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单词 requisition
释义 requisition /rekwɪzɪʃn/ noun (formal) [countable, uncountable] a formal, official written request for sth 正式要求;征用;申请书;征用书◆they carefully examined our requisitions for paper clips and notepads. 他们仔细检查了我们曲别针和记事本的申领单。◆do you have a requisition number for these goods? 你有这些货物的申购单编号吗? purchase requisition requisition /rekwɪzɪʃn/ verb (formal) [transitive] to make a formal, official request or demand for sth 正式要求;征用◆they have enough support to requisition an emergency general meeting. 他们召开紧急大会的要求获得了足够支持。☞ requisition☞ requisitionrequisition /rekwɪzɪʃn/ [transitive] (formal) to officially demand the use of a building, vehicle or other equipment or supplies, especially for military purposes during a war or in an emergency(尤指战时或紧急状态时)征用(建筑、车辆或其他设备或补给品)◆the school was requisitioned as a military hospital.这所学校被征用为军用医院。▸ requisition noun [uncountable, countable] ◆the requisition of ships by the government政府对船只的征用requisitionnoun [uncountable, countable] ◆the requisition of ships by the government政府对船只的征用requisitionnoun [uncountable, countable] ◆the requisition of ships by the government政府对船只的征用 req·ui·si·tion /ˏrɛkwə`zɪʃən; ˌrekwɪˈzɪʃən/n [c,u]formal an official demand to be given something, usually made by an army 【正式】 正式要求; [一般指军队的]征用令 requisitionv [t]




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