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单词 span¹
释义 span¹ /spæn; spæn/n [c] 1. the amount of time during which something exists or happens [某事存在或发生的]持续时间:◇most children have a short attention span. 大多数儿童的注意力持续时间都很短。◇the mayfly has a two-day life span. 蜉蝣只有两天的寿命。 2. a period of time between two dates or events [两个日期或事件之间的]时距,期间:◇over a span of five years, they planted 10,000 new trees. 在五年间,他们种了10,000 棵新树。 3. the distance from one side of something to the other [某物从一边到另一边的]全长:◇a wing span of three feet 三英尺的翼展




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