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单词 coast
释义 coast nounadjective | ... of coast | verb + coast | coast + verb | coast + noun | preposition adjective➤rocky, rugged, wild多岩石的/崎岖的/荒凉的海岸▸➤east, eastern, etc.东海岸、东部的海岸等➤atlantic, mediterranean, etc.大西洋、地中海等海岸▸➤mainland大陆海岸▸➤sea海岸... of coast➤stretch一段海岸◆this stretch of coast is famous for its beaches.这段海岸以其海滩著称。verb + coast➤hit, reach到达海岸➤approach, near靠近海岸◆the boat sank as she neared the coast of ireland.船在驶近爱尔兰海岸的时候沉没了。➤follow, hug沿着/紧靠海岸◆the path hugs the coast all the way to riomaggiore.这条路紧紧沿着海岸一直延伸至里奥马焦雷。coast + verb➤stretch海岸延伸◆the coast stretched far into the distance.海岸一直延伸到远方。coast + noun➤highway, road滨海公路/道路preposition➤along the coast沿海岸◆we drove south along the coast.我们开车沿着海岸往南行。➤around the coast, round the coast (especially bre) 绕海岸◆they sailed around the coast to st john's.他们绕着海岸航行到了圣约翰斯。➤at the coast在海岸◆we spent a day at the coast.我们在海边度过了一天。➤off the coast离海岸◆an island two miles off the coast of brazil离巴西海岸两英里远的一个岛➤on the coast在沿海地区◆a village on the mediterranean coast地中海沿岸的一个村庄 coast noun  ➡ see also the entry for sea另见 sea 条coast ♦︎ beach ♦︎ seaside ♦︎ coastline ♦︎ waterfront ♦︎ shoreline ♦︎ sand ♦︎ lakeside ♦︎ seaboard ♦︎ seashorethese are all words for the land beside or near to the sea, a river or a lake.这些词均表示海滨、河岸或湖畔。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆along the coast / beach / coastline / waterfront / shoreline / sand / seaboard / seashore◆on the coast / beach / coastline / waterfront / shoreline / sands / lakeside / seaboard / seashore◆at the coast / beach / seaside / waterfront / seashore◆by the coast / seaside / waterfront / seashore / lakeside◆a long / beautiful / rocky coast / beach / coastline / shoreline◆a / an spectacular / unspoilt coast / beach / coastline◆a rugged coast / coastline / shoreline◆the north / northern / south / southern, etc. coast / coastline / seaboard◆to go to the coast / beach / seaside / seashore◆to follow the coast / coastline / shoreline◆the coast / beach / coastline / sand stretches for miles■ coast [countable, usually singular, uncountable] the land beside or near to the sea or ocean海岸;海滨◆we live in a town on the south coast of england.我们住在英格兰南海岸的一座城市。◆have you visited any of the islands off the west coast of ireland?你去过爱尔兰西海岸的岛屿吗?◆we walked along the coast for five miles.我们沿着海岸步行了五英里。◆the coast road is closed due to bad weather.滨海公路因天气恶劣而封闭。ⓘ it is nearly always the coast, except when it is uncountable or in the british english expression a sea coast.除用作不可数名词或出现在英式英语短语 a sea coast 外,coast 几乎总是与定冠词连用◆that's a pretty stretch of coast.那是一段美丽的海岸线。◆ (bre) the next scene is famously set on 'a sea coast in bohemia'.下一场戏因发生在“波希米亚海滨”而著名。■ beach [countable] an area of sand, or small stones, beside the sea or a lake海滩;沙滩;湖滨◆we could see tourists sunbathing on the beach.我们看到游客在海滩上沐日光浴。◆there are miles of beautiful sandy beaches.那里有绵延数英里的美丽沙滩。■ seaside /siːsaɪd/ [singular] (especially bre) an area that is by the sea, especially one where people go for a day or a holiday(尤指人们游玩、度假的)海边,海滨◆the children would love a day at the seaside.孩子们会喜欢在海边玩上一天的。ⓘ it is always the seaside, except when it is used before a noun.除用于名词前外,seaside 总是与定冠词连用◆a seaside resort / hotel / villa海滨度假区/旅馆/别墅 the seaside is british english; in american english seaside is only used before a noun. * the seaside 是英式英语;在美式英语中,seaside 只用于名词前。■ coastline /kəʊstlaɪn; name koʊstlaɪn/ [countable, usually singular, uncountable] the land along a coast, especially when you are thinking of its shape or appearance海岸线;海岸地形(或轮廓);沿海地带◆the highway gives stunning views of california's rugged coastline.在这条城际公路上可以饱览加利福尼亚崎岖海岸线的醉人美景。◆here are long stretches of unspoilt coastline.这里是绵延的原生态海岸线。■ waterfront /wɔːtəfrʌnt; name wɔːtərfrʌnt, wɑːtəfrʌnt/ (often the waterfront 常作 the waterfront) [countable, usually singular] a part of a town or an area that is next to water, for example in a harbour滨水路;滨水区;码头区◆we stayed in a beautiful apartment on the waterfront.我们住在一套漂亮的滨水公寓。■ shoreline /ʃɔːlaɪn; name ʃɔːrlaɪn/ (often the shoreline 常作 the shoreline) [countable] the edge of the sea, the ocean or a lake海岸线;湖滨线◆we walked along the rocky shoreline.我们沿着岩石嶙嶙的海岸线散步。note 辨析 coastline or shoreline?a coastline is always the edge of the sea or ocean, not a lake; coastline is usually used to talk about an area that is longer than a shoreline. * coastline 总是指海岸线,而非湖岸线,通常比 shoreline 长◆the british / mediterranean / saudi / turkish coastline英国/地中海/沙特/土耳其海岸线◆the dublin shoreline都柏林海岸线 the shoreline can also be used like the seashore to talk about the area next to the sea. * shoreline 亦可像 the seashore 一样用,指海滨地带◆she ran along the shoreline.她沿着海岸线跑步。■ sand [uncountable, countable, usually plural] a large area of sand on a beach沙滩◆we went for a walk along the sand.我们去沙滩上散了散步。◆with its miles of golden sands, this resort is heaven on earth.这个度假胜地拥有绵延数英里的金黄沙滩,真是人间天堂。■ lakeside /leɪksaɪd/ [singular] (usually the lakeside 通常作 the lakeside) the area around the edge of a lake湖边;湖岸;湖畔◆we went for a walk by the lakeside.我们去湖边散了散步。■ seaboard /siːbɔːd; name siːbɔːrd/ [countable, usually singular] the part of a country that is along its coast沿海地区;海滨◆the whales have been sighted along the north-eastern seaboard, from maine to new jersey.从缅因州到新泽西州的东北沿海地区发现有鲸鱼。ⓘ seaboard is used most often in the phrases eastern/western/atlantic seaboard, especially when referring to the united states, although it is also used to talk about other countries. * seaboard 主要用于短语 eastern/western/atlantic seaboard (东部/西部/大西洋沿海地区)中。该词虽亦用于指其他国家的沿海地区,但尤指美国此类地区。■ seashore /siːʃɔː(r)/ (usually the seashore 通常作 the seashore) [countable, usually singular] the land along the edge of the sea or ocean, usually where there is sand and rocks(通常有沙滩和岩石的)海岸,海滨◆he liked to look for shells on the seashore.他喜欢在海滨捡贝壳。note 辨析 beach or seashore? beach is usually used to talk about a sandy area next to the sea where people lie in the sun or play, for example when they are on holiday. seashore is used more to talk about the area by the sea in terms of things such as waves, sea shells, rocks, etc., especially where people walk for pleasure. * beach 通常指海滩,人们度假时可以躺着晒太阳或玩乐; seashore 多指有海浪、贝壳、岩石等的海岸,尤指人们散步消遣的海滨。 coast [countable, usually singular, uncountable] the land beside or near to the sea or ocean海岸;海滨◆we live in a town on the south coast of england.我们住在英格兰南海岸的一座城市。◆have you visited any of the islands off the west coast of ireland?你去过爱尔兰西海岸的岛屿吗?◆we walked along the coast for five miles.我们沿着海岸步行了五英里。◆the coast road is closed due to bad weather.滨海公路因天气恶劣而封闭。ⓘ it is nearly always the coast, except when it is uncountable or in the british english expression a sea coast.除用作不可数名词或出现在英式英语短语 a sea coast 外,coast 几乎总是与定冠词连用◆that's a pretty stretch of coast.那是一段美丽的海岸线。◆ (bre) the next scene is famously set on 'a sea coast in bohemia'.下一场戏因发生在“波希米亚海滨”而著名。coast¹/kəʊst ||; kost/noun [c] the area of land that is next to or close to the sea 海岸;沿海地区: ◇after sailing for an hour we could finally see the coast. 船航行了一个钟头后,我们终于看见了陆地。◇scarborough is on the east coast. 斯卡伯勒位于东海岸。 coast²/kəʊst ||; kost/verb[i] 1. to travel in a car, on a bicycle, etc (especially down a hill) without using power (乘汽车、骑自行车等)滑行(尤指下坡) 2. to achieve sth without much effort 轻易得到: ◇they coasted to victory. 他们轻易获胜。 coastsee ⇨ easy 3     • • •• ⇨ the coast☞ coast¹☞ coast²




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