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单词 nice
释义 nice adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition | phrases verbs➤be, feel, look, seem, smell, sound, taste好;感觉好;看上去好;好像很好;闻起来不错;听起来不错;尝起来不错◆i felt nice and warm.我感觉很暖和。◆that bread smells nice.那面包闻起来不错。◆his mother sounded very nice on the phone.他妈妈的声音在电话中听起来很亲切。➤make sth使⋯好◆i cleaned the room to make it nice for the others when they came home.我收拾了房间,让其他人回到家时觉得舒服。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常不错▸➤awfully, exceptionally, incredibly, terribly (especially bre) 极好;特别好;好极了◆an awfully nice man一个大好人➤perfectly, thoroughly再好不过;好上加好◆i'm sure she's perfectly nice really.我敢肯定她真的是一个相当不错的人。➤genuinely, truly确实/真的很好➤not particularly不是特别愉快◆it had not been a particularly nice experience.那不是一次特别愉快的经历。➤enough够好◆some of the boys were nice enough, but she didn't want to go out with them.有些男孩子很不错,但她不想跟他们约会。preposition➤about对⋯好◆he was incredibly nice about it, though i am sure it caused him a lot of trouble.我敢肯定这件事给他制造了很多麻烦,但他还是很好地解决了这件事。➤for对⋯而言不错◆it's nice for her to get out more.对她来说,多到外面走走很不错。➤to对⋯好◆can't you be nice to each other for once?你们就不能彼此好好相处一下吗?phrases➤nice little舒适小巧◆it's a nice little place you have here.你这里舒适小巧。nice adjective 1➤have a nice day祝你今天过得愉快➤a really nice person非常友善的人  ➡ see also the entries for satisfying and wonderful另见 satisfying 条和 wonderful 条nice ♦︎ good ♦︎ pleasant ♦︎ enjoyable ♦︎ pleasurablethese words all describe an experience, activity or event that gives you pleasure.这些词均表示令人愉快的、宜人的、有乐趣的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a nice / a good / a pleasant / an enjoyable / a pleasurable experience / thing (to do)◆a nice / a good / a pleasant / an enjoyable time / evening / party◆a nice / a good / a pleasant / a pleasurable feeling / sensation◆nice / good / pleasant weather◆a pleasant / an enjoyable / a pleasurable task◆it's nice / good / pleasant to be / feel / find / have / know / meet / see...◆it would be nice / good / pleasant if...◆it's nice / good that...◆very nice / good / pleasant / enjoyable■ nice (rather informal) that you enjoy; that gives you pleasure; attractive令人愉快的;宜人的;吸引人的◆have a nice day (= enjoy yourself today)!祝你今天过得愉快!◆if it's a nice day tomorrow (= if the weather is good), shall we go out?要是明天天气好,我们出去消遣一下好吗?◆the nicest thing about her is that she never criticizes us.她最大的好处就是从不批评我们。◆'do you want to come too?' 'yes, that would be nice.'“你也想来吗?”“是啊,很高兴来。”◆nice to meet you!很高兴见到你!◆it's been nice meeting you.这次见到你很高兴。◆you look nice.你很好看。ⓘ nice can be used before adjectives or adverbs to emphasize how pleasant sth is. * nice 可用在形容词或副词前,强调某事物十分令人愉快◆a nice hot bath舒舒服服的热水澡◆everyone arrived nice and early.大家都早早地到了。 nice and with another adjective cannot be used before a noun. * nice and 加另一个形容词不可用于名词前◆a nice and quiet place opp nasty → bad ■ good (rather informal, especially spoken) that you enjoy; that gives you pleasure令人愉快的;令人满意的◆did you have a good time in america?你在美国过得愉快吗?◆this is very good news.这消息真叫人高兴。◆it would be good if he moved to london.他要是搬到伦敦就好了。◆we are still friends though, which is good.不过我们仍然是朋友,这令人欣慰。 opp bad → bad , terrible → terrible 1 ■ pleasant (rather formal) that gives you pleasure; attractive令人愉快的;可喜的;吸引人的◆it was pleasant to be alone again.又只剩下一个人了,真自在。◆it's nice to live in pleasant surroundings.生活在宜人的环境中真舒服。 opp unpleasant → bad ▸ pleasantly adverb◆a pleasantly cool room凉爽宜人的房间◆i was pleasantly surprised by my exam results.我的考试成绩真让我喜出望外。note 辨析 nice, good or pleasant?all these words can describe times, events, feelings and the weather. nice and pleasant can also describe places, and nice can describe sb's appearance.所有这些词均可描述时刻、事件、情感和天气。nice 和 pleasant 亦可描述地方,nice 还可描述人的外表。■ enjoyable that you enjoy有乐趣的;快活的;令人愉快的◆i always try to make my lessons enjoyable.我总是尽量让我的课堂有趣味。◆swimming is a very enjoyable way of staying in shape.游泳是一种令人愉快的保持健康的方法。■ pleasurable /pleʒərəbl/ (formal) that you enjoy愉快的;快活的;适意的◆she had the pleasurable sensation of being swept off her feet.她神魂颠倒,有种乐淘淘的感觉。note 辨析 enjoyable or pleasurable? pleasurable is a more formal word than enjoyable and is used especially to describe physical pleasures and feelings. * pleasurable 较 enjoyable 正式,尤用于描述肉体快感和感觉。nice adjective 2➤have a nice day祝你今天过得愉快➤a really nice person非常友善的人  ➡ see also the entries for friendly 1, kind adj. and sweet另见 friendly 条第 1 义、kind 形容词词条和 sweet 条nice ♦︎ wonderful ♦︎ lovely ♦︎ charming ♦︎ charismatic ♦︎ engaging ♦︎ likeable ♦︎ personablethese words all describe a person who has a friendly, pleasant personality and is easy to like.这些词均形容人友好的、和善的、讨人喜欢的。synonym scale 词义标尺下图显示这些词所表达讨人喜欢的程度nice ○ engaging ○ likeable ○ personable ○ charming ○ charismatic ○ wonderful ○ lovelypatterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a nice / a wonderful / a lovely / a charming / a charismatic / an engaging / a likeable / a personable man◆a nice / a wonderful / a lovely / a charming / an engaging / likeable person◆a nice / a wonderful / a lovely / a charming / an engaging woman◆a nice / a wonderful / a lovely / a charming / a charismatic / an engaging / a likeable character / personality◆very nice / charming / charismatic / engaging / likeable / personable◆extremely nice / charming / engaging / likeable / personable◆really nice / wonderful / lovely / charming / engaging / likeable◆rather nice / wonderful / lovely / charming / engaging◆quite (= rather) nice / likeable / personable◆quite (= very) wonderful / charming■ nice (rather informal, especially spoken, approving) kind, friendly and pleasant to be with好心的;和蔼的;友好的◆our new neighbours are very nice.我们的新邻居很和气。◆he's a really nice guy.他真是个好人。◆be nice to me. i'm not feeling well.我有点不舒服,对我好点。◆it was nice of them to invite us.他们真好,邀请了我们。◆i complained to the manager and he was very nice about it.我向经理发牢骚,他很宽容。ⓘ nice has a very general meaning and is extremely frequent in english, especially in informal and spoken language. in writing and in more formal contexts, it can be better to use a more precise or more interesting word such as one of the other words in this group. * nice 的含义很宽泛,尤其在非正式用语和口语中极为常见。在书面语和较正式的语境中最好用更贴切或更有意思的词,如本组词中的其他词。 opp nasty → mean adj. 1 ▸ nicely adverb◆if you ask her nicely she might say yes.好好地跟她说,她也许会同意的。■ wonderful (rather informal, approving) very kind, generous and friendly亲切友好的;慷慨和蔼的◆she's a truly wonderful person.她真是个好人。◆you've all been absolutely wonderful!你们大家真是太好了!■ lovely (especially bre, rather informal, especially spoken, approving) very kind, generous and friendly亲切友好的;慷慨和蔼的◆her mother was a lovely woman.她母亲是个心地善良的女人。note 辨析 wonderful or lovely?you can usually use either word. lovely is more frequent in spoken british english; wonderful is more frequent in american english, both spoken and written.这两个词通常可通用。lovely 较多用于英式口语,wonderful 较多用于美式口语和书面语。■ charming (usually approving) very polite, friendly and attractive风度翩翩的;友善的;吸引人的◆she's a charming person.她是个有魅力的人。ⓘ charming emphasizes sb's pleasant manner and their good manners (= the polite and kind way they talk to and behave towards other people). these make people like them and do things for them. however, a person who is charming may also have negative qualities. * charming 强调某人的态度和蔼可亲、举止温雅迷人,因而讨人喜欢并使人愿意为其效劳。不过,charming 所形容的人也可能会有负面的特质◆he was certainly charming, but he was also ruthless and ambitious.他的确魅力不凡,但同时也冷酷无情、野心勃勃。◆what is she really like behind that charming facade?她迷人的外表后面究竟是个怎样的人呢?  ➡ see also charm → charm noun , charm → delight verb ▸ charmingly adverb◆she smiled charmingly at me.她对我微微一笑,甚是迷人。■ charismatic /kærɪzmætɪk/ (often approving) (especially of a man) having a powerful personal quality that attracts and impresses other people(尤指男人)有超凡魅力的,有感召力的◆the charismatic leader of a religious sect某教派魅力超凡的领袖 ➡ see also charisma → charm ■ engaging interesting or pleasant in a way that attracts your attention有趣的;令人愉快的;迷人的◆she had an engaging smile, which charmed everyone.她动人的微笑令所有人着迷。■ likeable (especially bre) (also likable, name , bre) pleasant and easy to like可爱的;讨人喜欢的◆he's a very likeable man.他是个十分讨人喜欢的人。 ➡ see also like → like verb ■ personable /pɜːsənəbl; name pɜːrsənəbl/ (rather formal) (especially of a man) pleasant in appearance, character or behaviour(尤指男人)品貌兼优的,英俊潇洒的◆her assistant seemed a very personable young man.她的助手看来是个英俊潇洒的青年。ⓘ personable is used especially to describe your impression of sb that you do not know well. * personable 尤用于描述对不太熟悉的人的印象。nice (rather informal) that you enjoy; that gives you pleasure; attractive令人愉快的;宜人的;吸引人的◆have a nice day (= enjoy yourself today)!祝你今天过得愉快!◆if it's a nice day tomorrow (= if the weather is good), shall we go out?要是明天天气好,我们出去消遣一下好吗?◆the nicest thing about her is that she never criticizes us.她最大的好处就是从不批评我们。◆'do you want to come too?' 'yes, that would be nice.'“你也想来吗?”“是啊,很高兴来。”◆nice to meet you!很高兴见到你!◆it's been nice meeting you.这次见到你很高兴。◆you look nice.你很好看。ⓘ nice can be used before adjectives or adverbs to emphasize how pleasant sth is. * nice 可用在形容词或副词前,强调某事物十分令人愉快◆a nice hot bath舒舒服服的热水澡◆everyone arrived nice and early.大家都早早地到了。 nice and with another adjective cannot be used before a noun. * nice and 加另一个形容词不可用于名词前◆a nice and quiet place opp nasty → bad nice (rather informal, especially spoken, approving) kind, friendly and pleasant to be with好心的;和蔼的;友好的◆our new neighbours are very nice.我们的新邻居很和气。◆he's a really nice guy.他真是个好人。◆be nice to me. i'm not feeling well.我有点不舒服,对我好点。◆it was nice of them to invite us.他们真好,邀请了我们。◆i complained to the manager and he was very nice about it.我向经理发牢骚,他很宽容。ⓘ nice has a very general meaning and is extremely frequent in english, especially in informal and spoken language. in writing and in more formal contexts, it can be better to use a more precise or more interesting word such as one of the other words in this group. * nice 的含义很宽泛,尤其在非正式用语和口语中极为常见。在书面语和较正式的语境中最好用更贴切或更有意思的词,如本组词中的其他词。 opp nasty → mean adj. 1 ▸ nicely adverb◆if you ask her nicely she might say yes.好好地跟她说,她也许会同意的。nice/naɪs ||; naɪs/adj1. pleasant, enjoyable or attractive 令人愉快的;可爱的;好看的: ◇a nice place/feeling/smile 舒适的地方;愉快的感觉;可爱的笑容◇i'm not eating this -- it doesn't taste very nice. 我不吃这个─它味道不太好。◇it would be nice to spend more time at home. 在家里多待一些时间会很不错。◇‘hi, i'm tony.’ ‘i'm ray -- nice to meet you.’ “嘿,我叫托尼。”“我叫雷─很高兴跟你见面。” 2. nice (to sb);nice (of sb) (to do sth);nice (about sth) kind; friendly 好心的;友善的: ◇what a nice girl! 心肠多好的女孩!◇everyone was very nice to me when i felt ill. 我不舒服的时候,人人都对我挺好。◇it was really nice of donna to help us. 唐娜真不错,帮了我们的忙。 3. (informal 非正式) used before adjectives and adverbs to emphasize how pleasant or suitable sth is (用于形容词及副词前,强调愉快或合适的程度)很,挺: ◇it's nice and warm by the fire. 坐在炉火旁边挺暖和的。◇a nice long chat 很长时间的聊天 ➔nicely adv ➔niceness noun [u]nice1 nice person2 something you like or enjoy1. nice person 好人 nice /naɪs/ [adjective] especially spoken friendly and kind 【尤口】好的;友善的;讨人喜欢的 claire's really nice, isn't she? 克莱尔真是个好人啊! he's one of the nicest people i know. 他是我所认识的最好的人之一。nice to i sometimes think she's only nice to me when she wants something. 我有时觉得她只是有所求的时候才对我好。it's nice of somebody to do something it was nice of them to offer to help. 他们真好,主动提出来帮忙。 pleasant /ˈplezənt/ [adjective] friendly, polite, and easy to talk to - use this especially about someone you do not know well 礼貌而友好的,和蔼可亲的[尤用于指不熟悉的人] i only met her once or twice but she seemed a very pleasant girl. 我只见过她一两次,她好像是个很友好的姑娘。 most of the students we get here are extremely pleasant and keen to learn. 我们这儿的学生大多数都非常友好,也很喜欢学习。 pleasantly [adverb] ‘nice to meet you,’ he said pleasantly. “很高兴认识你。”他友好地说。 likeable /ˈlaɪkəbəl/ [adjective] nice, and easy to like 可爱的,讨人喜欢的 ian is very likeable and has always had lots of friends. 伊恩很讨人喜欢,总是有很多朋友。 the only likeable character in the whole movie is judge white. 整部电影里只有怀特法官是个可爱的角色。 lovely /ˈlʌvli/ [adjective] especially british, informal very nice, kind, and friendly 【尤英,非正式】可爱的;亲切和善的;讨人喜欢的 old dr macintosh was a lovely man. 老麦金托什博士是个讨人喜欢的人。 the staff at the hotel were lovely - so helpful and polite. 酒店里的服务人员非常友好—乐于助人,彬彬有礼。 good-natured also good-humoured british /good-humored american /ˌgʊd ˈneɪtʃəʳd◂, ˌgʊd ˈhjuːməʳd◂/ [adjective] someone who is good-natured is kind, helpful, and does not get angry easily 脾气好的,和蔼的;愉快友好的 neil was a gentle good-natured chap, the type of man you instantly trust and feel comfortable around. 尼尔是个性格温和的小伙子,是那种你看一眼就会信任、就会觉得很舒服的人。 ann's always good-humored, no matter what happens. 不管遇到什么事情,安总是开开心心的。 it was a difficult situation, but he managed to remain remarkably good-humoured. 那是个困难的情况,但是他依然努力保持非常好的心情。 good-naturedly/good humouredly british good humoredly american [adverb] tom admitted good-naturedly that he had been wrong. 汤姆和和气气地承认是他错了。 sweet /swiːt/ [adjective] informal someone who is sweet is kind and gentle, and tries to make other people happy 【非正式】和蔼的,温和的,可亲的 he's a really sweet guy but i couldn't date him. 他是个很可爱的人,但是我不能和他约会。 oh, thank you so much - you are sweet! 噢,十分谢谢你一你真好!it is sweet of somebody to do something it was very sweet of you to buy me those flowers. 你真好,给我买花。 charming /ˈtʃɑːʳmɪŋ/ [adjective] able to make people like you or do things for you because you are attractive and have good manners 有魅力的,迷人的 he was charming, good-looking and in his early forties. 他四十来岁,漂亮迷人。 the vice chairman has a very charming wife and four children. 副主席有一位非常动人的妻子和四个孩子。 a charming smile 迷人的微笑 charmingly [adverb] ‘you look lovely,’ naylor said charmingly. “你看上去很漂亮。”内勒迷人地说。 lovable also loveable /ˈlʌvəbəl/ [adjective] a lovable person is friendly and gentle in a way that is very attractive 可爱的;温柔友善的 matthew can be a difficult child, but most of the time he's very loveable. 马修这孩子有时很难对付,但是大多数时候很可爱。a lovable idiot crawford is best known to television audiences as a lovable idiot. 克劳福德在电视观众面前最出名的是扮演一个可爱的傻瓜。 endearing /ɪnˈdɪərɪŋ/ [adjective] an endearing quality, habit etc is one that makes you like the person who has it [品性、习惯等]讨人喜欢的,惹人喜爱的 louise's complete honesty was one of her most endearing qualities. 路易丝为人绝对坦诚,这是她最可人的地方之一。 he had a boyish, slightly dreamy look that was very endearing. 他有一种小男孩般有点迷茫的表情,非常可爱。 engaging /ɪnˈgeɪdʒɪŋ/ [adjective] formal interesting or amusing in a way that makes people like you 【正式】可爱的,逗人喜爱的,动人的 komansky, the new chairman of the company, is a smart, straightforward, engaging fellow. 公司的新主席科曼斯基是个很精明、爽快、讨人喜欢的家伙。 wyatt described her as ‘a lovely woman - sophisticated and engaging’. 怀亚特说她是一个“可爱的女子—圆滑世故而且娇媚动人”。 an engaging personality 可爱的个性 engagingly [adverb] the main character is engagingly good-hearted and innocent. 主人公心地善良纯洁,讨人喜欢。 adorable /əˈdɔːrəbəl/ [adjective] someone, especially a child or an animal, that is adorable is very attractive and makes you feel a lot of love towards them 可爱的[尤指小孩或动物] we eventually found the cat in the wardrobe, surrounded by six adorable kittens. 我们终于在大衣柜里找到了那只猫,它的身边围着六只可爱的小猫。absolutely/simply/quite etc adorable very adorable 极为/非常/十分等可爱的 have you seen their new baby - she's simply adorable! 你看到他们刚出生的宝宝了吗?她真是太可爱了!2. something you like or enjoy 你喜欢的事物 nice /naɪs/ [adjective] especially spoken that's a nice jacket. is it new? 这件外套很漂亮,是新的吗? have a nice day. 祝你今天过得愉快。nice to do something it's so nice to see you again. 真好,又见到你了。look/taste/smell nice you look really nice in that dress. 你穿那条裙子看起来很漂亮。nice big/quite/long etc something i got a nice long letter from andreas this morning. 今天早上我收到安德烈亚斯一封很长的信。 why don't you go and have a nice hot bath? 你去洗一个舒舒服服的热水澡吧。nice and easy/quiet/smooth etc feel this material. it's so nice and soft. 摸摸这面料,很舒服、很柔软。 lovely /ˈlʌvli/ [adjective] especially british, informal very nice 【尤英,非正式】可爱的;令人愉快的 we had a lovely time at the beach. 我们在沙滩上玩得很愉快。 thank you for the lovely birthday present. 谢谢你送我那么漂亮的生日礼物。it is lovely to do something it would be lovely to see you again. 能再见到你真太好了。look/taste/smell lovely anna's perfume smells lovely. 安娜的香水很香。lovely big/long etc something they've got a lovely big house in the country. 他们在乡下有一幢漂亮的大房子。 pleasant /ˈplezənt/ [adjective] a pleasant place, occasion, or activity is one that you like, especially because it is peaceful, attractive, or relaxing [地方、情形或活动]令人愉快的;舒适的 we spent a pleasant evening chatting in the bar. 我们在酒吧里愉快地聊了一个晚上。 relax in the peaceful and pleasant surroundings of our hotel. 我们的酒店环境舒适安静,来放松一下吧。 my office was large and pleasant with a good view of the city. 我的办公室宽敞舒适,城市的景色尽收眼底。 pleasantly [adverb] the party was out in the garden and was pleasantly informal. 聚会在外面的花园里进行,大家都随随便便的,很自在。 delightful /dɪˈlaɪtfəl/ [adjective] extremely nice, enjoyable, and pleasant 非常好的;令人愉快的;令人舒适的 their new house is delightful, very spacious and light. 他们的新房子很舒适,宽敞明亮。 a simple salad and fresh bread can make a delightful meal. 简简单单的沙拉、新鲜的面包,就可以是令人吃得开心的一餐了。 there's a delightful moment towards the end of the film, when they see each other briefly again. 接近电影的尾声时有一个动人的场面,就是他们又匆匆地见了面。 delightfully [adverb] hiroko's a cheerful person, with a delightfully wicked sense of humour. 广子是个性情愉快的人,有一种谑而不虐的幽默感。 appealing /əˈpiːlɪŋ/ [adjective] something that is appealing has unusual and interesting qualities that make people like or enjoy it 有趣的;动人的,吸引人的 it's extremely difficult to create a really appealing advertisement. 要创作出一个非常有吸引力的广告,那是非常困难的。 the idea of a whole week at a health farm isn't very appealing. 在健身庄逗留一整个星期,这想法不是很有吸引力。 both cities have a wealth of attractions that make them appealing. 两个城市都拥有许多引人入胜的地方,使它们变得很有吸引力。appealing to according to life magazine, cars with soft smooth shapes are supposed to be appealing to females. 根据《生活》杂志所称,外型线条柔和流畅的汽车对女性应该很有吸引力。 great also neat especially american /greɪt, niːt/ [adjective] spoken say this when you see something or something happens that you think is very good, enjoyable etc 【口】很好的 ‘hey, this place is neat!’ said chris, looking out at the stunning view from the balcony. “哇,这地方太好了!”克里斯从阳台向外眺望迷人的景色说。 you got the job? that's great! 你得到这份工作了?太好了! nice /naɪs; naɪs/adj 1. pleasant, attractive, or enjoyable 令人愉快的; 吸引人的; 美好的:◇did you have a nice time at the beach? 你在海滩玩得痛快吗?◇that's a nice sweater. 那是一件很舒适的毛衣。◇nice and warm/cool/sweet etc it's nice and warm in here. 这里挺和暖的。◇look/taste/smell nice you look nice in that suit. 你穿那套套装很好看。◇it is nice to do sth it would be nice to go to spain. 到西班牙去玩真好。 2. friendly or kind 友好的:◇they're all very nice people. 他们全都是很好的人。◇it is nice of sb (to do sth) it was nice of you to come. 你来了真好。◇be nice to sb be nice to your little sister. 对你的妹妹要好一点。 3. (it's) nice to meet you/nice meeting you spoken used when you meet someone for the first time 【口】 很高兴认识你 ☞ nice




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