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单词 accurate
释义 accurate adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition | phrases verbs➤be, prove准确;证明准确◆his predictions proved accurate.他的预测证明是准确的。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常准确▸➤deadly, highly绝对/非常准确▸➤amazingly, remarkably, surprisingly, uncannily惊人地准确;出奇地精确◆her assessment turned out to be remarkably accurate.结果证明她的评估非常准确。➤completely, perfectly, totally十分精确;完全准确▸➤not completely, not entirely, not quite, not strictly, not wholly不完全准确;不太准确;严格来说并不准确◆the figures he gave were not strictly accurate.他所提供的数据并不是很确凿。➤partially部份准确▸➤broadly, generally, largely, reasonably, sufficiently大体/基本/总体来说/还算/足够准确▸➤factually, historically, scientifically, statistically, technically事实方面/从历史角度看/从科学角度看/数字上/技术上准确◆although this book is historically accurate, it is not a history book.这本书虽然史料准确,却不是历史书。preposition➤to精确到⋯◆results are accurate to within 0.2 seconds.结果精确度在 0.2 秒以内。phrases➤full and accurate完整而准确◆he gave a full and accurate account of his movements.他完整而准确地叙述了自己的行踪。 accuratecorrect in every detail正确无误的◆accurate records must be kept at all times.任何时候都必须保存准确的记录。◆the test results are accurate in 99% of cases.测试结果准确率达 99%。◆the novel wasn't intended to be historically accurate.小说不追求如实反映历史。opp inaccurate → wrong 1  ➡ see also the entry for reliable 2另见 reliable 条第 2 义▸ accuracy /ækjərəsi/ noun [uncountable] ◆they questioned the accuracy of the information in the file.他们怀疑档案中信息的正确性。▸ accurately adverb◆the report accurately reflects the current state of the industry.该报告如实反映了这个行业的现状。note 辨析 exact, precise or accurate? accurate can often be used before a noun in the same way as exact and precise.作定语时 accurate 的用法常与 exact 和 precise 相同◆exact / precise / accurate records正确的/精确的/准确的记录when the words are used after a linking verb, there is a slightly different emphasis, especially in negative statements. a description that is not very exact/precise lacks details; a description that is not very accurate gives details, but the details are wrong. precise includes the idea of being clear and certain as well as correct and can be used to talk about people in the phrase be precise about sth. exact is not usually used in this way.但用在连系动词后,尤其是否定句时,这几个词所强调的重点略有不同。not very exact/precise 指缺乏细节的描述,not very accurate 指描述中有细节,但内容有误。precise 除了“正确”之外,还有“清楚、肯定”之意。可用于短语 sb be precise about sth,指某人对某事确定无疑。exact 一般不这样用◆she was reasonably exact about the time of the incident. if you are reasonably accurate about sth you are reasonably correct about it, not reasonably clear and certain. * reasonably accurate about sth 指还算正确,不含“清楚、肯定”之意。accurate/ˈækjərət ||; ˈækjərɪt/adj exact and correct; without mistakes 准确的;正确无误的: ◇he managed to give the police an accurate description of the robbers. 他向警方准确地描述了盗贼的特征。◇that clock isn't very accurate. 那钟走得不大准。 [opp] inaccurate 反义词为 inaccurate➔accuracy /ˈækjərəsi ||; ˈækjərəsɪ/ noun [u] [opp] inaccuracy 反义词为 inaccuracy➔accurately adv ◇it is difficult to estimate the age of these bones accurately. 很难准确估计出这些骨头的年代。 accuratesee ⇨ exact/not exact 2 ⇨ right 1 ⇨ true 1 ac·cu·rate /`ækjərɪt; ˈækjrət/adjexactly correct 精确的,准确的:◇an accurate report of what happened 一份关于事发情形的准确报告→ opposite 反义词 inaccurate ☞ accurate




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