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标题 何首乌茎尖嫩叶主要营养成分分析及评价
范文 摘 要:测定了何首乌茎尖嫩叶的VB2、VC、粗纤维等主要营养成分含量和K、Fe、Zn等矿质元素含量,以期为何首乌茎尖嫰叶的合理开发利用提供理论依据。结果表明,何首乌茎尖嫩叶营养丰富,各种营养成分较为全面,其主要营养成分和矿质元素含量也远远高于其他4种常见蔬菜,这为何首乌茎尖嫩叶的食用价值提供了科学依据,也为改善人们的膳食营养和餐饮文化、开发蔬菜资源及提高其利用价值提供了参考。
中图分类号:R284.2文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3547(2014)12-0050-03
何首乌[Fallopia multiflora (Thunb.) Harald.]为蓼科多年生缠绕草本植物,其块根为名贵的大宗中药材,具有补肝肾、益精血、乌须黑发、养心安神等功效,主治血虚身痛、心烦失眠、劳伤多汗等症[1,2]。长期以来,何首乌作为名贵的大宗中药材、食品和化工材料,通常利用其块根部分和藤茎,何首乌的茎尖嫩叶作为保健蔬菜研究较少。其茎尖嫩叶作蔬菜用的部分一般指生长点以下长15 cm左右的鲜嫩茎叶。何首乌产量高,抗逆性强,病虫害少,不使用农药,且生长或恢复生长快,是理想的绿色蔬菜,营养学家誉其为“长寿食品”。随着人们物质生活水平的提高,对绿色食品、保健蔬菜等需求的日益增加,我国南方一些地区已开始对何首乌茎尖嫩叶进行食用。目前,贵州省仅开发何首乌芽菜的面积就超过200余hm2,其茎尖嫩叶远销上海、广州、深圳等沿海城市。但目前对何首乌茎尖嫩叶的研究不多,其营养分析在国内也鲜有报道。因此,笔者对何首乌茎尖嫩叶的主要营养成分含量与4种常用蔬菜进行了比较研究,以期为何首乌茎尖嫩叶的综合开发、利用提供理论依据。
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验材料
1.2 测试指标与方法
2013年6月 10日取长约15 cm的各种样品,测定其水分(GB/T 12531-1990)、VB2 (GB/T 15672-1995)、VC(GB/T 15673-1995)、 粗纤维(GB/T 5009.10-2003)和微量元素(GB/T 12398-1990)含量。
①仪器 DRZ2-4电阻炉温度控制器;SX-25-10箱式电阻炉;索氏脂肪抽提器(日本三绅SF-6);2300型凯氏自动定氮仪(福斯特卡托公司);紫外可见分光光度计(岛津 UV2-160);7230分光光度计(上海精密科学仪器有限公司)。
②药品 浓硫酸、无水乙醚、葡萄糖、蒽酮、硫脲、硫酸铜、硫酸钾、氢氧化钠、高氯酸、硝酸等,以上药品均为分析纯。
2 结果与分析
2.1 何首乌茎尖嫩叶营养成分分析
从表1可知,何首乌茎尖嫩叶水分含量在87.30%,仅高于甘薯茎尖嫩叶。何首乌茎尖嫩叶中含有较高的VB2和VC。其VB2的含量为1.05 mg/100 g,远高于其他4种蔬菜,它作为一种水溶性维生素,能促进人体肠胃功能,增加食欲,帮助消化。VC的含量为133 mg/100 g,也高于其他4种蔬菜,VC作为一种电子供体,可参与人体体内氧化还原反应,具有多种生理功能,如抗氧化、促进微量元素的吸收等;同时何首乌茎尖嫩叶含有一定的粗纤维,现代营养学研究表明,粗纤维对维护人体健康具有一定的作用[3],能有效刺激人体胃部,帮助人体肠道充分吸收水分,从而促进肠道蠕动,达到治疗便秘,预防肠癌等疾病的效果。
2.2 何首乌茎尖嫩叶中微量元素分析
由表2可知,何首乌茎尖嫩叶K、Cu、Mn、Fe、Zn等中微量元素含量丰富,其中K含量最高,含量达2 160 mg/100 g,属富K植物,K离子能有效调节人体pH值、细胞内液的渗透压,对于预防高血压等老龄化疾病具有良好的效果[4]。同时何首乌茎尖嫩叶中Fe、Mn、Zn的含量也比人类日常食用的韭菜、菠菜等蔬菜高。何首乌茎尖嫩叶中Mn的含量为2.5 mg/100 g,可作为补充人体Mn的有效来源。何首乌茎尖嫩叶中Zn含量为2.6 mg/100 g,锌对人体特别是婴幼儿的免疫功能起着重要的调节作用,它能促进婴幼儿的正常发育,常用于厌食、营养不良、生长缓慢的儿童,还可治疗口腔溃疡、皮疹、皮脂腺囊肿、痤疮等皮肤性疾病,所以可作为人体补充Zn的重要来源。
3 结论与讨论
[1] 肖培根.中药植物原色图谱[M].北京:中国农业出版社,1999.
[2] 孔令武,孙海峰.现代实用中药栽培养殖技术[M].北京:人民卫生出版社,2000:215-217.[3] 向昌国,李文芳,陈阳波,等.南瓜茎、叶、花的营养成分分析[J].天然产物研究与开发,2010(22):68-71.
[4] Hegsted D M. Present knowledge in nutrition (现代营养学知识.4版)[M]. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House, 1985: 176-191.
[5] Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine Standards(中国预防医学科学院标准处)[S]. Compilation of National Standards of Food Hygiene(食品卫生国家标准汇编1). Beijing: Standards Press of China, 1992: 133-206.
Analysis and Evaluation on Main Nutritional Components in Tender Leaves on
Stem Apex of Polygonum multiflorum
WANG Qin1,2
( 1.Guizhou Modern Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Institute, Guiyang 550006;
2.Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Bioengineering )
Abstract: In order to provide theoretical basis for the rational exploitation and utilization of tender leaves on stem apex of Polygonum multiflorum, we determined the contents of main nutritional components like vitamin B2, vitamin C and crude fiber, and contents of mineral elements like K, Fe, Zn. The results showed that the tender leaves were rich in nutrition, and their contents of main nutritional components and mineral elements were much higher than those of the other four vegetables. The results of this study not only proved the edible value of tender leaves on stem apex of P. multiflorum, but also provided references for improving people's dietary nutrition, developing vegetable resources and improving their
utilization value.
Key words: Polygonum multiflorum; Tender leaves on stem apex; Nutritional components; Mineral elements[3] 向昌国,李文芳,陈阳波,等.南瓜茎、叶、花的营养成分分析[J].天然产物研究与开发,2010(22):68-71.
[4] Hegsted D M. Present knowledge in nutrition (现代营养学知识.4版)[M]. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House, 1985: 176-191.
[5] Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine Standards(中国预防医学科学院标准处)[S]. Compilation of National Standards of Food Hygiene(食品卫生国家标准汇编1). Beijing: Standards Press of China, 1992: 133-206.
Analysis and Evaluation on Main Nutritional Components in Tender Leaves on
Stem Apex of Polygonum multiflorum
WANG Qin1,2
( 1.Guizhou Modern Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Institute, Guiyang 550006;
2.Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Bioengineering )
Abstract: In order to provide theoretical basis for the rational exploitation and utilization of tender leaves on stem apex of Polygonum multiflorum, we determined the contents of main nutritional components like vitamin B2, vitamin C and crude fiber, and contents of mineral elements like K, Fe, Zn. The results showed that the tender leaves were rich in nutrition, and their contents of main nutritional components and mineral elements were much higher than those of the other four vegetables. The results of this study not only proved the edible value of tender leaves on stem apex of P. multiflorum, but also provided references for improving people's dietary nutrition, developing vegetable resources and improving their
utilization value.
Key words: Polygonum multiflorum; Tender leaves on stem apex; Nutritional components; Mineral elements[3] 向昌国,李文芳,陈阳波,等.南瓜茎、叶、花的营养成分分析[J].天然产物研究与开发,2010(22):68-71.
[4] Hegsted D M. Present knowledge in nutrition (现代营养学知识.4版)[M]. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House, 1985: 176-191.
[5] Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine Standards(中国预防医学科学院标准处)[S]. Compilation of National Standards of Food Hygiene(食品卫生国家标准汇编1). Beijing: Standards Press of China, 1992: 133-206.
Analysis and Evaluation on Main Nutritional Components in Tender Leaves on
Stem Apex of Polygonum multiflorum
WANG Qin1,2
( 1.Guizhou Modern Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Institute, Guiyang 550006;
2.Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Bioengineering )
Abstract: In order to provide theoretical basis for the rational exploitation and utilization of tender leaves on stem apex of Polygonum multiflorum, we determined the contents of main nutritional components like vitamin B2, vitamin C and crude fiber, and contents of mineral elements like K, Fe, Zn. The results showed that the tender leaves were rich in nutrition, and their contents of main nutritional components and mineral elements were much higher than those of the other four vegetables. The results of this study not only proved the edible value of tender leaves on stem apex of P. multiflorum, but also provided references for improving people's dietary nutrition, developing vegetable resources and improving their
utilization value.
Key words: Polygonum multiflorum; Tender leaves on stem apex; Nutritional components; Mineral elements




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