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单词 average
释义 average nounadjective | verb + average | preposition adjective➤annual, five-year, monthly, etc.年平均数、5 年的平均数、月平均数等▸➤national全国平均数◆the national average is just over two children per family.全国平均每个家庭有两个以上孩子。➤overall总平均数➤career, lifetime (especially name) 工作期间平均工资▸➤moving, weighted (both technical术语) 移动/加权平均数▸➤batting, bowling, scoring, slugging (name, all sport体育) 击球率;投手得分率;得分率;长打率➤grade, grade point (both name) 平均成绩; ( 学生各科成绩的 ) 平均绩点◆the student with the best grade point average in his class他班里平均绩点最高的学生verb + average➤arrive at, calculate, compute, find, work out得出/计算/用计算机计算/求出/算出平均数◆you'll have to calculate the average.你得算出平均数。➤exceed超过平均数preposition➤above average, below average在一般水平之上;在一般水平之下◆his test results are well above average.他的测验成绩远远高于平均水平。◆an above-average climb in prices高出平均水平的价格攀升➤on average按平均值◆on average, prices have risen 6%.价格平均上浮了 6 个百分点。average /ævərɪdʒ/ adjective1.calculated by adding several amounts together and dividing the total by the number of amounts 平均的◆average earnings are around €35 000 per annum. 每年平均收入约为 35 000 欧元。◆households with a below-average income 低于平均收入的家庭2.typical or normal 典型的;正常的◆forty hours is a fairly average working week for most people. 对大多数人而言,一周工作四十小时是相当正常的。◆we can expect above-average financial returns. 我们预期可以取得超过平均水平的财务收益。average /ævərɪdʒ/ noun [countable, uncountable] 1.the result of adding several amounts together and dividing the total by the number of amounts 平均数◆the average of 4, 5 and 9 is 6. 4、5、9 三个数的平均数为 6。◆food prices have risen by an average of about 5%. 食品价格平均上涨约 5%。2.a level which is usual 平均水平;一般水准◆employees' pay is above average for the industry. 雇员的工资高于这行业的平均水平。◆ on average, wages have gone up 2%. 平均来说,工资上涨 2%。 (insurance 保险) = partial loss moving average ◇ weighted average average /ævərɪdʒ/ verb 1. [transitive] (not used in the passive 不用于被动语态) to be equal to a particular amount as an average 平均为◆economic growth is expected to average 2% next year. 预计明年的经济增长平均可达 2%。 2. [transitive, intransitive] to calculate the average of sth 算出…平均数◆earnings are averaged over the whole period. 所计算的是整个时期的平均收入。 ●average out result in an average or equal amount over a period of time or after several occasions 达到某平均数◆the costs of translation should average out at about €20 per page. 翻译费应该是平均每页约 20 欧元。●average sth out (at sth)to calculate the average of sth 算出…的平均数◆if you average out the seasonal earnings of a tourist guide, they are similar to those of an office worker. 如果将导游的季节性收入平均分摊,他们的收入接近上班族。●average out at sthto have a particular amount as the average over a period of time 平均数为◆sales growth has averaged out at 20% over the last three years. 过去三年的销售增长平均为 20%。☞ average☞ average☞ average average adjectiveaverage ♦︎ simple ♦︎ ordinary ♦︎ plain ♦︎ unremarkablethese words all describe things or people that are not special because they are not unusual, interesting or clever.这些词均表示普通的、平庸的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆an average / ordinary sort of person / thing◆an average / a simple / an ordinary / an unremarkable person◆average / ordinary players◆simple / plain ignorance / common sense◆pretty average / ordinary / unremarkable◆very average / simple / ordinary■ average (often disapproving) not special in any way; not better than most others普通的;中等的;不出众的◆he was quite an average sort of student, nothing out of the ordinary.他是个相当普通的学生,一点也不出众。◆the quality has been pretty average.质量很一般。  ➡ see also average → normal ■ simple [usually before noun] (often approving) (of a person) not grand, rich, clever or hard to understand; (of a thing or quality) not special or complicated(人)普通的,平凡的;(事物或性质)普通的,简单的◆they were simple country people.他们是普普通通的乡下人。◆in some cases his argument is based on simple ignorance.某些时候,他的论点纯粹是出于无知。ⓘ when used to describe a person or a good quality simple is usually approving; when it is used to describe a bad quality it is usually disapproving.用于形容人或高质量时,simple 通常带褒义。用于形容低劣的品质时则带贬义。■ ordinary (disapproving) having no unusual or interesting features平庸的;平淡无奇的◆the meal was very ordinary.这顿饭平常得很。◆i lead a very ordinary life.我过着平淡无奇的生活。ⓘ in this meaning ordinary very often follows very, which emphasizes that ordinary is being used in a disapproving way.表达此义时,ordinary 总跟在 very 后面,强调 ordinary 的贬义用法。  ➡ see also ordinary → normal opp extraordinary → remarkable ■ plain [only before noun] (often approving) (of a quality) not special or complicated; (of a person) not trying to appear more important or intelligent than they are(性质)普通的,简单的;(人)朴素的,不张扬的◆it doesn't require special skills, just plain common sense.这个工作不要求有特殊技能,只要有普通常识就够了。◆he prided himself on being a plain, honest man with no nonsense about him.他为自己是个朴素、诚实、规规矩矩的人而感到自豪。 ➡ see also plain → plain adj. 2 note 辨析 simple or plain?both these words can describe people or qualities, but simple is used more about people and plain is used more about qualities. when used to describe people, simple tells you how other people see sb (= not grand, rich or clever, but in a good way); plain tells you more about how sb sees himself/herself (= not pretending to be grand, rich or clever).两个词均可以描述人或特质,但是 simple 多用于指人,plain 多用于指特质。描述人时,simple 指对他人的看法,即平凡的、普通的,但是属正面看法。plain 多指对自己的看法,意为朴素的、不虚夸的。■ unremarkable not special in any way so that people do not take notice一般的;平凡的;不起眼的◆it was a pleasant but unremarkable town.这是个温馨而又平淡无奇的小镇。opp remarkable → remarkable average (often disapproving) not special in any way; not better than most others普通的;中等的;不出众的◆he was quite an average sort of student, nothing out of the ordinary.他是个相当普通的学生,一点也不出众。◆the quality has been pretty average.质量很一般。  ➡ see also average → normal averageapproximately the same as most others正常的;普通的;一般的◆an entrance fee of £5 is about average.5 英镑的入场费算是正常。◆the route is for walkers of average ability.这条路线适合能力一般的步行者。  ➡ see also average → average average¹/ˈævərɪdʒ ||; ˈævərɪdʒ/noun1. [c] the number you get when you add two or more figures together and then divide the total by the number of figures you added 平均数;平均值: ◇the average of 14, 3 and 1 is 6(= 18 divided by 3 is 6). 14、3和1的平均数是6。◇he has scored 93 goals at an average of 1.55 per game. 他总共踢进93个球,平均每场踢进1.55个。 2. [u] the normal standard, amount or quality 通常的标准;一般水平;平均 [sing] ◇ on average, i buy a newspaper about twice a week. 我平均每周大约买两次报纸。 average²/ˈævərɪdʒ ||; ˈævərɪdʒ/adj1. (only before a noun 只用于名词前) (used about a number) found by calculating the average¹(1) (指数字)平均的: ◇what's the average age of your students? 你的学生的平均年龄是多少? 2. normal or typical 一般的;平常的: ◇children of above / below averageintelligence 智力高于/低于一般水平的儿童 average³/ˈævərɪdʒ ||; ˈævərɪdʒ/verb [t] to do, get, etc a certain amount as an average 以…作为平均数计算;平均为…: ◇if we average 50 miles an hour we should arrive at about 4 o'clock. 如果我们以平均每小时50英里计算,我们当可在4点钟左右到达。 average out (at sth) to result in an average (of sth) 得出平均数 averagesee ⇨ normal/ordinary 1,3     • • •• ⇨ grade point average/gpa☞ average¹☞ average²☞ average³




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