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单词 zap
释义 zap(-pp-) [transitive] (informal) to destroy, kill or hit sb/sth suddenly and with force(突然而猛烈地)毁坏,杀死,打击◆the monster got zapped by a flying saucer (= in a computer game).怪兽被飞碟杀死了。◆he jumped like a man who'd been zapped with 1 000 volts.他像受到 1 000 伏电击似的猛跳起来。zap/zæp ||; zæp/verb (zapping;zapped) (informal 非正式) 1. [t] zap sb/sth (with sth) to destroy, hit or kill sb, usually with a gun or other weapon 干掉,杀死(通常用枪或其他武器): ◇it's a computer game where you have to zap aliens with a laser. 那是个计算机游戏,你得用激光干掉外星人。 2. [i,t] to change television programmes very quickly using an electronic device (remote control) (用遥控器)快速转换电视节目 zap /zæp; zæp/v [t]informal to kill or attack something very quickly 【非正式】 [快速地]杀害,攻击[某物]




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