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单词 proportionate
释义 proportionate /prəpɔːʃənət; name -pɔːrʃ-/ adjectiveincreasing or decreasing in size, amount or degree according to changes in sth else 成比例的;相应的;相称的◆increasing costs resulted in proportionate increases in prices. 成本增加导致价格相应提高。 syn proportional ▸ proportionately adverb◆prices have risen but wages have not risen proportionately. 价格上涨了,但工资并没有相应增加。☞ proportionateproportionate /prəpɔːʃənət; name prəpɔːrʃənət/ (formal) proportional, especially when it is a question of what is fair or reasonable(尤指涉及公平或合理时)成比例的,相应的,相称的◆inner cities have more than a proportionate share of social problems.内城区的社会问题多得不合比例。◆penalties should be proportionate to the gravity of the offence.惩罚与所犯罪行应符合比例原则。opp disproportionate → excessive ▸ proportionately adverb◆prices have risen but wages have not risen proportionately.物价上涨了,但工资并未相应增加。note 辨析 proportional or proportionate?in many cases you can use either word.在许多情况下这两个词可以通用◆salary is proportional / proportionate to experience.薪金视资历而定。◆proportional / proportionate increases in costs成本的相应增加in these cases proportionate is more formal and less frequent than proportional. however, proportionate is often used when the question is not simply one of comparing two amounts, but of judging two actions or decisions and deciding whether one is fair or reasonable after considering the other.在这些情况下,proportionate 较正式,不如 proportional 常用。不过,如果谈论的不仅仅是两个数量的比较,而是对两个行动或决定作出判断,并评定哪一个更公平或合理时,常用 proportionate◆the police response should be proportionate to the level of risk posed.警方的反应应该与事件的风险程度相称。the opposite, disproportionate, can be used when an action or judgement is not fair or reasonable in response to another action or situation. the opposite of proportional is inversely proportional. * proportionate 的反义词是 disproportionate,指某个行动或判断和另一个行动或情况不相称,显得不公平或不合理。proportional 的反义词是 inversely proportional (成反比)◆the amount of force needed is inversely proportional to the rigidity of the material (= the more rigid the material, the less force is needed).所需力量大小与材料刚性成反比。




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