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单词 complexion
释义 complexion noun¹ 1skin/face肤色;面色adjective | verb + complexion adjective➤beautiful, clear, flawless, fresh, glowing, healthy, lovely, nice, perfect动人的肤色;光洁的皮肤;无瑕的皮肤;好气色;容光焕发的气色;健康的面色;极好的气色▸➤dull, pallid, pasty, sallow灰暗的皮肤;苍白的面色;蜡黄的面色▸➤creamy, fair, light, milky, pale奶油色的/白晰的/浅色的/乳白色的/苍白的皮肤▸➤dark, olive, swarthy, tan, tanned黝黑的皮肤;橄榄色的皮肤;晒黑了的肤色▸➤florid, pink, rosy, ruddy红润的面色;白里透红的面色◆a young girl with a rosy complexion面色红润的年轻女孩➤smooth光滑的皮肤verb + complexion➤have有⋯皮肤▸➤give sb使某人面色⋯◆years of heavy drinking had given moira a florid complexion.常年酗酒使莫伊拉面色绯红。complexion noun² 2general nature/character of sth性质;特点adjective | verb + complexion adjective➤different, new不同的/新的面貌▸➤political, social政治/社会性质◆a change in the political complexion of the council市政会政治性质的变化verb + complexion➤put, take on带上⋯性质◆what you have told us puts a different complexion on the situation.你所告诉我们的信息使情况的性质大为不同了。◆the joke took on a rather serious complexion when the police became involved.当涉及到警察时,玩笑就变得严肃起来了。➤change改变性质◆hughes helped change the complexion of hollywood.休斯促进了好莱坞面貌的改变。 complexion /kəmplekʃn/ [countable] the natural colour and condition of the skin on a person's face面色;肤色;气色◆a dark / pale / healthy complexion晦暗的/苍白的/健康的面色◆her auburn hair and blue eyes, together with a fine complexion, made her extremely attractive.她那赤褐色的头发和蓝色的眼睛,再加上健康的肤色,使她迷人极了。note 辨析 colouring or complexion? complexion describes only a person's skin; colouring describes their skin, hair and eyes. * complexion 仅指人的肤色,colouring 可指人的皮肤、头发和眼睛的颜色。complexion/kəmˈplekʃn ||; kəmˈplɛkʃən/noun[c] 1. the natural colour and quality of the skin on your face 脸部的肤色和质地: ◇a dark/fair complexion 黝黑/白晰的肤色◇a healthy complexion 健康的面色 2. [usu.sing] the general nature or character of sth 性质;特性: ◇these announcements put a different complexion on our situation. 这些消息发布以后,我们的处境便大为改观。 com·plex·ion /kəm`plɛkʃən; kəmˈplekʃən/n 1. [c,u] the natural colour and appearance of the skin on your face 面色,气色:◇a pale complexion 苍白的面色 2. [singular 单数] the way something appears to be 性质:◇this puts an entirely new complexion on things (=makes them seem completely different). 这使整个形势为之改观。




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