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单词 teenager
释义 teenager nounadjective➤older, young十七八岁的青少年;十四五岁的少年◆a young teenager of fourteen14 岁的少年➤normal, typical正常的/典型的少年◆she's just acting like a normal teenager.她的举止和正常少年无二。➤awkward, gawky, shy难管教的/粗笨腼腆的/害羞的少年➤fresh-faced朝气蓬勃的少年➤impressionable易受影响的少年➤moody, rebellious, stroppy, informal) , sulky, surly, troublesome喜怒无常的/叛逆的/性情暴躁的/愠怒的/乖戾的/令人厌烦的少年▸➤angst-ridden, depressed, troubled忧心忡忡的/情绪低落的/苦恼的少年➤bored空虚无聊的少年➤drunken, rowdy, unruly醉酒的/闹哄哄的/不羁的少年◆residents have been disturbed by large groups of rowdy teenagers.居民被一群群闹哄哄的青少年搅扰得不得安宁。➤horny (informal) 情欲旺盛的青少年➤pimply, spotty (bre) 脸上长粉刺的青少年➤gangly瘦长的青少年◆he had grown from a tall, gangly teenager to a handsome young man.他已从瘦长的少年成长为英俊的小伙。➤lovesick (often figurative) 害相思病的少年◆he's acting like a lovesick teenager.他的举动像一个害相思病的少年。teenager [countable] a person who is between 13 and 19 years old(13 至 19 岁之间的)青少年,少男少女◆a magazine aimed at teenagers以青少年为对象的杂志◆many teenagers are embarrassed by their parents.许多青少年因父母而难为情。 ➡ see also teenage → young note 辨析 youth, lad or teenager?a teenager can be a boy or a girl but must be aged between 13 and 19; youth is less specific and can describe sb up until their early twenties; lad is also less specific but is not usually used about sb older than 19. when it refers to a young person, youth is more negative than lad or teenager, and collocates are often (but not always) negative. * teenager 可以是男孩或女孩,但年龄必须在 13 至 19 岁之间; youth 则没那么明确,可指直至二十出头的人; lad 也不那么明确,但通常不用于指 19 岁以上的人。在指年轻人时,youth 比 lad 或 teenager 更具贬义,搭配词常为(但不总是)贬义◆angry / drunken / masked youths气愤的/喝醉的/蒙面的年轻人the collocates of lad are mostly positive. * lad 的搭配词多为褒义◆a handsome / decent / fine / good / great / lovely / nice / smashing / bright / sensible lad英俊的/举止得体的/优秀的/善良的/杰出的/可爱的/友善的/很好的/聪明的/明智的年轻人to talk about young people in general, youth is more common than teenagers, especially in newspapers or more formal english.指年轻一族时,youth 比 teenagers 更常见,尤其是在报纸和比较正式的文体中◆unemployed / modern / educated youth失业的/当代的/受过教育的年轻人◆youth crime / employment青少年犯罪;青年就业teenager/ˈti:neɪdʒə(r) ||; ˈtinˌedʒɚ/noun [c] a person aged between 13 and 19 years old 13至19岁的青少年: ◇her music is very popular with teenagers. 她的音乐很受青少年欢迎。 ☞look at adolescent. 参看adolescent。 teenagersee ⇨ young 4 teen·ag·er /`tinˏedʒə; ˈtiːneɪdʒə/n [c]someone who is between 13 and 19 years old [13 到 19 岁之间的]青少年 ☞ teenager




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