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单词 conquer
释义 conquer /kɒŋkə(r); name kɑːŋkər/ [transitive](especially in the past) to take possession of a country or city and its people using military force(尤指旧时)占领,攻克,征服◆in 330 bc persia was conquered by alexander the great.亚历山大大帝于公元前 330 年征服了波斯。▸ conquest noun◆the norman conquest of england in 1066 led to changes in the system of government.1066 年诺曼人征服了英格兰,导致政体发生了很多变化。 conquer /kɒŋkə(r); name kɑːŋkər/ [transitive] (written) to succeed in dealing with or gaining control of sth such as a problem or feeling(成功地)对付,克服,控制◆he was trying to conquer his alcoholism.他在努力戒除酒瘾。◆the only way to conquer a fear is to face it.克服恐惧的唯一方法是正视恐惧。 conquer /kɒŋkə(r); name kɑːŋkər/ [transitive] (rather informal) to become very popular or successful in a particular place在(某地)很受欢迎,成功◆the band is now setting out to conquer the world.这支乐队现在要去征服世界。◆this is a british film which could conquer the us market.这是一部能够征服美国市场的英国电影。conquer/ˈkɒŋkə(r) ||; ˈkɑŋkɚ/verb[t] 1. to take control of a country or city and its people by force, especially in a war 占领;攻取;征服: ◇napoleon's ambition was to conquer europe. 拿破仑的野心是征服欧洲。 (figurative 比喻) ◇the young singer conquered the hearts of audiences all over the world. 这年轻歌手赢得全球听众的心。 2. to succeed in controlling or dealing with a strong feeling, problem, etc 克服(强烈的情绪、问题等): ◇she's trying to conquer her fear of flying. 她正努力克服自己对乘坐飞机的恐惧。 conquersee ⇨ beat/defeat 3     • • •• ⇨ overcome/conquer con·quer /`kɔŋkə; ˈkɒŋkə/v 1. [i,t] to win control of a country or defeat an enemy by fighting a war 占领; 征服; 击败:◇egypt was conquered by the ottoman empire in 1517. 埃及于 1517 年被奥斯曼帝国攻占。 2. [t] to get control over a feeling or a problem that you have, using a lot of effort [努力地]克服[情感或困难]:◇i didn't think i'd ever conquer my fear of heights. 我认为自己永远克服不了恐高症。




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