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单词 two
释义 two/tu: ||; tu/number 1. 2 二 ☞look at second. for examples of how to use numbers in sentences, look at six. 参看second。有关数词在句子里的示例,参看six。 2. two- (used to form compound adjectives 用于构成复合形容词) having two of the thing mentioned 有两个…的: ◇a two-week holiday 两周的假期 be in two minds (about sth/about doing sth)→mind¹in two in or into two pieces 成为两片或部份: ◇the plate fell on the floor and broke in two. 碟子掉在地板上,破成两片。 two1 two2 two people3 two things of the same type that are used together4 each one of two people or things5 someone whose brother or sister was born at the same time6 intended for two people7 twice the normal size8 when something happens two times9 consisting of two things of the same type10 when a number or amount is twice as big as another1. two 两个 two /tuː/ [quantifier] 2 二,两 we've got two dogs and three cats. 我们有两只狗、三只猫。 there used to be five churches in the town. now there are only two. 镇上过去有五座教堂,现在只剩下两座了。 it takes two hours to get there. 到那里要两小时。two of two of the boys in the hockey team were sick. 曲棍球队里有两个男孩病了。 a couple /ə ˈkʌpəl/ [quantifier] informal two 【非正式】两个 i haven't got any stamps - could you lend me a couple? 我没有邮票了,你能借给我两张吗?a couple of i've got a couple of tickets for the game on saturday. 我有两张星期六比赛的票。 she lived in japan for a couple of years. 她在日本住了两年。2. two people 两个人 couple /ˈkʌpəl/ [countable noun] two people who are together, especially because they are married or have a sexual relationship 一对;[尤指]夫妻;情侣 the couple who live next door to me 住在我隔壁的那对夫妻 a young couple were walking hand in hand along the beach. 一对年轻情侣手牵手在海滩上散步。a married couple a couple who are married 夫妇 the house was bought by a young married couple. 房子由一对年轻夫妇买下了。 pair /peəʳ/ [countable noun] two people who are doing something together, or who are similar or connected in some way 两个人,一对 pair of they felt like a pair of burglars, enjoying themselves in someone else's house while the owner was away. 他们感觉就像一对窃贼,乘房主外出时在人家的房子里快活。in pairs working in groups of two 两个一组地 do the next exercise in pairs. 下一个练习两人一组进行。a strange/funny/friendly etc pair bill and his brother were a rather odd-looking pair. 比尔和他弟弟是看上去很古怪的一对。 duo /ˈdjuːəʊǁˈduː-/ [countable noun] two people who work or perform together 一对搭档;一对表演者 a brilliant young comedy duo 一对出色的年轻喜剧搭档 the successful management duo of doug livermore and ray clemence 一对成功的管理搭档道格·利弗莫尔和雷·克莱门丝3. two things of the same type that are used together 被一起使用的两个同类物 pair /peəʳ/ [countable noun] two things of the same type that are used together 一对,一双 a pair of shoes/socks/gloves/earrings etc i need a new pair of shoes. 我需要一双新鞋。 twin /twɪn/ [adjective only before noun] use this to talk about two things that are the same as each other and exist together or are used together 成对的,成双的 the new twin bridges over the river clyde 横跨克莱德河的两座新造的姊妹桥 a pc with twin disk drives 有两个光盘驱动器的个人电脑twin beds i asked for a room with twin beds. 我要了一间有一对单人床的房间。4. each one of two people or things 两个人或物中的每一个 both /bəʊθ/ [predeterminer/quantifier] use this to talk about two people or things together 两个都,两个 we both really enjoyed the evening. 那个晚上我们两个都玩得很开心。 i can't decide which dress to buy, i like them both. 我无法决定买哪件衣服,两件我都喜欢。 both drivers were injured, but not seriously. 两名驾车者都受了伤,但并不严重。both of both of us felt ill the next day. 第二天我们两个人都感觉不舒服。 both of the windows had been broken. 两扇窗都被打破了。both the/these/my etc both her attackers were wearing masks and gloves. 袭击她的两个人都戴着面罩和手套。 both her parents are doctors. 她的父母都是医生。 each /iːtʃ/ [determiner/pronoun] use this to talk about two or more people or things when you think of them as separate [两个或两个以上的人或物中的]每个,各个 my wife and i each have our own bank account. 我和妻子每人都有自己的银行账户。each of in the cup final, each player gets a medal, even the substitutes. 参加决赛的每个球员都能得到一枚奖牌,甚至连替补球员也有。 either /ˈaɪðəʳǁˈiː-/ [determiner/pronoun] use this to talk about one of two people, places, or things, especially when it does not matter which one [两个中的]任何一个 ‘would you like tea or coffee?’ ‘either - i don't mind.’ “你要茶还是咖啡?”“哪种都行,我无所谓。” you can enjoy the view from either window. 你从任何一扇窗口都能观赏景色。either of if you see either of these men, contact the police immediately. 如果你看到这两个人中的任何一个,立即和警方联系。 she says she has never seen either of them before. 她说这两个人她以前都没见过。either somebody/something or somebody/something i usually drink either coke or beer. 一般我要么喝可乐,要么喝啤酒。 neither /ˈnaɪðəʳǁˈniː-/ [determiner/pronoun] not one of two people, places, or things, and not the other 两者都不 ‘do you want milk or lemon in your tea?’ ‘neither thanks.’ “你的茶里要加牛奶还是柠檬?”“都不要,谢谢。” the game wasn't very exciting. neither team played well. 这场比赛不大刺激,两个队都打得不好。neither of luckily, neither of the passengers was hurt in the crash. 所幸的是,两名乘客都没有在撞车事故中受伤。neither somebody/something nor somebody/something neither mary nor the doctor was willing to use the word ‘cancer’. 玛丽和医生都不愿说出“癌症”这个词。 each other/one another /iːtʃ ˈʌðəʳ, ˌwʌn əˈnʌðəʳ/ [pronoun] use this to say that each of two people does the same thing to the other, or has the same feeling about the other 互相,彼此 the twins looked at one another and giggled. 这对双胞胎相互看了看,咯咯地笑了起来。 we don't see each other so often now. 如今我们不那么经常见面了。each other's/one another's they used to borrow each other's clothes. 以前他们常常借对方的衣服穿。5. someone whose brother or sister was born at the same time 某人有同时出生的兄弟或姐妹 twin /twɪn/ [countable noun] one of two children who were born on the same day to the same mother 双胞胎中的一个;孪生儿中的一个 i never realized that you and sammy were twins. 我从来没想到你和萨米是双胞胎。 joey's my twin. 乔伊是我的挛生兄弟。twin brother/sister sally and her twin sister still spend a lot of time together now that they are adults. 萨莉和她的孪生姐姐现在都已是成人了,可还是经常在一起。identical twins twins who look exactly the same [长相酷似的]同卵双胞胎 there have been a lot of interesting studies done on identical twins separated at birth. 对出生后就分开的同卵双胞胎有很多有趣的研究。fraternal twins twins who do not look the same 异卵双胞胎 noelle and craig are fraternal twins. 诺埃尔和克雷格是异卵双胞胎。6. intended for two people 供两人使用的 for two /fəʳ ˈtuː/ [adverb] use this about something that is intended for only two people 给两个人的,为两个人安排的 we'd like a table for two please. 我们想要一张两人桌。 a romantic weekend in paris for two 到巴黎的两人浪漫周末 double /ˈdʌbəl/ [adjective only before noun] double room/bed/mattress a room, bed etc that is intended for two people 双人房间/双人床/双人床垫 the room contained a double bed, a wardrobe, and a small chest of drawers. 这个房间里有一张双人床、一个衣柜和一个小五斗橱。 double rooms cost $80, single rooms are $50. 双人房间要80美元,单人房间是50美元。 two-man /ˈtuː mæn/ [adjective only before noun] two-man tent/canoe a tent etc that is designed for two people 两人帐篷/独木舟 we all squeezed into ralph's small two-man tent. 我们都挤进了拉尔夫那小小的双人帐篷里。 they paddled down the river in a two-man canoe. 他们划着一只双人独木舟顺河而下。7. twice the normal size 比通常尺寸大两倍的 double /ˈdʌbəl/ [adjective only before noun] twice the amount, number etc 两倍的,加倍的 the band has just released a new double album. 这个乐队刚推出了一张新的双专辑。 last year she suffered the double blow of losing her father and discovering that she had cancer. 去年她遭受失去父亲和发现自己患上癌症的双重打击。double whiskey/brandy etc a double brandy, please. 请来一杯双份白兰地。a double portion of something i ordered fish and a double portion of chips. 我要了鱼和双份的炸薯条。 double [countable noun] three whiskeys, please - two singles and one double. 请来三杯威士忌—两杯单的,一杯双份的。8. when something happens two times 某事发生了两次 twice /twaɪs/ [adverb] the weather was great - it only rained twice in three weeks. 天气好极了,三个星期里才下了两次雨。 she's been married twice before. 她此前已结过两次婚。twice a day/month/year etc when something happens regularly two times every day, month etc 一天/一月/一年等两次 i play golf twice a week. 我每周打两次高尔夫球。 staff meetings are held twice a month. 员工会议一个月举行两次。twice over british you should read the exam question twice over before answering it. 在答题之前你应该先把考题审读两遍。 the company's accounts were checked twice over, the second time by an independent auditor. 该公司的账目被审查了两次,第二次是由一个独立审计师查账的。 a couple of times /ə ˈkʌpəl əv taɪmz/ [adverb] informal two or three times 【非正式】两三次;几次 i've been out with harry a couple of times, but i wouldn't call him my boyfriend. 我和哈里出去过几次,但我不会把他称作男朋友。9. consisting of two things of the same type 由两个同类型的东西组成的 double /ˈdʌbəl/ [adjective only before noun] i pushed the double doors open and walked into the office. 我推开双扇门走进办公室。 the report and photographs fitted nicely onto a double page. 报道和照片在一张双开页上配放得很妥帖。 you cannot park on double yellow lines. 你不可以在双黄线上停车。 dual /ˈdjuːəlǁˈduːəl/ [adjective only before noun] having two types of one particular thing 双重的,双的 it's much safer if you learn to drive in a car which has dual controls. 如果你用配有双重控制装置的汽车来学习驾驶就安全得多了。 he found it difficult to cope with the dual pressures of work and home life. 他觉得很难应付工作和家庭生活的双重压力。dual role/function/purpose/aim don jose continued in his dual role of father and teacher to his son. 唐·何塞继续对儿子履行其亦父亦师的双重角色。 the magistrate's court has a dual function: to try minor cases and consider whether in more serious cases there is enough evidence for a trial to take place. 地方治安法庭具有双重职能:审理罪行较轻的案件,以及斟酌较为严重的案件是否有足够的证据进行审讯。dual nationality/citizenship when someone has the legal right to live in two different countries 双重国籍/公民身份 he has dual nationality because his father was born in pakistan and his mother is british. 他有双重国籍,因为他父亲在巴基斯坦出生,母亲是英国人。 twofold /ˈtuːfəʊld/ [adjective] formal if the reasons, aims, or effects etc, of something are twofold, there are two reasons, aims, or effects 【正式】[原因、目的、效果等]有两部分的;双重的 my reasons for leaving are twofold. 我要离开的原因有两个。 this new legislation will have a twofold effect on businesses. 这条新法规对工商企业将产生双重影响。10. when a number or amount is twice as big as another 某一数字或数量是另一个的两倍 twice /twaɪs/ [predeterminer/adverb] twice as big/fast/much/many etc bigger, faster etc by 100% 大/快/多一倍 this sweater would have cost twice as much if i'd bought it in england. 这件毛衣我如果在英国买的话就要贵一倍。twice the size/my salary/his age etc he married a woman who was twice his age. 他和一个年龄比他大一倍的女人结了婚。 it's about twice the length of a football field. 它大约是足球场长度的两倍。 full cream milk contains about twice the fat of skimmed milk. 全脂牛奶所含的脂肪是脱脂牛奶的两倍。 double /ˈdʌbəl/ [] twice as much as an amount, number etc 是…的两倍 double the amount/number/weight/size/cost etc over 30% of marriages end in divorce, which is double the number 20 years ago. 超过30%的婚姻以离婚告终,这个数字是20年前的两倍。 the house is now worth double the amount we paid for it. 这幢房子的价值比我们当初买下时翻了一番。 twofold /ˈtuːfəʊld/ [adjective only before noun] two times as much or as many of something 两倍的 a twofold increase the last ten years have seen a twofold increase in the numbers of deaths on the road. 过去十年里死于道路交通事故的人数增加了一倍。 two /tu; tuː/number 1. 2 二 2. two o'clock 两点钟:◇the game begins at two. 比赛两点钟开始。 3. in two if something breaks or divides in two, it breaks or divides into two pieces 分成两部分 ☞ two




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