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单词 arrangement
释义 arrangement noun¹ 1plans/organization计划;组织adjective | verb + arrangement | arrangement + verb | preposition adjective➤alternative, better, different, new, other备选的/更好的/不同的/新的/其他安排◆it may be necessary to make alternative arrangements.或许有必要作备选的安排。➤final最后的安排▸➤practical切合实际的安排▸➤satisfactory, sensible, suitable (all especially bre) 令人满意的/合理的/适当的安排▸➤careful, detailed精心的/详细的安排▸➤flexible灵活的安排▸➤unusual不寻常的安排▸➤special特殊安排◆there are special arrangements for people working overseas.对于在海外工作的人有特别的安置。➤formal正式的安排▸➤necessary, proper (especially bre) 必要的/恰当的安排▸➤administrative, organizational行政安排;组织机构设置➤social社会活动安排▸➤childcare, domestic, funeral, holiday, living, pension, seating, security, sleeping, travel儿童托管安排;家居布置;葬礼安排;假期安排;起居安排;养老金计划;座次安排;保安措施;住宿安排;旅行安排◆their domestic arrangements were considered unconventional at the time.他们的家居布置在当时看来是不落俗套的。➤working工作安排◆flexible working arrangements are catching on.弹性工作制流行开来。verb + arrangement➤make作出安排▸➤complete, confirm, finalize安排妥当;确认计划;敲定计划◆arrangements for the trip have now been completed.旅行前的准备工作都已经做好。➤discuss讨论安排◆we are just discussing the final arrangements for the concert.我们只是在讨论音乐会最后的准备工作。➤upset打乱安排◆all her careful arrangements had been upset!她的精心安排全被打乱了!➤change改变安排◆we'll have to change our travel arrangements.我们将不得不改变我们的旅行安排。arrangement + verb➤stand计划不变◆as far as i know, the arrangement still stands.据我所知,计划仍然不变。➤fall through安排落空◆the catering arrangements for the conference fell through at the last minute.为大会提供餐饮服务的安排在最后一刻成了泡影。preposition➤arrangement for为⋯作的安排◆arrangements for the funeral are complete.葬礼的准备工作已结束。➤arrangement with与⋯的安排◆i have made arrangements with the store for the goods to be delivered here.我已安排商店把货品送到这里来。arrangement noun² 2agreement约定adjective | verb + arrangement | preposition | phrases adjective➤business, contractual, financial商业协议;合同约定;金融协议◆it's purely a business arrangement-there's no need to get emotionally involved.这是单纯的商业协议,不需要掺杂感情。➤constitutional立宪协议➤power-sharing权力分享协议➤custody监护协议◆joint custody arrangements do not work for all parents.共同监护协议并不适合所有的父母。➤special特别的协议▸➤formal, informal正式/非正式协议▸➤voluntary自愿的协议▸➤private私人协议▸➤reciprocal互惠协议▸➤long-standing, long-term, permanent长期有效的协议;永久协议▸➤interim, temporary临时协议verb + arrangement➤have有协议◆the company has a special arrangement with the bank.这家公司和银行有特殊的协议。➤accept, agree, come to, make接受协议;达成协议;商定◆she made an arrangement with her employer whereby she worked a reduced number of hours.她和老板说好了可以减少她的工作时数。➤develop, establish, negotiate制订/确立/商讨协议preposition➤by (an/the) arrangement根据协议◆viewing of the property is only possible by arrangement with the owner.事先跟房主说好才能看房子。◆they have an arrangement by which they each contribute equally to the cost of the house.他们商定平均分担房费。➤under an/the arrangement根据协议◆under this arrangement you can pay for the goods over a longer period.根据这个协议,你付货款的期限可以更长一些。➤arrangement between⋯之间的协议◆an arrangement between the two men两个男人之间的协议➤arrangement with和⋯的协议◆he finally came to an arrangement with his landlord.他最后与房东达成了协议。phrases➤by prior arrangement (especially bre) 根据事先的约定◆a tour of the library is available by prior arrangement.参观图书馆需要预约。arrangement noun³ 3group of things placed together排列adjective | verb + arrangement adjective➤complex, complicated复杂的组合◆a complex arrangement of rods and cogs连杆和轮齿的复杂组合➤physical, spatial实物的排列方式;空间排列方式◆even the physical arrangement of the classroom can influence the way children learn.教室的布置甚至也可能影响孩子学习。➤floral, flower插花verb + arrangement➤design, do设计;布置◆who did this beautiful flower arrangement?谁做的这么漂亮的插花?arrangement /əreɪndʒmənt/ noun1. [countable, usually plural] plans or preparations for sth that will happen in the future 安排;筹备◆travel arrangements 旅行安排2. [countable, uncountable] a way of doing or organizing things, especially one that is formally agreed by two people or organizations, etc. 安排方式◆more open trading arrangements should increase investment in the country. 更为开放的贸易安排应能增加对国家的投资。◆you can cash cheques here by prior arrangement with the bank. 如果你和银行事先安排好,即可在这里兑现支票。3. [countable] a formal relationship between two companies, etc. that provides some benefit to them both, usually over a long period of time 约定,安排(通常指在一段长时间内两家公司之间相互提供某些利益的正式关系)◆the company has set up a new distribution arrangement with a canadian publisher. 公司与一家加拿大出版商订立了新的经销安排。  ➡  see note at agreement (finance 金融) [countable, usually singular] a formal agreement made between sb who owes money but cannot pay it all back and the person or organization that they owe money to, so that only part of the money will be paid 清偿安排(债权人与债务人就部分还款达成的正式协议)5. [uncountable] the act of arranging sth 筹备◆arrangement fees 筹备费 deed of arrangement ◇ scheme of arrangement ◇ voluntary arrangement ☞ arrangement☞ agreement/arrangement/contract/deal/deed☞ agreement/arrangement/contract/deal/deed arrangement [countable, uncountable] an agreement that you make with sb that you can both accept, especially concerning the practical details of sth(尤指细节的)商定,约定◆the company has a special arrangement with the bank.该公司与银行有一项特殊约定。◆we can come to an arrangement over the price.我们可以就价格问题达成一项协议。◆viewing of the property is only possible by arrangement with the owner.与房主约好才能看房。◆you can cash cheques here by prior arrangement with the bank.你事先与银行商妥,就可以在这里兑现支票。 ➡ see also arrange → organize arrangement [countable, uncountable] a group of things that are organized or placed in a particular order or position; the act of placing things in a particular order布置;安排;整理◆has the seating arrangement been worked out yet?座位安排制订好了没有?◆she's taking a class in flower arrangement.她正在上插花班。 ➡ see also arrange → arrange arrangement [countable, usually plural] a plan that you make so that sth can happen安排;筹备◆i made arrangements for him to be met at the airport.我安排了人到机场接他。◆i'll leave the practical arrangements to you.我把具体安排工作交给你。◆have you finalized your travel arrangements yet?你做好旅行安排了吗? ➡ see also arrange → organize arrangement/əˈreɪndʒmənt ||; əˈrendʒmənt/noun1. [c] [] plans or preparations for sth that will happen in the future 安排;筹备: ◇come round this evening and we'll make arrangements for the party. 你今晚过来,我们为聚会做筹备工作。 2. [c,u] an agreement with sb to do sth 约定;协议;商定: ◇they have an arrangement to share the cost of the food. 他们商议好如何分摊食物的费用。◇we both need to use the computer so we'll have to come to some arrangement. 我们俩都要用那台计算机,所以我们得达成某种协议。 3. [c] a group of things that have been placed in a particular pattern 排列或整理好的事物: ◇a flower arrangement 插好的花 arrangementsee ⇨ arrange 2 ar·range·ment /ə`rendʒmənt; əˈreɪndʒmənt/n 1. [c usually plural 一般用复数] the things that you must organize for something to happen 安排,筹划,准备:◇travel arrangements 旅行准备[安排]◇make arrangements for lee's still making arrangements for the wedding. 李仍在筹备婚礼。 2. [c,u] something that has been agreed between two people or groups 议定[商定]之事; 协商:◇we have a special arrangement with the bank. 我们与银行有一个特别协定。 3. [c] a group of things in a particular position or order 整理[布置]好的东西:◇a flower arrangement 插花样式 ☞ arrangement




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