of the face 脸的一部份: ◇her eyes are her best feature. 她的脸数眼睛最好看。 3. a feature (on sth) a newspaper or magazine article or television programme about sth (报刊的)特写;(电视的)专题节目: ◇there's a feature on kangaroos in this magazine. 这期杂志上有一篇关于袋鼠的特写。 4. (also feature film) a long film that tells a story 故事片;长片 ➔featureless adj dull, featureless landscape 平淡乏味、没有特色的景色 feature²/ˈfi:tʃə(r) ||; ˈfitʃɚ/verb1. [t] to include sb/sth as an important part 以…为重要部份: ◇the film features many well-known actors. 该片由很多著名演员担纲演出。 2. [i] feature in sth to have a part in sth 作为(某事物)的一部份: ◇does marriage feature in your future plans? 你将来打算结婚吗? [syn] figure 同义词为figurefeaturesee ⇨ actor/actress 5 ⇨ character 6 ⇨ part 6     • • •• ⇨ distinguishing feature/mark/characteristic• ⇨ redeeming feature• ⇨ saving grace/redeeming feature☞ feature¹☞ feature²




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