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单词 drone
释义 drone nounadjective | verb + drone | preposition adjective➤low低沉的嗡嗡声▸➤distant远处的嗡嗡声▸➤constant, continuous, steady持续不断的嗡嗡声➤monotonous单调的嗡嗡声verb + drone➤hear听见嗡嗡声preposition➤with a drone带着嗡嗡声◆the planes flew overhead with a low drone.飞机发出低沉的轰鸣声掠过头顶。➤drone of⋯的嗡嗡声◆the continuous drone of the engine发动机连续不断的嗡嗡声drone /drəʊn; name droʊn/ [intransitive] to make a continuous low dull sound, especially the sound made by voices and light aircraft(尤指人和轻型飞机)发出嗡嗡声◆a small plane was droning in the distance.一架小型飞机在远处嗡嗡地响。◆i fell asleep to the sound of their voices droning through the warm afternoon.整个温暖的午后他们都在低声说着,听着那嗡嗡的语声我睡着了。drone/drəʊn ||; dron/verb [i] to make a continuous low sound 发出连续不断的低沉声音;嗡嗡响: ◇the sound of the tractors droning away in the fields 田野里拖拉机的轧轧声 drone on to talk in a flat or boring voice 以低沉单调的声音说话: ◇we had to listen to the chairman drone on about sales for hours. 主席以低沉单调的声音讲销售问题,我们不得不听上几个小时。 drone noun [sing] drone /dron; drəʊn/v [i]to make a low continuous noise 嗡嗡叫[响]:◇a plane droned overhead. 一架飞机在头顶上空嗡嗡响。 dronen [singular 单数]drone onto talk in a boring way for a long time 乏味地说个不停:◇+ about joe kept droning on about his problems at work. 乔乏味地把他工作中的问题讲个不停。




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