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单词 event
释义 event noun¹ 1sth that happens事件adjective | verb + event | event + verb | phrases adjective➤big, great, important, major, significant大事件;重大事件;重要事件;有意义的事件▸➤historic, key, landmark, life-changing, momentous, pivotal, seminal, watershed (especially name) 历史性的/重要的/标志性的/改变命运的/有深远影响的/核心的/开创性的/具有转折意义的事件◆tonight's show looks back at the key events of the year.今晚的节目将回顾本年度的重大事件。➤dramatic, remarkable引人注目的事件➤main主要事件▸➤happy高兴的事▸➤cataclysmic, catastrophic, sad, stressful, tragic, traumatic自然灾难;灾变性事件;令人伤心的事;造成很大压力的事;悲剧;令人痛苦的事▸➤rare罕有的事◆outside big cities, murder is a rare event.大城市以外地区很少发生凶杀案。➤current, recent时事;近期发生的事◆in-depth articles related to current events对时事进行深入分析的文章◆recent events in saudi arabia沙特阿拉伯近期发生的事件➤future未来事件◆our inability to forecast future events我们无力预言未来的事件➤subsequent随后发生的事件◆subsequent events proved him wrong.随后发生的事证明他错了。➤historical, political历史事件;政治事件verb + event➤witness目击事件◆when the ship finally reached land, only a few of the crew were left to witness the event.船最终靠岸时,只有几个船员能留下来目睹此事。➤record记录事件◆we had a huge party, and hired a photographer to record the event.我们举办了大型晚会并请了摄影师录制。➤describe, recount, relate描述事件;讲述事件◆carter related the events of the past hour to him.卡特对他讲述了过去一小时发生的事。➤recall, remember回忆事件;想起事件◆she tried to recall the events of the previous night.她努力回忆前一晚发生的事。➤celebrate, commemorate, mark庆祝⋯事件;纪念⋯事件◆today is the hospital's fiftieth anniversary, and there will be a party to mark the event.今天是医院建院 50 周年,将举行晚会来庆祝。event + verb➤happen, occur, take place, unfold事情发生;事件展开◆tv viewers watched in horror as events unfolded.事件渐渐展开,电视观众看得心惊肉跳。➤lead to sth事件导致⋯◆these events quickly led to confusion.这些事件很快造成混乱。➤lead up to sth事件导致⋯◆the police are trying to establish a picture of events leading up to the killing.警方试图确定导致该起凶杀案的种种前因。phrases➤a chain of events, a sequence of events, a series of events一系列事件▸➤the course of events事件的发展过程◆would it have been possible to change the course of events?原本有可能改变事情的发展吗 ?➤in any event无论如何◆i think the economy will recover in any event.我认为经济无论如何都会复苏的。➤in the event结果◆in the event though, the dinner was a very entertaining affair.但是结果证明,晚餐还是非常令人愉快的。➤in the event of sth, in the event that...在⋯情况下;如果发生⋯◆in the unlikely event of a crash, please remain calm.万一发生碰撞,请保持冷静。event noun² 2planned social occasion有计划的社会活动adjective | verb + event | event + verb adjective➤big, important, landmark, main, major, special大型的/重要的/里程碑式的/主要的/重大的/特殊的活动◆their 1981 production was a landmark event.他们 1981 年的产品具有里程碑式的意义。➤popular群众活动▸➤prestigious著名的活动◆the birmingham meeting is one of the most prestigious events in the racing calendar.在这项竞赛的年度日程表上,伯明翰站的比赛是最负声誉的比赛之一。➤inaugural就职仪式➤international, national国际/全国性活动◆a new international art event一项新的国际艺术活动➤annual, regular一年一度的活动;定期活动➤charity慈善活动◆they host frequent charity events in their home.他们经常在家中举办各种慈善活动。➤gala欢庆活动◆a special opening-night gala event首演之夜特别的欢庆活动➤forthcoming, upcoming (especially name) 即将进行的活动◆forthcoming events are listed on the back page of the local newspaper.活动安排刊登在当地报纸的末版。➤fund-raising, musical, social, sporting筹款活动;音乐盛事;社交活动;体育赛事➤black-tie, formal要求正装出席的/正式的活动◆a black-tie event at the waldorf astoria在沃尔多夫阿斯托里亚酒店举行的要求正装出席的活动verb + event➤hold, organize, stage举办/组织/举行活动◆the event will be held in the grounds of the house.这次活动将在这栋房子的庭院里举行。➤host举办活动◆we hosted a charitable event for a local organization.我们为一个当地组织举办了慈善活动。➤plan, schedule活动计划/安排◆forty such events are scheduled this year.今年安排了 40 项这样的活动。➤publicize公布活动▸➤attend, support参加/支持活动◆i would like to thank everyone who attended our charity evening for supporting the event.我要感谢各位为支持慈善事业而前来参加这个晚会。➤sponsor赞助活动◆they sponsored various community events.他们赞助了社区的多种活动。➤boycott抵制活动◆several leading players boycotted the event in protest.几名一流选手抵制这次赛事以示抗议。event + verb➤take place活动进行event noun³ 3race/competition比赛adjective | verb + event | event + verb | preposition adjective➤big, main大型竞赛;重要赛事◆this race will be the main event of the afternoon.这项赛跑将会是下午的主要比赛项目。➤international, national国际/全国赛事◆local winners compete in a national event in september.各地获胜选手将参加 9 月份的全国比赛。➤individual, team个人/团体比赛项目▸➤men's, women's男子/女子比赛项目▸➤field, track田赛;径赛▸➤distance, long-distance, middle-distance, sprint长跑赛;中长跑比赛;短跑赛➤backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle (all in swimming全都指泳姿) 仰泳/蛙泳/自由泳比赛➤olympic奥林匹克赛事➤one-day, two-day, etc.为期一天/两天等的比赛verb + event➤enter, enter for, take part in报名参赛;参加比赛◆a record number of teams have entered the event.报名参赛的队空前地多。➤win赢得比赛➤host主办比赛◆the association hosted a special three-day sailing event.该协会举办了一场为期三天的别开生面的帆船比赛。 event + verb➤take place比赛进行◆the team events will take place later this week.本周晚些时候将进行团体项目比赛。preposition➤in an/the event在比赛中◆african runners swept the medals in the distance events.在中长跑项目比赛中,非洲选手囊括了所有的奖牌。event noun 1➤a sequence of events一连串事件➤a social event社交活动event ♦︎ affair ♦︎ incident ♦︎ experience ♦︎ phenomenon ♦︎ episode ♦︎ business ♦︎ development ♦︎ occurrence ♦︎ proceedings ♦︎ eventualitythese are all words for sth which happens.这些词均表示发生的事情。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆the whole event / affair / incident / experience / phenomenon / episode / business / proceedings◆(a) strange event / affair / incident / experience / phenomenon / development / occurrence◆(a) terrible event / affair / incident / experience / business◆(a) dramatic event / incident / experience / episode / development◆an enjoyable event / affair / experience◆(an) everyday event / affair / incident / experience / occurrence◆an isolated event / incident / experience / phenomenon / episode / occurrence◆a rare / common event / experience / phenomenon / occurrence◆to witness an event / an incident / a phenomenon / an episode◆an event / an incident / an experience / a phenomenon / an episode occurs◆an event / an incident / an experience / a phenomenon / an episode / proceedings takes place / take place■ event [countable] a thing that happens, especially sth important发生的事情;(尤指)重要事情,大事◆the election was the main event of 2005.那次选举是 2005 年的大事。◆in the light of later events the decision was proved to be right.从后来发生的事看,这一决定是正确的。◆the decisions we take now may influence the course of events (= the way things happen) in the future.我们现在作出的决定可能会影响未来事情的发展。◆everyone was frightened by the strange sequence of events.人人都因接二连三的怪事感到恐惧。■ affair [countable, usually singular] an event that people are talking about or describing in a particular way事件;事情◆i ended up disillusioned and bitter about the whole affair.我最终对整件事失去信心,伤心极了。◆the debate was a pretty disappointing affair.这场辩论使人颇感失望。◆she wanted the celebration to be a simple family affair.她希望庆祝活动简简单单的,只限家人参加。ⓘ affairs [plural] are events of public interest or political importance.复数形式的 affairs 指公众关注的事件或时政要事◆world / international / business affairs世界/国际/商业事务◆he's an expert on foreign affairs.他是外交事务专家。◆he believed in a strict separation of the affairs of state and those of the church.他坚信要将国家事务与宗教事务严格区分开。◆the talk ranged over a variety of topics, from sport to current affairs (= events of political or social importance that are happening now).谈话涉及从体育赛事到时事等诸多方面。■ incident /ɪnsɪdənt/ [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) something that happens, especially sth unusual or unpleasant; a serious or violent event, such as a crime, accident or attack发生的事情(尤指不寻常或不愉快的);严重事件,暴力事件(如犯罪、事故或袭击等)◆his bad behaviour was just an isolated incident.他的不良行为只是个案。◆there was a shooting incident near here last night.昨晚这附近发生了枪击事件。◆the demonstration passed off without incident.这次示威和平地结束了。■ experience [countable] an event or activity that affects you in some way(一次)经历,体验◆it was her first experience of living alone.那是她第一次独自生活。◆living in africa was very different from home and quite an experience (= unusual for us).在非洲生活与在家里完全不同,那真是一次不同寻常的经历。◆i had a bad experience with fireworks once.我放烟火有过一次不愉快的遭遇。◆he seems to have had some sort of religious experience.他好像有过某种宗教体验。 ➡ see also experience → knowledge noun , experience → life noun 3 , experience → have verb 3 ■ phenomenon /fənɒmɪnən; name fənɑːmɪnən/ (plural phenomena) [countable] a fact or event in nature or society, especially one that is not fully understood(尤指未能完全理解的)现象◆natural / cultural / social phenomena自然/文化/社会现象◆this kind of crime is a phenomenon of the modern age .这一类犯罪是当代现象。■ episode /epɪsəʊd; name epɪsoʊd/ [countable] an event, situation or period of time in sb's life or a story that is important or interesting in some way(人生的)一段经历;(故事的)片段,插曲◆i'd like to try and forget the whole episode.我倒是想尽量把那段经历全忘掉。◆it turned out to be one of the funniest episodes in the novel.后来发现那个片段是小说中最滑稽的部份之一。■ business (usually used with an adjective通常与形容词连用) [singular] (rather informal, especially spoken) a matter, event or situation事情;事件;状况◆i found the whole business very depressing.我觉得整件事都令人很沮丧。◆that plane crash was a terrible business.那次飞机坠毁是十分可怕的事。◆the business of the missing tickets hasn't been sorted out.遗失票这件事还没解决呢。■ development [countable] a new event or stage that is likely to affect what happens in a continuing situation(新的)发展事态;进展情况;发展阶段◆the latest developments in the war战争的最新进展情况◆are there any further developments in the investigation?调查有进展吗?  ➡ see also develop → break out ■ occurrence /əkʌrəns; name əkɜːrəns/ [countable] (formal) something that happens or exists发生的事情;存在的事情◆vandalism has become a regular occurrence in recent times.最近这里经常发生故意破坏公物的事。◆the program counts the number of occurrences of any word or group of words, within the text.这个程序可以统计任何单词或词语在文本中出现的次数。 ➡ see also occur → happen ■ proceedings /prəsiːdɪŋz/ [plural] an event or series of actions事件;过程;一系列行动◆the mayor will open the proceedings at the city hall tomorrow.明天市长将在市政厅宣布开幕。◆we watched the proceedings from the balcony.我们从阳台上观看了仪式。■ eventuality /ɪventʃuæləti/ [countable] (formal) something that may possibly happen, especially sth unpleasant(尤指不愉快的)可能发生的事,可能出现的结果◆we were prepared for every eventuality.我们已作好准备应付任何可能出现的情况。◆this strategy will allow us to cope with all eventualities which may arise.这种部署使我们能够应付任何可能出现的情况。event noun 2➤a sequence of events一连串事件➤a social event社交活动  ➡ see also party 2 event ♦︎ celebration ♦︎ occasion ♦︎ function ♦︎ reception ♦︎ reunion ♦︎ festivities ♦︎ get-togetherthese are all words for a public or social situation where people are invited to a place for a particular reason.这些词均表示公开活动、社交场合。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆(a) special event / celebration / occasion / reception / reunion / festivities◆(a) family event / celebration / occasion / reunion / festivities / get-together◆a social event / occasion / function◆a school event / function / reunion◆(a) wedding celebrations / reception◆christmas celebrations / festivities◆an annual event / celebration / reunion / get-together◆an event / celebrations / a function / a reception / a reunion / festivities is / are held◆an event / celebrations / a reception / a reunion / festivities takes place / take place■ event [countable] a time when lots of people are invited to a particular place in order to spend time together having fun or taking part in an activity公开活动;社交场合◆details of meetings and social events are sent out to all club members.会议和社交活动的具体安排已发给俱乐部全体会员。◆the hospital is planning a major fund-raising event for june.这家医院正策划在六月份举办一次大型的筹款活动。■ celebration [countable, usually plural] a special event that people organize in order to celebrate sth庆典;庆祝活动◆they are already preparing for his 80th birthday celebrations in october.他们已经在准备十月份为他举办 80 岁生日庆典了。◆the celebrations continued with a cabaret dinner.庆祝活动在有卡巴莱歌舞表演的晚宴上继续。▸ celebrate verb [intransitive, transitive] ◆jake's passed his exams. we're going out to celebrate.杰克通过考试了,我们要外出庆祝一下。◆how do people celebrate new year in your country?你们国家的人怎样庆祝新年?  ➡ see also celebrate → play verb 1 ■ occasion [countable] a special event, ceremony or celebration特别的事情(或仪式、庆典)◆turn every meal into a special occasion.要让每一餐都给人有惊喜的感觉。◆their wedding turned out to be quite an occasion.他们的婚礼办得相当隆重。◆they marked the occasion (= celebrated it) with an open-air concert.他们举办了露天音乐会来庆祝。◆he was presented with the watch on the occasion of his retirement.他在退休仪式上获赠这块手表。■ function [countable] (rather formal) a social event or official ceremony社交聚会;典礼;宴会◆the hall provided a venue for weddings and other functions.大厅可以举办婚礼和其他公开活动。◆he and his wife were guests of honour at a function held by the society last weekend.在上周末协会举办的宴会上他和他的妻子是特邀嘉宾。■ reception [countable] a formal social occasion to welcome sb or celebrate sth接待仪式;欢迎会;招待会◆they held a reception for 100 guests at the golf club.他们在高尔夫球会所举办了一个欢迎会,招待 100 名嘉宾。◆the hall is a popular venue for wedding receptions.这个大厅是深受欢迎的婚宴场所。■ reunion /riːjuːniən/ [countable] a social occasion or party attended by a group of people who have not seen each other for a long time重逢;团聚;聚会◆the seventh annual reunion will take place in march.第七届年度联欢会将于三月份举行。◆a school reunion校友聚会■ festivities /festɪvətiz/ [plural] (rather formal) the activities that are organized to celebrate a special event庆祝活动◆bonfires and fireworks will form part of the festivities.庆祝活动包括燃篝火和放烟火。■ get-together [countable] (informal) an informal meeting; a party(非正式的)聚会;联欢会◆i'm going back for the usual family get-together at thanksgiving.我像往年一样,感恩节回去和家人团聚。 ➡ see also get together → meet 1 event [countable] a thing that happens, especially sth important发生的事情;(尤指)重要事情,大事◆the election was the main event of 2005.那次选举是 2005 年的大事。◆in the light of later events the decision was proved to be right.从后来发生的事看,这一决定是正确的。◆the decisions we take now may influence the course of events (= the way things happen) in the future.我们现在作出的决定可能会影响未来事情的发展。◆everyone was frightened by the strange sequence of events.人人都因接二连三的怪事感到恐惧。event [countable] a time when lots of people are invited to a particular place in order to spend time together having fun or taking part in an activity公开活动;社交场合◆details of meetings and social events are sent out to all club members.会议和社交活动的具体安排已发给俱乐部全体会员。◆the hospital is planning a major fund-raising event for june.这家医院正策划在六月份举办一次大型的筹款活动。event [countable] one of the races or competitions in a sports programme; a sports competition that takes place in one place over a short period of time, for example the olympic games(体育运动的)比赛项目;体育赛事(如奥运会等)◆the raft race was one of the final events of the river festival.木筏比赛是河节最后的活动之一。◆we're expecting to get medals in both track and field events.我们期待在田赛和径赛项目中都能得到奖牌。◆is the city ready to stage such a major sporting event?举办如此重大的体育赛事,这座城市准备好了吗?event/ɪˈvent ||; ɪˈvɛnt/noun[c] 1. something that happens, especially sth important or unusual 事件(尤指重要的或不寻常的): ◇ a historic event 历史性大事◇the events of the past few days have made things very difficult for the government. 过去几天发生的事使政府十分为难。 2. a planned public or social occasion (经计划的)公开活动,社交活动: ◇a fund-raising event 募集资金的活动 3. one of the races, competitions, etc in a sports programme (运动的)比赛项目: ◇the next event is the 800 metres. 下个比赛项目是800米赛跑。 at all events/in any event whatever happens 不管怎样;无论如何: ◇i hope to see you soon, but in any event i'll phone you on sunday. 我希望很快跟你见面,但不管怎样星期天我会给你挂电话。 in the event of sth(formal 正式) if sth happens 某事发生的话;倘若;万一: ◇in the event of fire, leave the building as quickly as possible. 万一遇上火警,应尽快离开大厦。 eventsee ⇨ game 2 ⇨ happen 7,8     • • •• ⇨ in the event of e·vent /ɪ`vɛnt; ɪˈvent/n [c] 1. something that happens, especially something important, interesting, or unusual [重要、有意思或不寻常的]事件:◇the most important events of the 1990s 20 世纪 90 年代最重大的几个事件◇course of events (=the way things happen) 事件的发展过程: nothing you could have done would have changed the course of events. 你无论做过什么都改变不了事件的进程。 2. a performance, competition, party etc that has been arranged for a particular date and time [事先安排好的]演出; 赛事; 聚会:◇a major sporting event 重大的体育赛事 3. in any event/at all events whatever happens 无论如何,不管怎样:◇in any event, it seems likely that prices will continue to rise. 不管怎样,看来物价还有可能继续上涨。 4. in the event of rain/fire/an accident etc formal if there is rain, a fire etc 【正式】 万一下雨/起火/发生意外等:◇britain agreed to support the us in the event of war. 英国答应一旦发生战争将支持美国。 5. in the event used to emphasize that you are saying what actually happened rather than what you thought would happen 事实上,结果是:◇in the event we didn't have to wait long for the results of the test. 事实上我们没等多久,测验结果就出来了。 ☞ event




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