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单词 applicable
释义 applicable adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, prove, seem适用;证明适用;好像适用◆new developments that could prove directly applicable to the treatment of some cancers可证明能直接应用于某些癌症治疗的新成果➤become开始适用▸➤make sth使某物适用adverb➤broadly, generally, widely普遍适用;广泛适用▸➤universally无一例外地适用▸➤directly直接适用▸➤immediately立即可以应用▸➤equally同样适用◆the rules have now been made equally applicable to all members.这些规则现在对所有成员都同样适用。➤easily, readily容易加以应用的;很快可以应用的◆the theory does not seem easily applicable in this case.该理论似乎不能简单地应用于这一个案。➤very (especially name) 很适用◆his message is very applicable to high-school students.他的信息对高中生很适用。➤especially, particularly特别/尤其适用preposition➤for适用于⋯◆the offer is only applicable for flights during the week.这个报价只适用于本周内的航班。➤to对⋯适用◆the law is applicable to everyone.该法律适用于所有人。 applicable /əplɪkəbl, æplɪkəbl/ [not usually before noun] (rather formal) directly connected with sb/sth; likely to be true of sb/sth适用;合适◆many of the questions on the form were not applicable (= did not apply) to me.表格中很多问题对我不适用。◆give details of children where applicable (= if you have any).如有子女请提供详情。◆his rules are not universally applicable (= they do not apply to everyone or everything).他的规则并非普遍适用。opp inapplicable → irrelevant applicable/ˈæplɪkəbl;əˈplɪkəbl ||; ˈæplɪkəbḷ; əˈplɪkəbḷ/adj (not before a noun 不用于名词前) applicable (to sb/sth) that concerns sb/sth; relevant to sb/sth 关于;适用于: ◇this part of the form is only applicable to married women. 表格的这部份只适用于已婚女性。 ap·plic·a·ble /`æplɪkəbḷ; əˈplɪkəbəl/adjaffecting or suitable for a particular person, group, or situation 适合的,适用的:◇+ to the tax laws are not applicable to foreign visitors. 这些税法不适用于外国游客。




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